Econometrics Tutorial Barcelona GSE fall 2013

This is the website of the Econometrics Tutorial for Barcelona GSE Master Program in Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets.

Class 1. October 2.

Matlab. Matrix Algebra Review. Time Series objects.

Slides. M-file.

Class 2. October 9.

OLS Estimation in Matlab and Gretl.

Slides. Data.

M-files: OLS estimation of the PSID sample (class2_psid.m)

OLS estimation (class2_ols.m)

Class 3. October 14

Outliers. Monte-Carlo simulations for the sample mean

M-files: Outliers, high leverage observations (class2_outliers.m)

Monte-Carlo simulation for the sample mean(class3_mc_mean.m)

Class 4. October 16

Monte-Carlo simulation for the OLS estimates (class4_mc_ols.m)

Conditional/unconditional unbiasedness of OLS (class4_mc_cond.m)

Bias and efficiency of linear estimators (class4_mc_bias.m)

Class 5. October 23

Inference in OLS.

Data from PSID

T-statistics, p-value, F-test (class5_inference.m)

Collinearity (class5_collinearity.m)

M-files from Belsley, DA, Kuh, E, Welsch, RE (1980). Regression diagnostics: Identifying influential data and sources of collinearity.

Class 6. October 30

Assymptotics in OLS

Consistency of OLS estimator (class6_consistency.m)

Asymptotic normality of OLS estimator (class6_asympt.m)

Large-sample inference for OLS estimator (class6_largesample.m)

Value function iteration

Determenistic neoclassical growth model (class6_ngm.m)

Class 7. November 6

Value function iteration

Stochastic neoclassical growth model (class7_ngm_stoch.m)

Optimization in Matlab (Class7.rar)

Class8. November 11

We finish optimization.

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

CLRM under normality: MLE_normal.m, ExampleNormal.m

Logit example: MLE_logit.m, ExampleLogit.m

Class 9. November 20

Stochastic Neoclassical growth model with labor supply (class9_ngm_stoch_lab.m, solvelab.m)

Generalised Method of Moments. (GMM)

Class 10. November 27

Generalised Method of Moments

Hall's Example

Data (hall.m)

Code (HallGMM.m)