B100D Plasmid and Fermat's Last bio-math Theorem
Post date: Dec 29, 2020 12:15:58 AM
B100D Plasmid and
Fermat's Last bio-math Theorem
Atomic microbiology expressions VIA social sciences AND societal events
The Z-papers and N-papers on the FermiLAB Margaret Mead nuclear family of atomic humanoids helps explain the atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, and atomic economic expressions of Nature's periodic atomic table VIA its version of the F.B.I = FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois.
RD-blog-number-4171 by Herb Zinser reviews the information database of several tragic signaling EVENTS ... EVENTS that provide interesting clues about the secrets of microbiology, biochemistry, hepatology, and molecular cell biology.
What secrets?
Secrets about TIME, molecular murder systems, human B100D Plasmid computers, bio-math equations with Andrew Wiles of Princeton, etc.
Let's look at a blog post, repeated here, that mentions many concepts. Then we shall look at Fermat's Last Theorem and its existential structure and application on some of the 11-dimensions mentioned by string theorists ..... whose b100d veins are bio-strings in their atomic bio-physics human body ... and those bio-string vessels carry information cargo ..... convey information strings to their brain for OUTPUT expression ..... known as string theory.
The Chicago B100D Plasmid and optics war with the IRISH
Rd-blog-number-4170 By Herb Zinser reviews the information database of several signaling EVENTS that involve the human b100d SYMBOL PROCESSOR and the eye/optical nerve SYMBOL PROCESSOR of languages in the Chicago area
The Issac Asimov FOUNDATION series equation of psychohistory ….
B100D Plasmid –> subset sysbol codes –> 100 DP –> Base 16 Hex’100″ = 256 Data Processing
Optical word 100k –> 100 + K –> hex’100′ = 256 K optical data stream of photons/em wave with SYMBOLS/ concepts.
Hence, the IRISH equation with Mayor Daley and his optical people and author James Joyce from Dublin ( Dub + Blin –> Double blind people who failed their simple Double blind statistical test).
Keyword–> IRISH –> IRIS + H –> eye/IRIS Hexadecimal Base 16 project of Nature assigned to the IRISH. Most IRISH believe in language/word /brain manipulation and other social nonsense …. based on their theory of their INTELLECTUAL superiority and superior EATING abilities.
Hence, the Richard SpecK murders on 100th street in year 1966.
Richard Benjamin Speck[1] (December 6, 1941 – December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966..
The murders
At 11:00 p.m. on July 13, 1966, Speck broke into a townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood of Chicago
–> Speck –> implies Spectrum problems
–> 100th Street Building –> LOOK optics –> 100 K at SYMBOL BUILDINGS ..textbooks and publishing tricks
–> Richard Speck —> Richard Daley spectrum ERRORS of the IRISH and their IRIS / pupil/ retina/eye languages
Mayor Daley english –> Dal + ey + e –> Da + l + eye –> Data languagee eye
Thus the rigged, biased trial of Richard Speck that omitted many factors ….. all schemes and incomplete explanations approved by bragging citizens, university law schools, university schools of journalism, medical schools, the Federal Communication Commission on television optics to manipulate and control the huamn brain optical SYMBOL processor, etc.
Hence, we see the EAR/ MOUTH people in alloaince with the musics people and the ARTS in their attack upon the human eye and the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain SYMBOL PROCSSOR for algbera, physics, chemistry, biochemsitry,etc. that try to use white cellulose paper and black ink symbols in textbooks to accurately communicate scientic knowledge,etc.
Let’s look at more clues about the SCIENCE WARS with Nature’s blood and optics military defense system for knowledge.
I repeat another blog post here .. that suggests many concepts for your consideration and research needs.
The Battles of Blood Plasmid and Biological Clocks at Midway
Rd-blog-number-4165 by Herb Zinser reviews the information database provided by the year 1924 Robert Franks tragic signaling EVENT in the University of Chicago area with the Midway Plaisance.
Jump to University of Chicago – [edit]. A view of Midway Plaisance today with buildings of the University of Chicago campus in the background.
The above Earth geography region has biological structures in the descriptive FORMAT of university students, professors, administrators, and employees that occupy a human body with an
INTERNAL system that has blood plasmid … with an
EXTERNAL educational system centered –Midway Park and its roads.
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible.
Let’s repeat another blog post that outlines some of the concepts of interest regarding the Robert Franks murder in year 1924.
RD-blog-number-4162 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s atomic-bio-TIME WAR with the perception ERRORS of the University of Chicago and other schools.
The priority of the educational system, business society, labor unions, communities and cities is dinner TIME.
That is the only important thing that exists in their minds… even in year 2014 ..with a adequate supply of food in grocery stores and restaurants.
Hence, the TIME WAR is ignored ….. what time does football game begin?
However, despite the lack of interest in existence expressions on EARTH …we shall continue.
First, we shall repeat another blog post .. that explains many concepts. Then we add some additional concepts regarding NATURE’s fundamental definition of life.
In year 1924, the microbiology murder of Robert Franks …. and Leopold and Loeb at the Winderrmere Hotel on 56th Street.
Sep 26, 2009 – Years of speculation by researchers about whether Leopold or Loeb originally … to a 63rd street drug store, where he would receive a telephone call …. while housed in separate rooms at the Windermere Hotel on 56th and …
Both Leopold and Loeb transfer to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where … at the Windermere Hotel on 56th and Hyde Park Blvd., Leopold and Loeb lead .
In that case, the EVENT database states that Iron isotope-56 of the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ….. sent the atomic symbol Fe message via the 56th Street signal.
Hence, the atomic number 26 of the ferrous oxide IRON atom has 26 atomic English alphabet letters ….. and atomic IRON isotope 56 with atomic mass 56 is going to use human reporters with IRON myogoblin protein writing muscles in their arm, wrist, and hand … to report OUTPUT messages from the periodic atomic table of mass ….. those atomic mass messages will appear embedded as subsets within the mass communication system (print, graphic arts, radio).
Hence, the year 1924 keyword –> life –> L i fe –> Language interface ferrous oxide IRON atom.
Hence, the Robert Franks equation ..age 14 x 4 iron atoms = Hotel 56 –> hemoglobin hotel
Encyclopaedia Britannica
It is the iron atom that binds oxygen as the blood travels between the lungs and the tissues.
There are four iron atoms in each molecule of hemoglobin ..
hence, the Robert Franks age 14 signal expressed
at the (Charles Darwin) … (Dar)Windermere Hotel on 56th Streetwhich is near the living EARTH cell and theblood plasmid communications route ….
………..The Midway
Jump to University of Chicago – [edit]. A view of Midway Plaisance today with buildings of the University of Chicago campus in the background.
Below, Wilson Hall physics and the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists in
Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family message systems …gave an atomic bulletin to police officer Darren Wilsonwith Bullet instruction ..hence, the atomic social science DEMO in Ferguson, St.Louis, Missouri with Michael Brown representing Einstein’s Brownian motion message.
Thus we have the IRON atomic, biological clock … with the 4 iron atoms in Hemoglobin LINKED to the biological clock of the 4 DNA nucleotides ……… hence, Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE language and its explanation —> Language interface Fe (atomic symbol)
spells –> Life.
Now, let’s repeat at another blog that cover many features of biology time.
Microbiology time war
RD-blog-number-4159 by Herb Zinser reviews the microbiology time war of the 20 standard AMINO ACIDS at Virginia TECH and Fort Hood (military site for Texas A&M AMINO ACID problem university). These tragic signaling EVENTS ..the shootings ..provided a feedback signal to year 1924 …and the 24 hour clock CRIME in the Hyde Park region of the University of Chicago.
Thus recent events ………. Virginia TECH shooting and the Fort Hood amino acid BATTLE provided some information pointers ….. that lead us back to year 1924.
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia …
Seung-Hui Cho – Liviu Librescu – Kevin Granata – Jamie Bishop
2009 Fort Hood shooting
On November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas.[1] Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people.
Hasan was born in Arlington County, Virginia, to Palestinian parents who …
He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1997 with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry.
Nidal Hasan (intials NH ) assigned by Darwinian selection to Nature’s biochemistry military system ….NH representing
Now, let’s repeat another blog post that outlines many concepts. Then we shall continue with the molecular level TIME war discussion.
RD-blog-number-4159 by Herb Zinser reviews the 1924 murder of Robert Franks in the University of Chicago microbiology research region.Robert Franks, victim of Leopold & Loeb law2.umkc.edu/…/leoploeb/LEO_FR…University of Missouri–Kansas CityRobert Franks. Bobby Franks was age 14 when he was picked up and murdered while on his way home from the Harvard School in Chicago’s fashionable Hyde …Leopold and Loeb – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold_and_LoebWikipediaJump to Murder of Robert Franks – [edit]. “Bobby” Franks with his father sometime after 1920. Leopold (then 19 years old) and Loeb (18) settled on …The HYDE Park region in Chicago ………
The keywords from the University of Chicago microbiology …… social science expression event in year 1924 ..
—> Robert Franks –> algebra subset alphabet letters –> Rob rank –> implies microbiology RANK and FILE.Around year 1940..an important book appeared that provided a FOUNDATION on microbiology internals ..in the physical biology sense …… and since then Nature’s microbiology social engineering systems have built a Carl Jung molecular biology .. molecular cell collective …. cell thoughts at the unconsciouness level ….. a collective unconsciouness database that is emerging to a level of conscious expression in year 2014.
Leopold and Loeb – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold_and_LoebWikipedia”Bobby” Franks with his father sometime after 1920. … upon Robert “Bobby” Franks, the 14-year-old son of wealthy Chicago watch manufacturer Jacob Franks.The other keywords –> wealthy –> subset code –> thy –> thyroid gland and its output social engineering, social economic expression system on the EARTH geography surface using human display devices as thyroid gland agents for thyroid gland business and economic activities.The external world of BUSINESS …
subset code BUS <—> Mirror word <—> SUB –> subconsciousness mind expressions
Thus we see the Herbert Spencer model described between year 1856 and 1872.Herbert Spencer – Page 100 – Google Books Resultbooks.google.com/books?id=GiwRAAAAYAAJ
John Arthur Thomson – 1906
Principles of Biology, Spencer……emphasized the fact of … If life be correspondence between internal and external relations, then …Thus we have the INTERNAL biology source domain and the thyroid gland and its social philosophy thoughts and its family engineering project plans and LIMITS ….. and the bio-math mapping / correspondence to the destination range in EXTERNAL display format using humans and their activities, behavior, attitudes, or SOCIAL process control systems and the feedback ERROR signal in the FORMAT of a crime, disease, or accident.
Let’s look the year 2014 version of microbiology …and the microbiology ordered assassination of Robert Kennedy.The assassination of Robert Francis “Bobby” Kennedy, a United States Senator and brother of assassinated President John Fitzgerald “Jack” Kennedy, took place shortly after midnight on June 5, 1968, in Los Angeles, California, during the campaign season for the United States Presidential election, 1968.Robert F. Kennedy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._KennedyWikipediaRobert Francis “Bobby” Kennedy (November 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968), commonly … He served as a Senator for New York from 1965 until his assassination in 1968.
He was previously the 64th U.S. Attorney General from 1961 to 1964, serving …Thus Robert Kennedy was microbiology human structure that violated the microbiology SOCIAL CONTRACT laws with Nature as outlined by John Locke and others.
John Locke was the well-known expression structure for the LOCK and KEY model.
Apparently many of the SYMBOL LIFE ideas and concepts as expressed by John Locke never accomplished a binding to the molecular substrate known as —-> Robert Kennedy molecular cell biology bio-computer brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.. That binding required some INTELLECTUAL effort by Robert Kennedy and the universities he attended.
Thus in year 2014 …we use the systems approach and the Theory of Everything ..and reviewed the 1924 Robert Franks data signal and the 1968 Robert Kennedy data signal.
Both involved wealthy families —> wealthy –> subset letters –> thy –> thyroid gland ANGER expressions at the bull-stories by individuals, society, and various institutions.
The Thyroid (Human Anatomy): Picture, Function, Definition …http://www.webmd.com/women/picture-of-the-thyroidWebMD
Learn about the conditions that affect this organ as well as its function and location … The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of the neck.The Lungs – What Is a Goiter? – Autoimmune Thyroiditis – Physical Exam
Thus we see the Darwinian evolution of the thyroid gland and its selective usage of the English language WORDS and proper nouns, etc …to create data generating events ….. such as Robert Franks and Robert Kennedy …that express the THYROID Gland social engineering and brain engineering thought system ..anger ..over family policy or social policy by the citizens of the United States and their communities.Other SYMBOL MACHINE word analysis tools …reviewing the 1924 Robert Franks database–> year 1924 –> 24 hour clock and the human biological clock (Life Span)–> father was a Chicago watch manufacture –> watch –> TIME signals–> father was a Chicago watch manufacture –> watch / look /see how the new MICROBIOLOGY systems approach works in year 2014
Above, the message of TWO governments ……. the INTERNAL biology government of the Central Nervous System with brain THOUGHT management …… and the EXTERNAL governments that operate on the EARTH geography surface and consist of geography countries with administration systems, businesses, etc involving millions of people.Keyword ..wealthy –> component code –> we + alt + hy –> west hemisphere + altitude above sea level implies attitude and brain altitude ( arrogant snob or study math higher thought levels) + highway …. geography highways and brain road maps.Maps and Territories – RijnlandmodelLanguage in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Above …. the brain algebra, physics, and biochemistry …. SYMBOLS, equations, flowchart … requirements for a healthyBLADDER and Gall-bladder.Thus a healthy Bladder …links the
thy (thyroid gland code to the DNA abstraction ladder)
Now let’s continue with the microbiology TIME WAR..
The staring event was the 1924 murder of Robert Franks —-> implies 24 hour clock..
His father was a wealthy Chicago watch manufacture –> confirms the concept of TIME and the 24 hour clock problem.
Robert –> subset letter code –> Rob –> implies microbiology area, biochemistry, molecular cell biology, etc.
Franks –> component codes –> F + rank + s –> Base 16 Hex’F’ rank and file system of molecular bio-computer structures inside the human body/brain AND the external mirror of societal structure.
A good example of this INTERNAL administrative system and its MIRROR … EXTERNAL organization …is UPS = United Parcel Service.
Over millions of years of evolution ….. Nature has learned how to take molecule packages and distribute them thru out the human body.
For example, you a have a desire for some sugar cookies, you eat some cookies and they go into the stomach and are processor, then a little later the INTERNAL United Parcel Service deliver the sugar molecules to various INTERNAL geography address sites ….. using the blood arteries as a roadway …as the sugar molecule l are transported to the final cusiomer site (perhaps a muscle that needs some sugar energy).
This system ..perfected over thousands of years .. is then used by the BRAIN to build an EXTERNAL package delivery system …with the same organizational concepts …. using concrete /cement roadways …but in a super-symmetry sense …a parallel situation…hence, Nature’s efficiency. Hence, the EXTERNAL version of United Parcel Service –> code –> United Par + cel Service –> INTERNAL name –> United particle cellular service
Returning to Robert Franks ..year 1924 –> 24 Hours
Franks –> component codes –> F + rank–> Base 16 Hex’F’ = 15 .
Now, we look at the Virginia TECH English department and the words…..
English class writes –> twenty-four hours = 24 hours per day …in math terms
…………………………….twenty minus four ………
Math class perceives ….20 – 4 = 16 hours per day
Thus we have a paradox … a contradiction …a TIME dilemma … a biological clock problem
The 1st sign of the problem came of April 16, 2007 …..
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia …
Seung-Hui Cho – Liviu Librescu – Kevin Granata – Jamie Bishop
Apr 6, 2014 – Seung-Hui Cho was a senior at Virginia Tech, majoring in English. … shootings in classrooms at Norris Hall, the engineering science and mechanics … December 9, 2010 – The U.S. Department of Education releases a report …
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart.
Thus we have CLUES …..
a) English department expression agent
b) Mr. Cho –> secret code –> C + Ho –> Clock Hour messenger
c) message involves Norris Hall engineers with math … and their perception of TIME
d) April 16 suggests Base 16 hexadecimal systems
e) 2 separate attacks …2 hours apart –> implies ,,,suggests ..something about 2 …such as 2 answers (for example ..in algebra class … 1 quadratic equation has 2 root answers)
Thus …. the CLUES sit …no one works on the puzzle.
Therefore Nature creates the next signal …. using Darwinian selection of a Virginia TECH biochemistry major to be the Fort Hood shooter in year 2009.
a) biochemistry shooting EVENT at Fort Hood authorized by microbiology military defense systems and the usage of a human enforcer of biochemistry LAWS
b) Nidal Hasan intials (NH) and his biochemsitry background suggest some LINK. A simple investigation shows ….
Hence, the biochemistry professor at BOSS University in Boston …. Isaac Asimov
and the psychohistory equation –> NH +SH –> Nidal Hasan SHOOT
c) possible clues. ..amino acids …. what is it about amino acids
4) okay ..
Nidal Hasan code NH –> amino acids –> twenty amino acids
Nidal Hasan from Virginia TECH …… referback CLUE to Virginia TECH ….
prior event on April 16, 2007 with English department TIME equation …
English –> Twenty – four hours = 24 hours in a day
with the important Nidal Hasan amino acid database CLUE …
we now read ..the
modern English –> Twenty amino acids – four = 24 hours on April 16.
Okay …we a have 2 possible answers 24 and 16 ….like a double-helix answer to an equation.
What does four say?
What is four 4 …. 4 biochemistry ….what would Nidal Hasan say at his biochemistry military defense trial if asked about number 4.
Nov 16, 2009 – . There are 4 nucleotides that make up DNA …. A = Adenine T = Thymine C = Cytosine G = Guanine
Now, the advanced English department equation reads….
—> Twenty amino acids – four DNA nucleotides = 24 hours on April 16
Now ….. in math words we have number …..
—> Twenty amino acids – four DNA nucleotides = 24 hours on April 16
—> 20 amino acids plus/or minus four –> gives 2 answers –. 24 and 16
Okay ..now we see the microbiology TIME WAR and brain engineering time …. written separately …
a) Twenty amino acids plus four DNA nucleotides –> work 24 hours a day (like your heart and lung work 24 hours around the clock)
b) Twenty amino acids minus four DNA nucleotides –> 16 hours per day that we are awake …our brain and eyes are active
Thus we have the difference .. between the 2 TIME equations is the 8 hours of sleep.
8 … 8 8 data bits …sleep … human bio-computer processing BATCH JOB that needs 8 hours of exclusive use of the bio-system AS it links into some of the 11-dimensions of string theory ..such as the gravity field OR the North Pole magnetic field interaction with the human body processor.
Thus we have several pieces to a puzzle ….. but, more work and thought needs to be done.
It is year 2014 ….. 90 years ago in 1924 … Robert Franks and his FATHER TIME (Chicago watch manufacturer) became involved in a TIME war between NATURE’s systems and the University of Chicago and others.
The year 2007 signal was ignored …… the year 2009 signal was ignored …..WHO cares?
Now, let’s return to Robert Franks and year 1924….. and Father Time (agent Jacobs Franks ……. the father of Robert)
Both Leopold and Loeb transfer to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where … at the Windermere Hotel on 56th and Hyde Park Blvd., Leopold and Loeb lead .
In that case, the EVENT database states that Iron isotope-56 of the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ….. sent the atomic symbol Fe message via the 56th Street signal.
Hence, the atomic number 26 of the ferrous oxide IRON atom has 26 atomic English alphabet letters ….. and atomic IRON isotope 56 with atomic mass 56 is going to use human reporters with IRON myogoblin protein writing muscles in their arm, wrist, and hand … to report OUTPUT messages from the periodic atomic table of mass ….. those atomic mass messages will appear embedded as subsets within the mass communication system (print, graphic arts, radio).
Hence, the year 1924 keyword –> life –> L i fe –> Language interface ferrous oxide IRON atom.
Hence, the Robert Franks equation ..age 14 x 4 iron atoms = Hotel 56 –> hemoglobin hotel
Encyclopaedia Britannica
It is the iron atom that binds oxygen as the blood travels between the lungs and the tissues.
There are four iron atoms in each molecule of hemoglobin ..
hence, the Robert Franks age 14 signal expressed
at the (Charles Darwin) … (Dar)Windermere Hotel on 56th Streetwhich is near the living EARTH cell and theblood plasmid communications route … using the EXTERNAL motor vehicle arteries of the MIDWAY to symbolize INTERNAL blood arteries….
………..The Midway
Jump to University of Chicago -
Thus we have the IRON atomic, biological clock … with the 4 iron atoms in Hemoglobin LINKED to the biological clock of the 4 DNA nucleotides ……… hence, Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE language and its explanation —> Language interface Fe (atomic symbol)
spells –> Life.
How, let’s l0ok at biology data processing ….SYMBOL LIFE and thought …. relationship CODES of iron.
The HEME group Fe(ii) ion …also written as Fe(2)
Jump to Structure – Myoglobin contains a heme (prosthetic) group which is responsible for its … However, when iron oxidized from ferrous ion (Fe2+) to ferric ion …
Thus we have the Isaac Asimov biochemistry professor and his FOUNDATION series message equation (psychohistory) ……….
Fe (2) –> suggest the components ..base 2 binary computer code and Fe atomic mass 56.
The simple concatenation of 2 and 56 –> 256
Now we known that base 2 and base 16 hexadecimal are related ….
The base 16 hex code ..
Hex’0FF” = 255 = high-values –> Off –> Official high-values
Hex’100″ = 256 –> Heme group code Fe(2) for your b100d …..
providing you have taught yourself and your b100d cell alpha/numeric code ….
giving you alpha/numeric blood SYMBOL LIFE and LIFE to langauge ..giving the living language.
Thus number 100 becomes an important component of 2 words.
in the living language TYPE of B100d with an effort to have fully function personality (Alfred K.semantics) …we a have
100K –> number 100 and alphabet symbol K –> 100 K optical data stream
B100D –> letter Base + number hex”100″ of level 256 b100d government messages + Data
Thus LiFe has another feature –> Language interface Hex’Fe” = 254 —> spells Life thus LINKING Fe (Ferrous oxide IRON atom ) and atomic base oxygen atom … in the myoglobin and hemoglobin iron/oxygen LIVING LANGUAGE communications system .. used by cells and molecules and processes ..to express their INTERNAL view /perspective of social engineering and brain engineering polices for the EXTERNAL world of universities with concrete /iron buildings and classrooms,etc.
Thus we see the B100d plasmid WARS and their EXTERNAL expression signals and signs VIA proper nouns, labels, identifiers, etc.. ..that may exist and may be associated with signaling EVENTS in a format of crime, accident, happening, etc.
Thus the DP = Data Processing with Assembler language …and the tampering of that B100D assembler language by arrogant people.
Thus the bio-computer B100P program instrcutions …might look like the MORE VISIBLE copper-wire version shown below.
Thus we have the Chicago blood plasmid wars LINKED into with biological clock.
Bl00D Plasmid —> subset letter code –> Mid –> Pointer to Midway area streets ..such as IRON atomic number 56 –> 56th Street.
In year 1966 the Battle of B100D on 100th Street ………
Richard Benjamin Speck[1] (December 6, 1941 – December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966.
The murders
At 11:00 p.m. on July 13, 1966, Speck broke into a townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood of Chicago
townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street
townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street
townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street..
Hence, the microbiology / hepatology blood signal ………….
The Virginia TECH shooting on April 16 –> the Base 16 hexadecimal B100D display at the Norris Hall b100d SYMBOL MACHINE engineering building.
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia …
Seung-Hui Cho – Liviu Librescu – Kevin Granata – Jamie Bishop
Thus you have a few examples of university approved cover-ups … as college graduates manipulate and distort the explanations given for EVENTS for their amusement.
University of Chicago
Journalism, arts and media converge and flourish at the University of Chicago. Through the University of Chicago’s strong liberal arts curriculum, and the new …
Medill School of Journalism
Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications – Northwestern University.
At Cole Hall .. another b100d display …. blood wave mechanics in the George Orwell Oceania …. ocean classroom.
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people.
Thus we had the modern Battle of Water100 …… water and ocean classroom.
Battle of Water100
Battle of Water100
Battle of Water100 –> 100 –> B100d signal for
Water100, Wisconsin and the
TIME magazine publisher in year 2004 ….
Base 2 exponent 004 –> Base 16 ….
connect to Computer Earth system 370
geography computer address space ….
Hexadecimal Highway 16, Wisconsin.
Thus we have the Base 16 hexadecimal highway B100d display in Oconomowoc.
Above, last sentence words —> her back –> implies …blood social engineering control systems FEEDBACK ERROR message.
What additional signal exists in the EVENT database?
Mark D. Totzke –> initals –> MDT –> bio-computer term for data field display attributes in IBM CICS –> MDT = Modified Data Tag.
File Aid Tutorial … IBM’s Customer Information Control System (CICS) is an on-line …… A62) MDT ( Modified Data Tag ) is one bit of the attribute character.
CICS : FSET and FRSET. … FRSET(flag reset) turns off the modified data tag in the attribute bytes for all the … Find out the value of a field in the Abend-aid dum.
HANDLE AID Command. 7.6. … Chapter4: Characteristics of CICS ….. Only when MDT is on, will the data of the field be sent by the terminal hardware to the host …
CICS Restart/Recovery handles this in the event of a system crash. …. Extrapartion TD queues have the following properties: …. Although the AID key is known at the beginning of the task, the HANDLE AID branch … Its final bit is the modified data tag (MDT), which signals whether CICS should transmit the field to the host.
Thus you have SYMBOL MACHINE clues to the puzzle that was started in year 1924 with the Robert Franks murder.
This is year 2014 ….. additional pieces to the puzzle remain … and the outline given above .. needs improvement ..with better flowcharts and diagrams etc.
You know ….. that sounds like a good job for you .. the modern amateur detective ….. like Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Piorot.
Case Closed: Agatha Christie’s Detective Poirot Solves His …
Aug 13, 2014 – After decades on air, Poirot’s 13th and final season begins Aug. 25. David Suchet still stars as detective Hercule Poirot, but you won’t find the …
Hercule –> code –> her + cule –> Hertzian EM wave partial interaction with molecule structure …. like yourself.
Thus we see Nature’s ordered assassination of the IRISH human in year 1963 … President Kennedy for his optical errors and the language perception errors and arrogance of the DEMOCRAT party.
IRISH DEMOCRAT –> subset letter codes –> IRIS + H + OCR –> eye/IRIS / puplil + Hexadecimal Base 16 + human bio-computer OCR (Optical Character Reader) ….. who only sees the ancient, out-dated CATHOLIC perception of a bedroom female CAT …and refused to upgrade to Nature’s Base 16 Hexadecimal SYS1. CATALOG and obey the SOCIAL CONTRACT ( laws and limits) with Nature as outlined by John Locke and others.
Hence, the selection of the assassination site in the Dallas Public region –> code –> DP = Data Processing of the city of the Carl Jung human bio-computer collective known as DP = Data processing –> Dallas Public style.
Hence, the Base 16 hex message for those that study the affairs of the EARTH geography computer address location –> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Hence base 16 multiply number 100 of B100D –> 1600
Base 16 multiply number 100 of optical word ..look —> 1600
What exists at that address in Washington, DC?
The Tale of 2 cities –> the tale of 2 White Houses.
Now, let's continue with Andrew Wiles and Fermat's Last Theorem.
University of Oxford · Princeton University ... Main article: Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. Starting ... Andrew Wiles before the statue of Pierre de Fermat in ...
Richard Taylor - Fermat Prize - Manjul Bhargava - John H. Coates
Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem - Wikipedia, the free ...
Andrew Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem is a proof of the modularity theorem for .... In early 1993, Wiles reviewed his argument beforehand with a Princeton ...
Thus we have the Isaac Asimov biochemistry bio-math equation as outlined in the Foundation series with psychohistory.
Big Think
Nov 10, 2010 - So think of this 11-dimensional arena and in this arena there are bubbles, ... Well in string theory—which is what I do for a living; that's my day ...
Jump to Number of dimensions - In classical string theory the number of dimensions is not fixed ... One such theory is the 11-dimensional M-theory, which ...
Introduction to M-theory - M-theory - Theory of everything - String
Thus .. given the multi-faceted dimensions of Sartre existentialism and formats of expression .......
we look at Princeton University ..... and wonder what dimension they LIVE and THINK in.
Let's consider Andrew Wiles and his B100D and B100D Plasmid.
His blood contains Fe --> Ferrous oxide IRON atom.
Word --> Fermat --> symbol components --> Fe + rm + mat --> Ferrous oxide rooms mathematics.
The word --> Plasmid --> subset letters --> Las --> suggest word --> LAST
Thus the Ferrous oxide rooms/cells/molecules/proteins in the b100d are LINKED to the LAST component within word --> Plasmid.
Are the FERMAT ......ferrous oxide rooms/ electron orbits or neutrons or proton rooms?
Now remember IRON atomic number 26 is LINKED to the 26 letters of the English alphabet ... hence, the language and English dictionary which such words as ... this is ironic !
Thus we have an interesting concept ...different levels of perception ..on the application of Fermat's Last Theorem on rooms / space time cubes.
For example ...let's take the iron Hemoglobin proteins within the EARTH LAB human specimen named --> Andrew Wiles.
His INTERNAL Fermat's theorem occupies iron room in a molecule.
Then Nature's human specimen decides to drive to work on the last work day of the week. He enters an iron room on 4-wheels named a motor vehicle ... his last weekly drive to the Princeton campus.
He takes the scenic route to work ..... passes the grid iron football field .... stops to get a newspaper to read about the events in Fe --> Ferrous oxide city of Fe = Ferguson, Missouri (November 2014) and its Darren Wilson LINK to FermiLAB.
Finally he gets to MATH building (concrete and iron structure) ...leaves one iron room (the moving automobile) and enters a new larger iron room (the fixed building).
He goes to lunch at the campus cafeteria ......... another EARTH iron core (ferrous oxide) North pole magnetic field facility for
professors ..... ferrous oxide expression structures.
At lunch they talk small talk about movies, tell jokes, week-end plans, etc ...the normal social conversation at the lu = logical unit ROC --> LUNCH ..a Region of Convergence.
At last lunch ends and they return to think about their lives as subsets embedded within Nature's vast systems ...and the Earth Language of the Earth ATLAS ....
Professors at lunch ..
Professors --> pro + fe + ss + orbitals --> Protons Ferrous oxide atom .......
At last lunch
At last lunch
Thus a group of professors start lunch ...... 26 minutes later ..... lunch ends.
One professor says (referring to yesterday) ...at the LAST lunch we talked about going to see that IRON MAN movie? Anyone Interested?
Thus in year 2014 ...we see Princeton University embedded within a secret world ... and they ain't talking ..except to the Fe = Ferrous oxide thought CONTROL AGENT known as their wiFe.
Thus .....
Jul 9, 2001 - 4 posts - 4 authors
Earth's mass is 6.580 sextillion tons according to the World Book of Facts ... two meteors about the size of an open hand hit the earth each day.
planet earth size weight population land area water area ...
Planet Earth dot. Estimated Weight (mass) 5,940,000,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons dot. Estimated Age 4.6 billion years.
Has Princeton forgotten their Earthly heritage and the Earth's ferrous oxide IRON room .. concept equation ?