
Mechanisms of chemical communication underlying division of labor in social insects


     Eusocial insects have the specialized behavioral and morphological groups (i.e. castes) within a colony  and individuals from each caste engage in caste-specific tasks to maintain the colony.  Their sophisticated colony organization of these insects is primarily maintained through the utilization of pheromones, which are also likely involved in all social activities such as foraging, sexual behavior, colony defense, and nestmate recognition. 

     I'm interested in the evolutionary processes of pheromone communication systems and the caste- and sex-specific gene expression patterns in social insects to know where the pheromones come from, what role they are playing in social interactions, and what kind of molecular mechanism enables caste (or sexual) division of labor based on pheromone communications.




Multifunctional roles of soldier pheromone in a termite 


      The colony organization of social insects is characterized by pheromonal communication. Because the capacity to biosynthesize chemicals is limited and costly, evolutionary pressures on these insects have potentially led to the use of a single compound parsimoniously for multiple purposes. 

     This study revealed that a fungistatic volatile sesquiterpene secreted by soldiers is used for inhibiting soldier differentiation, arresting workers (Mitaka et al. 2017), and presenting a soldier's age (Mitaka & Matsuura 2020) in the Japanese subterranean termite, Reticulitermes speratus. It suggests that soldiers protect the colony from not only predators but also pathogens, and a soldier-specific compound has evolved as a soldier pheromone. This is the first study to identify the termite soldier pheromone and to demonstrate its multifunctionality. 



     この研究では、ヤマトシロアリ(Reticulitermes speratus兵蟻から分泌されている静菌作用を持った揮発性テルペンが、兵蟻分化抑制フェロモンとしてもワーカー拘束フェロモンとしても機能し(Mitaka et al. 2017)、さらに兵蟻の年齢を反映している(Mitaka & Matsuura 2020)ことを突き止めました。この結果は、兵蟻が捕食者のみならず病原菌からもコロニーを防衛していることを示唆しており、また、もともと兵蟻特異的な抗菌物質だったものが兵蟻の存在を他個体に知らしめす「兵蟻フェロモン」として進化してきたことも強く示唆しています。兵蟻フェロモンの同定に成功し、かつその多機能性を実証した研究は、本研究が世界で初めてとなります。

Aggregation pheromones in termite workers


     Social insects such as ants, bees and termites are the representative examples that an enormous number of individuals lives in a group. But, how do they form the group? In some ant species, queen pheromones make the workers gather around the queen. However, in termites, which workers can gather each other even without queens, how do the workers gather together?

     Our study revealed that workers of the termite Reticulitermes speratus emit an aggregation pheromone consisted of 6 compounds, which synergistically attract workers from a distance (attractant activity) and then arrest them at the pheromonal source for a long time (arrestant activity) (Mitaka et al. 2020). It is estimated that this pheromone enables termite workers to gather many other workers in a new edible wood, and to efficiently exploit and sanitize the new area.

     Our recent work has also revealed that the workers of the Formosan termite Coptotermes formosanus also possess an aggregation pheromone. Although the components responsible for the attractant activity have not yet been identified, only the arrestant components consisting of four fatty acids have been identified. In addition, this arrestant activity is enhanced by the addition of cuticular hydrocarbons and cholesterol (Mitaka et al. 2024).

     Termite aggregation pheromone can be applied to the termite-attracting trap.



     我々の研究で、ヤマトシロアリのワーカーは6種類の成分からなる集合フェロモンを体外に放出し、離れた所にいる他のワーカーを誘引し(誘引活性)、かつ匂い源に長時間留めさせる(拘束活性)ことが明らかとなりました(Mitaka et al. 2020)。このフェロモンによって、ヤマトシロアリのワーカーは新しく見つけた餌木に巣仲間を多数呼び、効率的な餌木の開拓や、(抗菌物質等による)新たな居住区の滅菌消毒が可能となっていると推測されます。

 また、最近の我々の研究でイエシロアリCoptotermes formosanusのワーカーも集合フェロモンを持っていることが明らかとなりましたが、誘引活性を担う成分はまだ未同定で、4種類の脂肪酸からなる拘束成分のみが同定されました。この拘束活性は体表炭化水素やコレステロールの追加により強化されることも明らかとなりました(Mitaka et al. 2024)。


Antimicrobial agents in termites


     Because termite colonies are composed of large families with close relatives, colony members are at risk of being collectively infected by the same pathogens. It is considered that termites have developed the ability to produce a wide variety of antimicrobial substances.

     We have also identified the antimicrobial substances produced by termites. We have found that, in Reticulitermes speratus, the forage workers (workers that leave the center of the nest to search for new food) and soldiers possess melein, which has a broad antimicrobial spectrum (Mitaka et al. 2019), and that the foraging workers also secrete phenylacetic acid inside the nest, and it inhibits the germination and mycelial growth of entomopathogenic fungi and termite egg-mimicking fungus (termite ball) (Nakashima, Mitaka et al. 2024).



 我々はシロアリが生産する抗菌物質の同定も行なってきました。これまでヤマトシロアリの採餌ワーカー(新たな餌を探しに巣の中心から離れて探索する役割を持つワーカー)や兵蟻が、幅広い抗菌スペクトルを持つと言われているメレインを持っていることや(Mitaka et al. 2019)、採餌ワーカーが巣内部でフェニル酢酸を分泌して、昆虫病原糸状菌やシロアリ卵擬態菌核菌(ターマイトボール)の発芽や菌糸成長を抑制すること(Nakashima, Mitaka et al. 2024)を明らかにしてきました。

Development of media for rearing termites


 In order to conduct termite experiments indoors over a long period of time, it is of course necessary to have a food source that has a low risk of infecting termites with pathogens and that can be fed for a long period of time without problems. Even if the same rearing experiment is conducted with the same species, if the rearing food used differs between researchers, it is impossible to deny the possibility that the difference in food may affect the results of the experiment. However, until now there has been no standardization of termite food types among researchers, and in many cases, crushed termite nest materials collected in the field (which carry the risk of contamination with pathogens) were used as food.

 To solve this problem, my supervisor during my doctoral studies developed an optimal food medium for long-term rearing of termites based on the brown-rotted wood of Japanese red pine, which is a favorite nesting habitat of Reticulitermes speratus. Recently, a recipe for the preparation of the medium has been established. This medium is called "BPC (Brown-rotted Pinewood mixed Cellulose) medium," which is made by crushing, sterilizing, and yeast-fermenting brown-rotted wood of the Japanese red pine and mixing it with cellulose powder. I showed that the BPC medium is suitable for the establishment of colonies of R. speratus alates, that it maintains a high survival rate of the worker groups, and that many workers congregate on this medium (Mitaka et al. 2023).

 In addition, I also confirmed that this method can be applied to species other than the Japanese red pine, and I have also found that brown-rotted wood of pine and elm, where two American termite species (R. flavipes and R. virginicus) closely-related to R. speratus  often nest, can be used to produce media suitable for long-term rearing of these two species, i.e., BPC medium and BEC (Brown-rotted Elm wood mixed Cellulose) medium (Mitaka & Vargo 2023).



 この問題を解決するため、私が博士課程時代の指導教官は、ヤマトシロアリ(R. speratus)が好んで営巣するアカマツの褐色腐朽材をベースに、本種の長期飼育に最適な餌培地の開発を行ってきました。そして最近、その餌培地作成のレシピが確立されました。アカマツ褐色腐朽材を破砕・滅菌・イースト発酵させて作った粉末にセルロース粉末を混ぜてできたこの餌培地は「BPC(Brown-rotted Pinewood mixed Cellulose)培地」と呼ばれ、私はBPC培地が、ヤマトシロアリの羽蟻のコロニー創設に適していること、ワーカー集団の生存率を高く維持すること、そしてこの培地にワーカーが多く集まることを示しました(Mitaka et al. 2023)。

 ちなみにこの培地作成法はアカマツ以外の樹種にも適用可能で、私はアメリカに生息するヤマトシロアリの近縁種(R. flavipesR. virginicus)が営巣するマツやニレの褐色腐朽材でも、上記2種を長期間飼育するのに適した培地、すなわちBPC培地とBEC(Brown-rotted Elm wood mixed Cellulose)培地を作れることを確認しました(Mitaka & Vargo 2023)。

Termite attractants in wood


     It has long been known that termites prefer wood, but what they use as a cue to locate wood in the field has never been investigated. We expected that the BPC medium (see "Development of media for rearing termites" section) would contain termite attractants derived from the Japanese red pine, because the BPC medium made from decaying Japanese red pine wood attracts workers of the termite Reticulitermes speratus, and we searched for such attractants.

     As a result, we found that the BPC medium contained dehydroabietic acid, a component of resin acid abundant in conifers (especially pines), which has a worker attractant activity. Since dehydroabietic acid is soluble in water, it is assumed that this compound leaches from decaying pine wood into the soil in the field, and that foraging workers, who search for decaying wood while digging underground tunnels, use it as a clue to reach decaying pine wood. However, since the R. speratus nests in species other than pines (including hardwoods), it is likely that they also use some substance other than dehydroabietic acid as a chemical cue in their search for wood.




Dehydroabietic acid ... Mitaka et al. (2024) Applied Entomolgy and Zoology

Termite royal food


     Queens and kings of social insects are known to have much longer life spans than solitary insects. Termite kings and queens are also presumed to have very long life spans, but there is still much mystery as to how they achieve their longevity without losing their reproductive capacity. In termites, however, workers with gut symbionts eat wood, while the kings and queens do not eat wood (because they do not have gut symbionts), but they live off the food they receive from their caretaker workers, who feed them by mouth. We therefore expected that the secret of their longevity might be hidden in their special food (royal food), so we collected royal food and analyzed its chemical composition in Reticulitermes speratus. The royal food carried by the workers was so small (bite size of king and queen) that it was necessary to skim it from the caretaker workers dozens of times in order to collect enough for compositional analysis.

     As a result, we discovered that there are two types of royal food, one for the king (king food) and one for the queen (queen food), and that workers produce and feed them separately. It was also found that king and queen foods contain a number of special ingredients that are not found in workers or soldiers, some of which are specific to each king and queen food, and some of which are common to both. Furthermore, we found that at least some of these ingredients were produced by the metabolism of cellulose that workers ate. Future elucidation of the functions of these royal food-specific ingredients will bring us one step closer to the secret of the longevity of kings and queens.




Tasaki, Mitaka et al. (2023) PNAS Nexus

Caste-specific gene expressions in termites


     In termite societies, the king and queen concentrate on reproduction, soldiers defend their colony, and workers take charge of multiple tasks such as foraging, hygiene management and caring for queen and broods. Unlike social hymenoptera (ants, bees and wasps), termite castes consist of both sexes, and both male and female are engaged in works together. Accordingly, it is predicted that different castes and sexes show caste- and sex-specific expressions in various gene groups. 

     By using RNA-seq analysis for all castes in Reticulitermes speratus, I and my collaborators revealed the caste-, sex-, and age-specific expression patterns of chemoreception-related genes. This trend was also shown in various gene groups including immune-related, epigenetic modification-related, and DNA repair-related genes, and these results show a part of the molecular-level mechanisms of division of labor. 


