Earth Lab and Nature's Brownian Motion social science displays

Post date: Jul 6, 2020 9:17:20 PM

RD-blog-number-3592 by Herb Zinser

Let's look at EARTH LAB and Nature's brownian motion DEMOS using humans as representing particles.

Brownian motion -

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Brownian motion or pedesis (from Greek: πήδησις Pɛɖeːsɪs "leaping") is the random motion of particles suspended in a fluid (a liquid or a gas) resulting from ...

‎Wiener process - ‎

Random walk - ‎Particle - ‎Robert Brown

Wiener process - ‎

Random walk

Brownian Motion demonstration - American Institute of Physics

Brownian Motion. This simple demonstration of Einstein's explanation for Brownian motion shows little particles batting about a more massive one, and what it ...

Einstein's EARTH LAB demo in Europe ... of social engineering Brownian motion .... used humans as super-sysmmetry DEMO particles .....

Brown shirts - definition of Brown shirts by the Free Online Dictionary ...‎

Noun, 1. Sturmabteilung - Nazi militia created by Hitler in 1921 that helped him to power but was eclipsed by the SS after 1943. SA, Storm Troops.

Nazi Germany - Dictatorship - History Learning Site › Modern World History Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany under the leadership of Hitler soon became a dictatorship. ... To 'keep the peace' and maintain law and order, the SA (the Brown Shirts) roamed ...


The super-symmetry parallel NAZI parallel was the Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language code

NAZI --> NA + ZI --> North American ZIP code

2 formats existed in North America ... the partial brown shirts organization known as the BOY SCOUTs.

Images for boy scouts uniform tan /brown


For the more accurate NAZI DEMO of brownian motion in North America ... NAZI --> North American ZIP code .... Nature used UPS = United Parcel service that delivers packages to customers at their ZIP code locations.

United Parcel Service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎Wikipedia

Jump to Brown - Brown[edit]. The brown color that UPS uses on its vehicles and uniforms is called Pullman Brown. The color is also mentioned in its ...


UPS delivery truck drivers are Nature's perfect DEMO of brownian motion .... because these human particle men are consistently in motion ... driving, stopping, getting the package and bringing it to the house door, rushing back to the truck ..... going to the next stop.

I have seen them in action ... and they move.

The next DEMO of Brownian motion was with Martin Luther KING and his people .... the brownian motion people DEMO being the MARCH to Selma , Alabama.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965) - Martin Luther King, Jr ...‎

On 25 March 1965, Martin Luther King led thousands of nonviolent demonstrators to the steps of the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, after a 5-day, 54-mile ...

They represented the brownian motion of organic chemistry molecules engaged in molecule political science ..... the MARCH in 1965 was on behalf of JERRY MARCH and EARTH LAB ..... code SELMA --> SEL + Ma --> Darwinian SELECTION MAP


Other..more esoteric examples of Browinian motion .. are those that get a sun tan in the summer at a beach and walk around .... their participation in one of Nature's Sartre existential expressions FORMATS.


Other examples are ....

Brown hair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎Wikipedia

One is more likely to say of a man or boy, "He has brown hair" or "He is brown-haired", than to say,

Ask a question of brown haired person.

Yes or No?

If they shake their head ..yes or no .. they are giving you a brownian motion answer.

The the question becomes .... who are you?

A secret physics investigator for brownian motion research?

Thus we see how language words help explain REALITY.

Let's look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and its word commands upon the human bio-computer symbol processor.

The SYMBOL MACHINE consists of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc. The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science that may be found in any bookstore or a bookstore near a university.

We are reminded of ......

Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ... › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General‎

A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...

Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages‎

Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...

Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel‎

Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.

Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories

There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds

Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder. By Steve Stockdale. This paper was inspired by, and is addressed to, Andrea Johnson's ...

Abstraction Ladder - Rijnlandmodel‎

GENERAL SEMANTICS & RHINELAND MODEL ... abstractions and their relations is originated by Alfred Korzybski in his book Science and Sanity. ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.
