Barcelona GSE. Maths and Stats Support Classes. 2014

Dear all,

this is the website of the Econometrics Tutorial for Barcelona GSE Master in Economics of Public Policy.

Here I will post problem sets and their solutions. Please check out this website regulary.

Our classes will be held on:

October 13 (10.30-12.30), 23 (12.00-14.00), 28 (16.30-18.30)

November 5 (10.00-12.00), 11 (16.30-18.30), 19 (10.00-12.00), 25 (16.30-18.30)

December 2 (16.30-18.30)



Maths. Class 1. October 13. Differentiation.

Problem Sets Mathematics:

Set of problems for Class 1

Problem Set #1 (due October 23).



Statistics. Matrix Algebra.

Statistical Tables

Problem Sets Statistics:

Problem Set #1 (due October 23).