YOU ARE EVERYTHING    based on a poem by RUMI 

Story by Omid Arabian     Illustrations by Shilla Shakoori 

Published by Seven Stories Press / Triangle Square Books 

You Are Everything is a cosmically inclusive embrace of our interconnectedness. It takes readers on a journey that begins before the existence of space and time and ends in the present day. 

With each turn of the page your transformation unfolds from a being that just is to one that becomes the world around us. And if you can take a moment off from all the doing that you do, author Arabian suggests, and let yourself simply be, you may realize that you are not just one person -- you are also everything in the universe. 

"This beautiful book is a rhythmic love song; a contemplation on the circular dance of being, becoming, doing and the power to just be. Within each page lies an invitation to dream, aspire, and wonder about what makes each of us special and how we are all connected, beyond human form, to planetary forces and the vastness of the universe."—Elin Kelsey, Author of You Are Stardust and A Last Goodbye