Waco BANDIDOS vs Bill Gates DOS

Post date: Dec 28, 2020 6:51:57 AM

Waco, Texas Bandidos DOS bio-computer code EXPOSES Microsoft DOS human errors

Atomic microbiology expressions VIA social sciences AND societal events

The Z-papers and N-papers on the FermiLAB Margaret Mead nuclear family of atomic humanoids helps explain the atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, and atomic economic expressions of Nature's periodic atomic table VIA its version of the F.B.I = FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois.

RD-blog-number-5778 by Herb Zinser looks at the human bio-computer wars and the atomic, bio-physics battle in WACO, TEXAS.


1 day ago - May 17, 2015 saw a tense but regularly scheduled meeting at a Waco restaurant between members of rival motorcycle clubs the Bandidos, the the Cossacks and smaller support clubs explode into a bloody shootout. When it was all over, nine people had been killed, 18 others shot and hundreds arrested, held on one million dollars bail each. The scene of the crime was chaos, with bodies and bullet casings everywhere, hundreds of police officers and SWAT members on the scene and bikers sitting under guard.

members of rival motorcycle clubs the Bandidos, the the Cossacks

members of rival motorcycle clubs the Bandidos, the the Cossacks

members of rival motorcycle clubs the Bandidos, the the Cossacks

Bandidos, the the Cossacks

Bandidos, the the Cossacks





May 19, 2015 - A fight broke out among rival biker gangs in Waco, Texas, on Sunday, May 17, leaving at least nine people dead. At least 170 people were ..

leaving at least nine people dead in human bio-computer WAR

leaving at least nine people dead

leaving at least nine people dead ---> 9 data bits ( 8 data bits is 1 byte and .... 1 error checking parity bit)

Basic troubleshooting steps that can be performed in Microsoft DOS to resolve problems you may be having.

Band Microsoft DOS troubleshooting

Band i dos --> Band interface DOS

versus (ato)Microsoft DOS mind control schemes,

Base 16 HEX / curse of data processing murder system problem in society,

and DOS brain programming errors

USA Today

2 days ago - WACO, Texas — Nearly a thousand bikers gathered in downtown Waco on Sunday to protest what they say was unfair treatment by law ...

1,000 binary code --> Decimal number 8

Let's look at the atomic English language and its proper nouns as they are used at various levels of existence on EARTH.

Let's start with the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought.

The atomic table uses atomic, molecular human expression agents and business corporations ..... to act as representatives for Nature's various systems.

Thus proper nouns and their atomic character or mathematical engineering character ...

--> President N (Nixon) for Avogadro's number in year 1970

Feb 19, 2015 - One mole of oxygen atoms contains 6.02214179×1023 oxygen atoms.

The number 6.02214179×1023 alone is called Avogadro's number (N) ...

Introduction - ‎Applications of the Mole - ‎Applications - ‎Practice Problems

--> President Bush Sr (year 1990) and President Bush Jr (year 2004)


"The Bush Differential Analyser and its Implications". ... Hazen recognized that a "torque amplifier", which had been invented in 1925 by Henry W. Nieman and ...

---> President O (Obama) for O = Oxygen base map .... Base 16 hexadecimal LUNG breathing entity in Washington,DC

--> atomic basketball with Chicago Bulls

.......... Michael Jordan ... DISPLAYS secret codes

of the atomic social sciences and mathematics curves

In topology, a Jordan curve is a non-self-intersecting continuous loop in the plane, and another name for a Jordan curve is a simple closed curve.

Definitions and the statement ... - ‎Proof and generalizations

continuous loop in the plane

continuous loop in the plane

continuous loop in the plane .... the CHicago LOOP (downtown area)

--> atomic business

........... .microsoft corportation (DOS software) with

Bill (electron brain logic) Gates


In electronics, a logic gate is an idealized or physical device implementing a Boolean function; that is, it performs a logical operation on one or more logical ...

Boolean function - ‎Inverter - ‎Logic family - ‎List of Boolean algebra topics

The schemantic of the brain model .... the brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR interior of model Mr.Gates and others.

Thus at the atomic level we have atomic Microsoft and its EARTH geography surface computer software activities that are visible to all ...via published computer manuals on DOS.

Mr. Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Mr. Robert Gates (Secretary of Defense for brain systems and the ink PEN ... SYMBOL MACHINE Pentagon) are EARTH LAB human specimens with a high levels of functional brain circuitary.

At the molecule level of expression .. we have the Isaac Asimov clue


Foundation and Empire is a novel written by Isaac Asimov that was published ... As the Mule advances the Foundation's leaders assume that Seldon predicted ...

--> the word -->

Molecule --> subset word


The English pronoun --> Me ... is a code for molecule humans

The English pronoun --> My --> refers to your myoglobin proteins

Molecule ... subset letter code


Below, we have the Darwinian atomic and molecule relationship DEMO using EARTH geography surface display devices.

At the atomic level Mr.Gates with Microsoft ...... a business organization that exists at various levels of REALITY ..... with the visible VERSION existing on the EARTH geography surace in the city of Seattle, Washington ...the visible corpoarte entity provides some clues about the structure of some of NATURE's systems at other levels.

Below, the atomic projections in humanoid FORMAT with logic gates.

Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE keyword identifier ..Melinda --> code --> Me + lin + da --> Molecule line data

Thus her subconscious mind helped in the choice of the molecular design of the offices buildings .....

Morphology Control of Ordered Mesoporous Carbon

Using HUMAN Organic-Templating

Approach in SEATTLE

Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE keyword identifier ..

Melinda --> code --> Me + lin + da --> Molecule line data.

Other women are messenegrs.

Take Linda Tripp.

    • Linda Tripp: The Keeper of Secrets -- Her Own

    • partners.nytimes.com/library/politics/031598clinton-tripp.html

    • Mar 15, 1998 - Even Linda Rose Tripp was afraid of being betrayed. ... her home in suburban Maryland and not returned to her desk at the Pentagon.

    • Linda Tripp --> linda --> lin + da --> Line data

    • Tripp --> tri + pp

    • --> Trip(traveling information ) parallel processing AGENT

    • Maryland --> Earth mathematical-physics geography surface

    • Maryland --> subset codes --> Ma + ary + lan + d --> Math array local area network data .

    • Thus we have COMPUTER EARTH and its matrices ...

This feature of EARTH and its history are well known to the base 16 hexadecimal programmers at Microsoft

The Base 16 President was Lincoln --> code --> Lin + col + n ---> lines coumns n (square matrix probably)

Thus we see the human bio-computer SYSTEM in year 1860 with Hannibal -->

Thus ..what is the difference in the SYMBOL MACHINE agents Melida and Linda Tripp.

Linda from Maryland geography --> represents an EARTH geography surface LINEAR ALGEBRA system and its Line data (linda)

Me + linda --> Molecule line data ..... LINKED to atomic Microsoft gates.

Thus we have 2 agents of information ..... LINES of DATA ...... existing at different perspectives ..... like Einstein's theiory of relative sizes and viewing postions.

Each human agent has a profile ... of words, nouns, locations, etc .... that help describe their role in Nature's expression systems. However, these people do not communicate with researchers .... .they believe they belong to some elite SECRET SOCIETY that is superior to the periodic atomic table , NATURE , and the Solar System social engineering project plans for EARTH civilizations.

Bandidos, the the Cossacks at Waco --> wa + co --> WAR CODE

Bandidos, the the Cossacks



Let's look at more clues about the WACO symbolism.



the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or

by expressing the invisible or

intangible by means of visible

Rd-blog-number-5770 by Herb Zinser looks at the Central Nervous System (CNS) INTELLECTUAL battle for control of Central Texas civilian populations and their brain cells. The battle was transformed into a physical conflict that was played out in Waco Texas.


International Business Times

A motorcycle is seen on a wrecker before it is removed from the Twin Peaks restaurant, where nine members of a motorcycle gang were shot ...

Above ........... the EXTERNAL IMAGE (approximation map) of the brain INTERNAL ......... Central Nervous System map ..state of MIND --> Texas


International Business Times

A motorcycle is seen on a wrecker before it is removed from the Twin Peaks restaurant, where nine members of a motorcycle gang were shot ...

in other words ............the INTERNAL symbol/ language conflicts and their code words -->

Thus we see Nature's message system .............. providing data signals to interested researchers.

Below, the INTELLECTUAL battlefield and its external display in the EARTH geography region of WACO Texas ..that reflects the Texas --> STATE of MIND

Let's look at another blog post that provides more clues about the Waco DATA GENERATING event

The Two Cultures WAR played out at Twin Peaks, Waco, Texas

RD-blog-number-5768 reviews the C.P.SNOW ....Two Cultures battle at Twin Peaks, Waco. Texas.



The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.

Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:

A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?[5]

I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question — such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? — not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]

In 2008, The Times Literary Supplement included The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution in its list of the 100 books that most influenced Western public discourse since the Second World War.[2]


by MC Brak - ‎2004 - ‎Cited by 6 - ‎Related articles

The question arises if the hierarchy problem is a defect of SU(5) theory, ... Finally, we will consider a partial solution to the hierarchy problem


Let's look at another blog post that provides more analysis ideas.

Rd-blog-number-5767 by Herb Zinser reviews the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet EARTH) battle in Waco, Texas.

    • Waco biker gang shootout kills 9 outside Twin Peaks - CNN ...

    • www.cnn.com/2015/05/18/us/texas-biker-gang-brawl-shooting/

    • CNN

    • Officers warned about more bikers possibly heading

    • to Texas after .....By the time the Sunday melee was over, at least nine people were dead, ...

    • The SYMBOL MACHINE keywords of the astronomy battle played out in Waco ......

    • Biker --> subset code --> ker --> Kerr factors ....... the Kerr feast THEORY gets translated into applications on the EARTH geography surface using EARTH LAB human DEMO devices .... thus the --> biKER(R) feast in the Lone Star State of Texas

      1. Kerr Fest - Black Holes in Astrophysics, General ...

      2. www2.phys.canterbury.ac.nz/kerrfest

      3. Over the 41 years since its discovery the Kerr solution has played a pivotal role both in astrophysics and in fundamental areas of general relativity and quantum ...

nine --> 9 planets of the Solar System

Sunday --> subset code Sun + da --> SUN data on the Solar System war to recapture EARTH systems

Officers warned about more bikers possibly heading to Texas after --> the LONE Star State (representing the energy and politics of the the SUN .. the lone star in the Solar System which exists in the MIlky Way galaxy)

texas lone star state

kills nine --> the Killing Vector .... astrophysics military theory and its application in Waco

Killing Vectors -- from Wolfram MathWorld

mathworld.wolfram.com › ... › Tensor Analysis


Weinberg, S. "Killing Vectors." §13.1 in Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity. New York: Wiley, pp. 375-381

Let's look at another blog post that provides more information.............

The Solar System INTELLECTUAL battle over Pluto results in physical violence in Waco, Texas

RD-blog-number-5612 by Herb Zinser reviews the astronomy INTELLECTUAL battle played out in Waco, Texas.

The CAUSE ....

Pluto Demoted: No Longer a Planet in Highly Controversial ...



Aug 24, 2006 - "Pluto is dead," said Caltech researcher Mike Brown, who spoke with reporters ... He expects the astronomy community to overturn the decision.

The Nine Planets Solar System Tour


The Nine Planets

Information about each planet and moon in our solar system with many pictures, discussion of the history of its discovery, exploration, and physical ...

Planets for Kids - ‎Mercury - ‎Jupiter - ‎Venus

the EFFECT ....

9 dead in Waco, Texas biker brawl - CNN.com



May 18, 2015 - (CNN) Gunfire erupted Sunday among rival biker gangs in Waco, Texas, leaving at least nine people dead, according to police. Authorities had ...

Gunfire erupted Sunday

Gunfire erupted Sunday

Gunfire erupted Sun da --> SUN data --> human thoughts of the Solar System ....are contained in the stream of consciousness and the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND.

That astronomy GROUP MIND links with NATURE's INTELLECT ...... .and ponders these matters.

Unconscious mind - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    • Wikipedia

    • The unconscious mind (or the unconscious) consists of the processes in the mind that occur automatically and are not available to introspection, and include thought processes, memory, affect, and motivation.

    • Historical overview - ‎Freud's view of the unconscious

    • Unconscious Mind | Simply Psychology

    • www.simplypsychology.org › ... › Psychodynamic › Sigmund Freud

    • Subconscious / Pre-conscious Mind. The pre-conscious contains thoughts and feelings that a person is not currently aware of, but which can easily be brought to consciousness. It exists just below the level of consciousness before the unconscious mind.

    • School of thought - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_of_thought

    • Wikipedia

    • A school of thought (or intellectual tradition) is a collection or group of people who share common characteristics of opinion or outlook of a philosophy, discipline, belief, social movement, economics, cultural movement, or art mov

    • Stream of consciousness (narrative mode) - Wikipedia, the ...

    • en.wikipedia.org/.../Stream_of_consciousness_(narrative_mod...

    • Wikipedia

    • In literary criticism, stream of consciousness is a narrative mode, or device, that seeks "to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind. Another term for it is 'interior monologue'."

    • Definition - ‎Interior monologue - ‎Progress and use of the technique - ‎See also

    • Stream of consciousness (psychology) - Wikipedia, the free ...

    • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stream_of_consciousness_(psychology)

    • Wikipedia

    • Stream of consciousness refers to the flow of thoughts in the conscious mind. The full range of thoughts that one can be aware of can form the content of this stream, not just verbal thoughts.

    • Buddhism - ‎Proponents - ‎Criticism - ‎Literary technique

    • Thus the Solar System has nine planets .....

    • and we had the battle at Fort Hood Texas in November year 2009 --> numbers 2 and 009.

    • The Fort Hood shooting took place in the Soldier Readiness Processing Center ...in other words ..

    • the Solar System code --> Sol ar --> Sol area --> Soldier area --> Soldier READ astronomy textbooks center ..... for ARMY people to develop an awareness of the EARTH and existence

    • 2009 Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Fort_Hood_shooting

    • Wikipedia

    • On November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major, fatally shot 13 people ...

    • Shootings - ‎Casualties - ‎Shooter - ‎Reaction

    • Thus the new Solar System EARTH battle in year 2015 ...... a repeat of the year 2009 message neglected by the Pentagon and the citizens of Texas. ...

    • Waco Shootout: Biker Brawl at Twin Peaks Leaves Nine Dead

    • www.nbcnews.com/.../waco-shootout-biker-brawl-twin-p...

    • NBCNews.com

    • Waco Shootout: Biker Brawl at Twin Peaks Leaves Nine Dead ... gangs left nine people dead and 18 injured outside a crowded sports bar in Waco, Texas. ... The rumble at Twin Peaks Sports Bar began at midday Sunday.

    • EVENT 1 in year 2009 --> numbers 2 and 009 ---> is used to create EVENT 2 using the mapping ..............

    • EVENT 1 source domain numbers 2 and 009 --> becomes

    • EVENT 2 destination range --> Twin Peaks and 009 dead

    • 9 dead in Waco, Texas biker brawl - CNN.com

    • www.cnn.com/2015/05/17/us/texas-shooting/

    • CNN

    • (CNN) Gunfire erupted Sunday among rival biker gangs in Waco, Texas, leaving at least nine people dead, according to police. Authorities had ...

    • Gunfire erupted Sunday

    • Gunfire erupted Sunday

    • Gunfire erupted Sun da --> SUN data ---> and the battle to recapture Planet EARTH from the bull-stories .........

    • Galileo the DEFENDER (of EARTH from human brain alien thoughts and nonsense)

    • 9 Dead, 16 Injured In Waco Biker Shootout

    • 710keel.com/9-dead-16-injured-in-waco-biker-shootout-video/

    • KEEL

    • A gunfight among members of the three Texas motorcycle gangs erupted in a Wacorestaurant Sunday afternoon, leaving nine dead and 16 ...

    • Galileo Trial || 1616 Documents .... history repeats itself in Waco

    • www1.umn.edu/ships/galileo/.../1616docs.htm

    • University of Minnesota

    • Consultant's Report on Copernicanism (24 February 1616) ... the edict of this suspension and prohibition, respectively, be published by the Master of the Sacred ...

    • 1616 Admonition of Galileo Galilei - UMKC School of Law

    • law2.umkc.edu/.../galileo/admonition...

    • University of Missouri–Kansas City

    • of Galileo (February 26, 1616) The original admonition document is missing. ... his admonition, the Church took the formal step of suspending or prohibiting

    • Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems ...

    • en.wikipedia.org/.../Dialogue_Concerning_the_Two_Chief_W...

    • Wikipedia

    • The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo) was a 1632 Italian-language book by Galileo Galilei ...

    • Overview - ‎Summary - ‎Editions in print - ‎Notes

    • In the 1633 trial of Galileo Galilei, <strong>two worlds come into cosmic conflict</strong>. Galileo's world of science and humanism collides with the world of Scholasticism and absolutism that held power in the Catholic Church. The result is a tragedy that marks both the end of Galileo's liberty and the end of the Italian Renaissance.

    • Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems ...

      • Above, the INTERNAL bio-information map WAR zone ..... that got transformed and played out in the geography city of Waco in EXTERNAL display format at the biker convergence on Sunday to the Twin Peaks message site.

      • The INTERNAL intellectual wars with TEXAS university errors ...........

      • Nature's Department of Justice .... and the construction of the WACO message

      • Internal component ............................... EXTERNAL identifier

      • Central Nervous System (brain) ---> geography Central Texas system

      • Above ..uear 1942 --> number 42 astrophysics WAR signal -->

      • One Quarter Of Twin Peaks Shootout Suspects From Central ...

      • www.kwtx.com/.../Waco-Shooting-Near-Twin-Peaks-In-Wa...

      • KWTX‑TV

      • May 22, 2015 - WACO (May 20, 2015)

      • Forty-two of the approximately

      • 170 suspects in custody in connection with the deadly shootout between rival biker gangs .

      • the deadly shootout between rival biker gangs

      • the deadly shootout between rival biker(r) factor INTELLECTUAL gangs

      • ---> transformed to -> SUN signal of SUNDAY --->

      • the deadly shootout between rival biker gangs

      • the deadly shootout between rival biker gangs (EARTH LAB human action figures and their data generating DEMO)

    • Thus we see the INTERNAL brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR using the Carl JUNG collective MIND ..... can transfer information from miltary commander ..the HAWK ... to the civilian human population for CONFLICT expression ..such as Waco.

    • Thus we have C.P.SNOW, Russell and Whitehead, and other past thinkers .... .still alive in THOUGHT and in language ..... and the WORD/ CONCEPT wars in the civilian population with their molecular cell biology .......

    • cell phone nonsense talk.

    • Thus we have ........ the living representative

    • and his EARTH systems ... military identification code as -->

Above, the buying and selling of brain sections and their INFORMATION content ..such as mathematics and physics brains of college graduates and their professors.

This process is well known.

We have the brain cell WALL --> WALL Street Journal newspaper that explains the Carl Jung collective GROUP MIND and its financial activities with other GROUP MINDS.

An example of brain economics....

(Inside the human brain)

Insider-Trading Charges to Be Dropped - WSJ


The Wall Street Journal

Federal prosecutors in New York said they would drop charges against five men they previously accused of insider trading, the latest casualty ...

Thus the EXTERNAL name --> Central Texas Marketplace ...descibes and the INTERNAL brain marketplace of ideas, patents, inventions , etc .....

thus the iNTERNAL parallel identifier words --> Central Nervous System ...Texas STATE of MIND ..Marketplace .......

Marketplace ...

Marketplace ...

Marketplace ...

.............place --> Laplace ...

2. Definition of the Laplace Transform


The Laplace transform is also very useful

in the area of circuit analysis and

brain circuits analysis and

motorcycle riders that use the EARTH geography road maps to trace out an EARTH LANGUAGE version of the brain circuits and their information routing system...

EXTERNAL Waco biker gangs explain the

INTERNAL Hierarchy Problem of bio-physics and the ganglia outside the Central Nervous System

of Central Texas - CBS News


CBS News

Nine people were killed and 18 wounded after a lunchtime biker gang shootout May 17, 2015, between rival motorcycle gangs at the Twin Peaks restaurant in ...

Suspects From Central Texas

Suspects From Central Texas

Suspects From Central Texas

--> Central Nervous System

..state of mind Texas

Let's look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE keyword description of the brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR components and its existential technology relationship with Nature and the Solar System

White and gray matter

White gray --> White gra ray --> White spectrum grammar rays

White spectrum electromagnetic waves and their information content interaction with brain atomic mass ..... creating serious matter

White and gray matter

..................gray -->

gravity subset code

gra....y --> gravity grammar waves interaction with the atomic mass inside a human brain

White and gray matter

..........................matter --> periodic atomic table elements of life and thought that interact with

Solar system EM fields and

EARTH gravity fields

Some of the 18 columns / families of the atomic table .....the 18 families war in WACO.

9 dead, 18 atomic family AGENTS

hospitalized after Waco biker gang fight - 13 ...



WACO, Texas - Nine people are dead and multiple others are injured after a Waco shooting Sunday. Shortly after noon, Waco police were at a Twin Peaks ...

Thus we have some pieces to a puzzle ..... about the TRUE NATURE of the WACO data generating EVENT by Nature's attempt to solve some BRAIN communications problems with the Texas university arrogance system