Barcelona GSE. Maths and Stats Support Classes.

Dear all,

this is the website of the Econometrics Tutorial for Barcelona GSE Master in Economics of Public Policy.

Here I will post problem sets and their solutions. Please check out this website regulary.

We will start from solving final exams of the brush-up courses. Here you have the solutions to them:





Maths. Class 2. October 15. Differentiation.

Maths. Class 3. October 22. Optimization.

Maths. Taylor series. A nice explanation from Michael Dougherty´s book chapter

Problem Sets Mathematics:

Problem Set #1 (due October 15)

Problem Set #2 (due October 22). Solutions

Problem Set #3 (due October 29). Solutions

Problem Set #4 (due November 5). Solutions

Derivatives. Additional Set of exercises. Recommended to those who have problems with taking derivatives.

Problem Set #5 (due November 12). Solutions

Problem Set #6 (due November 26). Integrals.



Statistics. Classes 2 and 3. October, 15 and 22. Matrix Algebra.

Statistical Tables

Problem Sets Statistics:

Problem Set #1 (due October 15). Solutions

Problem Set #2 (due October 22). Solutions

Problem Set #3 (due October 29). Solutions

Don't be scared by the amount of text, there are a lot of comments while not that much to solve.

Problem Set #4 (due November 5). Solutions

Problem Set #5 (due November 12). Solutions

Problem Set #6 (due November 19).

Problem Set #7 (due November 26).