The Oklahoma City atomic humans coulomb war --> data analysis of 168 dead April 19.

Post date: Jul 6, 2020 11:56:59 PM

RD-blog-number-2385 by Herb Zinser

The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family war has resulted in many casualties. The battlefields of the SCIENCE WARS affect civilian populations evidenced by the math, physics, organic chemistry, and wave mechanics student casualties at universities.

Let's look at the periodic atomic table WAR with the Federal government ...over the citizen/ government policy errors in the Margaret Mead nuclear family .. atomic social science ERRORS.

The Office of Science (identifier OS) with UTOE = Unified Theory of Everything can not discuss these problems involving Washington, DC ERRORS in administration of atomic social policy ..

consequently the tragedies of

OS = Oklahoma State:

--> Karen Silkwood and Kerr-McGee issues

---> Oklahoma City bombing

OS = Oslo, Norway and the Island of UTOEYA ...battlefield of the theoretical physics community in their bias and support of incomplete reports about atomic social science EVENTS ..that involve

atomic, bio-physics humanoids ....that act out instructions from the periodic atomic table government within their brain cells ...which surprisingly are comprised of molecules ...and more amazing.... those molecules are composed of atoms and particles.

Thus human thoughts must originate in the atom ....

level 1 OR the 1st dimension and proceed thru molecule levels .. to glands

THY Lord ..the THYROID gland ...then eventually predicted by physics ... arrive at

Level 11 or the 11-dimensions of physics thought....

.SKU 11 or the SKU.11 of the ODDONE team ...that is

Nature's warehouse of ideas with FermiLAB inventory SKU =Stock Keeping Units FORMAT 11 = eleven

SKU ....11 = SKU11 , brain, head ...equivalent concepts for adults.


Other Science War reports have referenced the atomic anthropology battle near EVANS Field House in DeKalb Illinois. The shooting was at NIL, COLE Hall, DeKalb, Illinois. The failure of the U.S.Naval Research LAB and DARPA to help research the U.S.S. Cole incident of October year 2000 CAUSED Nature's systems to repeat the COLE signal at Cole

Let's look at another tragic atomic bio-physics data EVENT.

The Oklahoma City Bombing Investigation

The Final Report from the Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee ... The 168 victims killed in the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building ...

168 victims killed in the April 19


...............ims....................Ap + ril

...............ims..................Map riddle mgt systems riddle


Thus the data suggests NATURE may be trying to send us a signal about social engineering problems and errors that are the CAUSE behind the EFFECT.

The 168 dead also a bio-computer number sequence Base 16 byte = 8 data bits ..the next number 1/2 byte = 4 ...a message to the computer science MAIN FRAME department at base 16 address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Thus we have number series ............. 16 8 4

We are reminded of George Orwell ......19 84 and his wave mechanics / and electromagnetic wave . . . . social science book with OCEANIA and its problems

Above we see the coulomb equation numbers 16 and 19.

Thus we are reminded of Einstein's physics period and

WORLD WAR 1 ...year 1916 ....another possible coulomb WAR signal.

Let's return to OKlahoma City and other recent tragedies.


The Department of Energy has an algebra subset area:

The Depart........of En ...better known as .....

.......Departures of En --> such as student departures with the Department of English at Virginia TECH .....that occured on April 16 ....the Base 16 Hex'AF' = 175 trip to EARTH data set region known as AFterlife. It's new technology ..that is Virgin Technology test out at Virginia TECH.

Below, the En --> English language of En = Energy entities that send messages to various humanoid departments that ignore the Margaret Mead nuclear family ..... atomic English language messages.


Above, we see applied physics to explain the DEATH WARS to DARPA and universities.

a) - 13 ---> minus 13 soldiers at Fort (LAB) Hood.

b) 6 ev --> 6 DEAD near the EVANS Field House, Dekalb.

What other data relates to coulombs, the periodic atomic table, and atomic bio-physics huamanoid behavior expressions ....actually expressions of a deeper reality ...from the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness.

O = Oklahoma implies O = Oxygen atomic mass 16 with 8 electrons ...thus the 16 8 dead humans are now Nature's OXYGEN system signaling devices.

C = City implies C = Carbon ...hence the usage of a CAR bomb to deliver the CARBON atom signal for

OC = Organic Chemists that work and think in OC = Oklahoma City region. Apparently OC = Organic Chemistry is an unknown concept in North America.

Photos: The 15th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City

Bombing ... 19, 2010 – People injured in the car

bomb blast at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown

Oklahoma City gather near the explosion site ...


Thus we see the atomic social science WAR equation


Atomic Family ... VIB 8 O thru Drawinian selection finds proper noun: V ....eigh(t) O = Oklahoma ..this being humanoid: McVeigh(t) Oklahoma

and N = Nitrogen ...used in fertilizer

Car Bomb : Inside the Oklahoma City Bombing -

10, 2010 - 2 min - Uploaded by

It was frighteningly easy for

Timothy McVeigh to assemble a car bomb for a sum of only $800.

Advanced physics and chemistry for the universities that claim to bee accredited.

$800 --> System 8 oxygen orbitals SIGNAL.

Do human LUNGs breathe oxygen?

What do the intellectuals in Oklahoma think about ...beside parties, restuarant menus, the oposite sex, and how to tell more BULL-story explantions about serious tragic events.

The symbol Fe ---> Ferrous oxide atom expressed its conflict VIA Darwinian atomic selection of an atomic English language proper noun LABEL ....Fe = Ferrous oxide atom ordered ATTACK upon Fe = Federal ERRORS about ...atomic elements of li.Fe ...thus the Federal building.

William Shakespeare , around year 1600, clearly stated "The WORLD is a stage and we are the players"

thus McVeigh(t) was a mere player in vast DRAMA ..that the Virginia TECH English department refuses to explain to the world. Their EAST coast university buddies are in on the massive conspiracy ..of using words and symbols to manipulate and abuse the the atomic bio-computer human brain ....Nature's special project ....that Nature will defend ..... and Virginia TECH, Penn State, MIT, and Harvard, Yale , and Princeton ought get the message ...of the SARTE play...."NO EXIT" .... the trap .....has no escape.

NO EXIT ...the performance for Europe ....

NO EXIT for the --> NORWAY Island children at UTOE --> Unified Theory of Everything includes children abd the University of Oslo ...that has refused to help explain the atomic anthropology tragedy.

Thus we see a pattern of OMISSION of important details from various tragic events.

a) Virginia TECH Base 16 HEX shooting of April 16 for the CAD project...Computer Aided Design of bio-computer student CAD + CADAVERS.

Advanced DARPA research with universities and companies approved by Washington,DC at BASE 16 world headquarters at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ....with former President CLI (Clinton) --> Compare Logical Immediate Instruction of BAL Version D ....such as that used by bio-computer BALD people.

b) the Valence electron shell war VIA bullet shells on Valence DAY --> St. Valence Day --> the St. Valentine's Day massacre ( atomic mass massacre) at Cole HALL near the EVANS Field house.

Thus we see the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology WAR accompanied by many incomplete explanations of the deeper REALITY underlying the tragedies.

Newspaper editors and reporters could care less about the TRUE NATURE of an event. However, to their credit..they accurately describe the surface veneer of the tragedy (date, time, location, people involved, police data gathered ,etc). That database is a good foundation for more analytical and specialty analysis ..with the major goal in trying to understand the EVENT in the context of Nature's systems.

Thus we see interesting puzzles for those interested in basic science the high school level or basic college level. Got an old chemistry textbook lying around.

Look at the periodic atomic table in your modern MILITARY CODE manual.