ZP-153 BRAIN bio-computer BLOG war

Post date: Dec 31, 2020 6:31:22 AM

The BRAIN bio-computer BLOG war

From the Z-papers by Herb Zinser

Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE commands

Herb Zinser explains the Alan Sokal science wars of atoms, math equations, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbol life. The military SYMBOL MACHINE set-up by the New York Times, Duke University, Alan Sokal, and others for the Isaac Asimov SCIENCE WARS over the " Foundation" of civilization.

Paper 153 covers some areas of the brain SYMBOL MACHINE processor. The human brain bio-computer has existed for thousands of years. The copper wire computer hardware and software came into existence between 1950 and 1980. These copper systems are a partial MIRROR to the brain data processing systems. Let's look at some recent concepts in Darwin evolution of brain software and the newly developing BRAIN BLOG wars that are played out on the copper wire INTERNET computer system.

Are you a prisoner of the BLOG wars? Probably. Lack of awareness is a main descriptive trait of BRAIN molecular cell biology and its molecular JAIL cells.

An advanced bio-computer SYMBOL MACHINE output writer of system data records from 1856 to 1903.

Herbert Spencer.jpg

Herbert Spencer







Main interests

Notable ideas

Influenced by





HS steel portrait sig.jpg

Herbert Spencer (27 April 1820 – 8 December 1903) was an English philosopher, biologist, anthropologist, sociologist, and prominent classical liberal political theorist of the Victorian era.

Spencer developed an all-embracing conception of evolution as the progressive development of the physical world, biological organisms, the human mind, and human culture and societies. He was "an enthusiastic exponent of evolution" and even "wrote about evolution before Darwin did."[1] As a polymath, he contributed to a wide range of subjects, including ethics, religion, anthropology, economics, political theory, philosophy, biology, sociology, and psychology. During his lifetime he achieved tremendous authority, mainly in English-speaking academia. "The only other English philosopher to have achieved anything like such widespread popularity was Bertrand Russell, and that was in the 20th century."[2] Spencer was "the single most famous European intellectual in the closing decades of the nineteenth century


myoglobin, a protein found in the muscle cells of animals. It functions as an oxygen-

storage unit, providing oxygen to the working muscles

That is ...in modern bio-computer terms.....


myoglobin, a protein found in the muscle cells of animals. It's bio-math system ... functions as a Base 16 oxygen-data storage unit, providing oxygen to the working INTELLECTUAL base 16 hexadecimal muscles

Oxygen atomic mass 16 and its Base 16 hexadecimal data processing system

Stages of SYMBOL MACHINE evolution and perception of word commands


Create a model of the brain by using clay, playdough, styrofoam, recyclables, food, etc. Create a whole brain or use a brain atlas and create cross-sections of the ..


Create a model of the brain by using clay, playdough, styrofoam, recyclables, food, etc. Create a whole brain or use a brain atlas and create cross-sections of the ..


Create a model of the brain by using clay, playdough, styrofoam, recyclables, food, etc. Creat a whole brain or use a brain atlas and create cross-sections of the ..

Thus we see Nature's brain engineering systems and some clues about the problems caused by television programs and school athletic programs..... that program the bio-computer with thought and behavior instructions.

Thus we see that copper-wire computer BLOGS and Website technology provide clues about subconscious mind thought LEVELS and the Central Nervous System bio-computer bio-INTERNET structure.

WE are reminded of S.I. Hayakawa and his excellent concepts

    1. Language in Thought and Action: Fifth Edition [S.I. Hayakawa, Alan R. ... this classic work on semantics—now fully revised and updated—distills the ... use of the "operational definition" and the need to recognize different levels of abstraction.

      1. Language in Thought and Action is a book on semantics by Samuel IchiyeHayakawa, based on his previous work Language in Action published in 1939. .... free to manufacture and manipulate and assign values to our symbols as we please.