Raindrop technique

Raindrop ® is effective for spinal/body alignment and effective balancing of the entire body, mind and spirit.

Gentle manipulation of the spine releases and re-aligns the vertebrae. Addition of the healing oils, dropped from a short distance on the spine, address the whole body systems, including the field around our body. Applying healing oils to reflex points on feet and other places, enhances the overall balancing and restorative effect.

I have had very good results using Raindrop ® for eliviating Asthma, Bronchitis, Strep, Shingles, Chicken Pox, and to recover from anesthesia. For more info, read here...

Theoretical information on this page is from the CARE Raindrop ® training I took.

Raindrop ® is a combination of various aspects of conventional massage, adaptations of Oriental acupressure and reflexology (Vita Flex), Native American healing techniques and Aromatic Sciences using the potent line of Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils.

The purpose of Raindrop technique ® is to stimulate every organ, muscle and bone of the body at a cellular level through the oils, boosting the immune system, bringing the body into structural/electrical balance, and enabling the release of toxins or disease wherever they may be lodged- including those illnesses lodged in the mind and emotions. Raindrop Technique is a non-secular art and science. It is performed around your spine and on your feet, where the reflexes for the spine lie.

As you know, your spine is your life line – all the nerves in your body are connected to your spine: for your lungs, sinuses, heart, stomach, liver, etc.. Besides, certain microorganisms lodge in your lymph and spine, especially the ones from modern immunization, and contribute to deformities. "These pathogens create inflammation, which in turn, contorts and disfigures the spinal column" - Gary Young. Please read document1 and document2 for more on this topic. I also included Raindrop testimonials below.

Raindrop ® is preceded by VitaFlex ("Vitality Through the Reflexes" (Stanley Burroughs)

How VitaFlex Works

The voltages produced by Vitaflex induce currents along the nerve pathways. The molecules of essential oils are also electrical in nature and move along nerve pathways. Sickness is often the result of blocked nerve pathways. Vitaflex helps move the healing molecules of essential oils along these pathways. When a gap or malfunction is encountered along the way, the oils and voltages jump-start faulty electrical circultry, helping to restore proper function.

Vitaflex, an ancient Tibetan healing methodology, means “vitality through the reflexes”. It consists of a specialized form of digital electrical stimulation using the pads and nails of the fingers in a rolling motion to fire voltages into the body through reflex points. Vitaflex is effective as a technique in and of itself while aromatherapy is also effective independent of any other modality. By combining the two techniques, the effectiveness of both is enhanced.

Simply put, Vitaflex, is a Reflexology massage, which can be used anywhere on your body, depending on where the help is needed. The good news is – it does not hurt, and when combined with essential oils, it takes only 30 seconds for the oils to get absorbed by your body! And, of course, these precious oils are loaded with healing powers and nutrients.

Raindrop ® is powerful for a few reasons:

1. The essential oils used are beneficial for every body system

2. The essential oils are dripped on the spine, your life-line, stimulating and balancing nerve connection to every part of the body

3. Raindrop ® technique relaxes vertebrae, thereby helping to straighten and lengthen your spine

4. Many oils are dripped on the spine and back, to address the body and mind as a whole, as well as any special health concern

5. A hot wet towel compress feels like haven at the end

6. Balancing/aligning body's physical and emotional energies, done with Valor, is essential

7. Reflexology feet massage (Vitaflex) on the spinal and other reflexes with the essential oils for every body system is done before Raindrop ®

When I first learnt Raindrop technique ® , I practiced it on a lady who is a preacher and a Reiki practitioner. She got about 1 inch taller after my musical hands performed the Raindrop ® technique on her!

We finished Raindrop ® with Peppermint oil and a hot compress – you can only imagine how I felt! I felt great and even did not want to move! I drank a ton of water too – the cleansing was that effective!

In the class on Raindrop ® , I also learnt how to adjust your hips and stimulate hearing – all hands on! I practiced Raindrop with the following oils:

  • Aroma Seiz - releases muscle tension,

  • Cypress – good for circulation, both blood and lymph,

  • Basil relaxes voluntary muscles while

  • Marjoram relaxes involuntary muscles such as those of the intestinal tract,

  • Di-Gize is specifically good for opening up a sluggish or constipated colon,

  • Patchouli is good for nausea, queasy stomachs, motion sickness or morning sickness when pregnant,

  • Peppermint is good for indigestion and for stimulating peristaltic action in the colon and has the added property of enhancing the benefits of any other oil with which it is combined.

Note: I used Raindrop oils on my son's arm, when it was overused from pitching. He went to play baseball soon after and did not have pain. I also used it on a paralyzed 7-months old baby to support his immune system. And for my husband, after the effects of the anesthesia after a colonoscopy test. I used it many times on a paralyzed teen, to support his nervous and muscular systems.

Raindrop demonstrated by Gary Young

About Atlas mis-alignment


Tom Woloshin shows how easy it is to re-adjust the atlas in minute(s).in his Vita Flex DVD.

At the bottom of the page, please see the Young Living brochure I attached, which was posted at https://www.youngliving.org/US/pdfs/lit-raindrop_technique.pdf

Note: Should you not have anyone to do Raindrop ® on you, you can do Raindrop ® on your feet (VitaFlex) yourself. (mix the essential oils in a bottle: Valor - 25 drops, Oregano - 10 drops, and 5 drops for the rest of the oils: Thyme, Basil, Aroma Siez, Wintergreen, Cypress, Marjoram, and Peppermint.

Message Scent News 7 Oct/Nov 2009 Volume 6 #9

Excerpted from: CARE Newsletter: Center for Aromatherapy, Research and Education.

Identifying the Right Body System with Essential Oils by David Stewart

An interesting and useful procedure Iearned from Gary Young for identifying the right body system or source underlying a problem when using essential oils for therapeutic purposes.

With your client lying face up about to receive a Raindrop ® session, do vitaflex with specific oils on the spinal points of the feet. While vitaflexing, ask the client to focus mentally on their chief complaint (pain, issue, disease).

After each oil has been applied, ask if the issue is perceived as “better?” “same?” or “worse?” If they perceive the problem as “better,” then the indicated system or cause has been identified. If perceived as the “same” or “worse,” then move on to the next oil until you find the right one. In some cases, instead of

the client feeling “better or worse,” they may just feel “right,” as in “that feels like the right oil and system.” Let the client be your guide in leading to the right answers.

A sequence is given below as a guide, but you can skip certain steps if you feel drawn to do so. Use the protocol and go with your intuition on the choice of oils. For the:

1. Structural System, use Wintergreen

2. Nervous System, use Helichrysum or Juniper

3. Muscular System, use Basil or Marjoram

4. Digestive System, use Peppermint, Ginger, or Di-Gize

5. Hormonal System, use Clary sage, Lavender, or Fennel

6. Viral Issue, use Oregano or Eucalyptus Globulus

7. Bacterial Issue, use Thyme or Eucalyptus Radiata

8. Fungal Issue, use Rosemary, Tea Tree, or Thieves

9. Parasites, use Hyssop, Tarragon, or Mountain Savory

10. Ligaments, use Lemongrass

11. Emotional Issues, use Release, Inner Child, or Palo Santo

12. Brain or Mental Issues, use Cedarwood, Cardamon, or Clarity

13. Cardiovascular System, use Cypress or Aroma Life

14. For the Immune System, use Cistus, Frankincense, or ImmuPower

Posted at http://www.oil-testimonials.com/essential-oils.php?tID=6811&sID=374941

My 83 year old father was in severe pain this past Christmas when visiting us. He would wince each time when rising from or lowering into a chair. Dad had been recently diagnosed with 7 bulging discs in the lumbar region. His pain had become so severe that he wasn't eating and wouldn't even go outside for his mail.

I offered to do a Raindrop Technique ® on him. He was willing to try anything and agreed. I measured him before and used the nine raindrop oils. I did not have any extra oils on hand but thought it might help him. When measuring at the end his spine had decompressed almost 1/2 inch. I was very surprised that he would change that much at his age!

After leaving he said he felt much better than before the RT. I checked with him again the next morning and he said that he felt 'like a new person...at least 80% better'. He said there were a few twinges but nothing severe.

I have since ordered helichrysum (first recommendation in Essential Oils Desk Reference for bulging discs), PanAway and Deep Relief. He uses the deep relief roll-on daily as needed along with a roll-on of helichrysum (20 drops + V6 to fill the 5ml bottle). I feather 1-2 drops of helichrysum and PanAway on his spine each time I do the weekly Raindrop ® . We have been doing this for 4 weeks and he has resumed all his previous activities and is back to normal.

He had already scheduled a visit to a spine doctor who recommended cortisone injections to help relieve the pinched nerves but after the visit he decided to cancel the procedure and will instead do the Raindrop Technique® weekly. I am very thankful to Young Living for these oils!

Raindrop Messenger Archive

Official Newsletter of C.A.R.E.

The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education

Volume 1, Number 7

August 2003

This Newsletter is Not Copyrighted. Feel Free to Share With Friends.



1. A Statistical Validation of Raindrop Technique

By David Stewart, Ph.D., R.A.

There is a small group of aromatherapists who oppose raindrop

technique and the neat application of essential oils. They are

mostly members of NAHA, the National Association of Holistic

Aromatherapists. Many of the opponents of raindrop also reside

in England where oils are generally never applied neat because

oils they are usually food or fragrance grade and do not meet

therapeutic standards. The people opposed to raindrop technique

are politically active. They approach professional organizations

io get them to adopt policies against raindrop. They are also

approaching insurance carriers to convince them that therapists

who do raindrop should not be covered. They also plan to approach

legislators to see if laws could be legislated against the practice

of raindrop. All of their approaches are based on untruth, but

untruth unopposed can prevail.

There is a good study in the form of a small book now available

in excellent, professional format, quality paperback bine, with a

high-gloss laminated cover, crisp type inside, etc., that soundly

refutes all the negative claims these people have been making

against raindrop. It is entitled A STATISTICAL VALIDATION OF

RAINDROP TECHNIQUE. It was introduced at the recent Young

Living Grand Convention in Salt Lake and is available from Essential

Science Publishing (800) 336-6308 for a discount price of $7.95

per copy. (Regular price is $9.95).

The abstract of the book is given below:



During the past ten years, Raindrop Technique has become a

widely used therapeutic protocol throughout the United States.

Numerous anecdotal accounts relate the significant and substantive

benefits generated by this procedure. Raindrop Technique has

been used to ameloriate cases of viral infection, kyphosis, scoliosis,

chronic fatigue syndrome, and many other conditions.

As its popularity and usage have increased, a small group of

aromatherapists has questioned the use of the procedure and

its reliance on undiluted therapeutic-grade essential oils. So, in

n effort to statistically validate the benefit (or lack thereof) of

the Raindrop Technique, I circulated a questionnaire in late 2001

among several thousand aromatherapists, health practitioners,

and users of essential oils to poll those who receive Raindrop and

those who perform it. This study summarizes the experiences of

more than 14,000 sessions of Raindrop.

Of the 422 adults who responded to the survey, 370 were female

and 52 were male. They represented 39 states of the United States,

5 provinces of Canada, and 5 other countries. 265 were facilitators,

259 were both facilitators and receivers, 157 were receivers only.

Among the 416 receivers, a total of 3,584 Raindrop procedures

were experienced (mean value = 8.6 treatments each). Among the

265 facilitators, a total of 11,256 procedures were reported

(mean value = 42.5 each). Receivers reported their Raindrop

experiences to be Positive (97%), Pleasant (98%), Resulted in

healing (16%), Felt better afterwards (98%), Improved health

(89%), and Improved emotional state (86%). 99.9% of receivers

said they would receive Raindrop again.

The differences in the response rates among those who reported

improved health vs. actual healing can be due to the subjects’

likely interpretation of the question. “Healing” implies a total

resolution of a preexisting disease or health condition, whereas

“improved health” merely indicates an improvement (whether

slight or great) in health or preexisting condition.

46.2% identified themselves as licensed professionals. 27% were

massage therapists (LMT, CMT, RMT). 11% were registered nurses

while 1.5% were chiropractors. There was one M.D. and one D.O.

who responded.

As for negative responses: 1 in 168 (67 incidences out 11,256

reported Raindrops) considered Raindrop to be unpleasant. 1 in

489 considered it a negative experience. Only 1 in 1,023 said

they would not receive Raindrop again. Unpleasant experiences

reported (in order of frequency) were: Burning sensation on

skin, Skin rashes, Nausea, Headaches, Tiredness. Most identified

these as symptoms of a detoxification process. All of these

were reported as temporary, often followed by positive results

including relief of various symptoms.

Perceived benefits reported (in order of frequency) were:

Removed back pain, Stopped cold or flu, Euphoria, Felt energized,

Relieved stress or anxiety, General reduction of pain.

The study includes 74 brief commentaries by Raindrop facilitators

and receivers that provide insights into the technique, its practice

and outcomes, that cannot be discerned from numerical data alone.

This book is also available at http://www.RaindropTraining.com at

50 amazing testimonials from


1 Sciatic nerve discomfort and a Raindrop Session

2. Raindrop and lymphatic edema

3. Raindrop technique for concentration

4. Wart removal via raindrop technique

5. Lou Gehrigs Disease

6. Oil intelligence seen in Raindrop session

7. Weight loss and the raindrop technique

8. Raindrop Technique for back discomfort

9. Take it easy after a Raindrop session

10. No more worries regarding bronchitis

11. Raindrop for MS symptoms

12. Raindrop for sciatic nerve problems

13. Raindrop Technique helped crushed foot

14. Raindrop Technique overcame scoliosis

15. Relief from Multiple Sclerosis symptoms

16. Shin puncture wound and the Raindrop Technique

17. Raindrop Technique helped with sprained ankle

18. Raindrop offers respiratory aid

19. Raindrop Technique caused an emotional release

20. Raindrop Technique for Scoliosis

21. Raindrop therapy for lameness in horse

22. Valor for pinched nerves in back

23. Chronic fatigue, mono and severed nerve

24. Benefit of Raindrop Technique

25. Raindrop for severe back ache

26. Walking after not being able to

27. Fibroid disappeared within 6 months

28. Lower back discomfort

29. Lymphoma has not returned

30. Raindrop Technique helped with hives

31. Relief after a session using Raindrop Technique

32. Fibromyalgia relief

33. Raindrop for chronic neck and back pain

34. My first experience with the Raindrop Technique

35. Sinus problems and energy levels

36. Raindrop technique success story

37. Raindrop Technique for Scoliosis

38. Had back problems from gardening

39. Raindrop Technique for fever and stuffiness

40. Degenerating disk pain relieved!

41. Cancer patient unable to have chemo

42. Recovery from spinal meningitis

43. Pleasure from Raindrop Technique

44. Raindrop Technique for back pain

45. RainDrop and the non believer

46. Raindrop Technique for depression and anxiety

47. Spiritual Raindrop and back pain

48. Raindrop Technique affected my Scoliosis

49. Sciatica pain relieved

50. Raindrop in a bottle

There are many ways to learn how to do Raindrop, including an instructive DVD that comes with the kit. In addition, there are independent DVDs (www.raindroptraining.com), local and company-sponsored workshops and new and improved written instructions. The Essential Oils Desk Reference has an easy to follow how-to guide, with helpful photos. You can purchase the Essential Oils Desk Reference (4th edition is the latest). It's the best single educational investment you can make for learning about Young Living's essential oils and products, and aromatherapy in general.

Younglivingworld.com has instructions on the Raindrop Technique ® (from Gary Young's first book, "Aromatherapy, the Essential Beginning"), as well as instructions on Vitaflex and a great Vitaflex foot chart. Check it out at http://www.younglivingworld.com. Click on Free Training (under Resources on the left side of the page), and then click on Raindrop Technique.

It's fun to learn and practice with a friend or family member. Here are a few things to remember to maximize Raindrop® results:

· Make sure the room is warm and quiet. Turn off phones and other noise-making objects.

· Be present and relaxed. Everything works better when we take the time to settle down and connect to ourselves and the person receiving the treatment.

· The oils work! It doesn't really matter if you do something a little differently from the instructions or if you forget something. Your full presence and intention for facilitating body repair, combined with the oils are an unbeatable combination.

· Best not to talk a lot during the session, but do check in from time to time to see if the person is comfortable, especially after applying the hot oils. Have the V-6 handy to cool down any area that feels hot.

· After the session is over, let the receiver rest for a while and then offer a glass of purified water.

Wishing you well!

Fragrant blessings,


What I have seen over the years is that everyone does the Raindrop Technique a little (or a lot ) differently. I originally taught it to myself from the only printed version that was available in 1996. At that time there were no classes and the only way to observe the process in action was to see Gary Young do it, and he did it differently every single time. I got together with my friends who were also interested and curious and we experimented together. I made a little "cheat sheet" so I could remember the sequence of the oils and how to apply them.

Do Raindrop on your own feet!


Have you ever done a Raindrop, just on your feet? It's marvelous!!!

I apply each one of the oils, in the sequence that I would use in a Raindrop, mostly to the bottoms of the feet, but using what's left on my hands to also rub the tops of the feet. This is a miracle for tired, painful feet!!!

The sequence is: Valor, oregano, thyme, basil, wintergreen, cypress, marjoram, peppermint, Aroma Siez, and Ortho Ease. I use about 2 drops of oregano and thyme, and about 3 - 4 drops of each of the other oils, on each foot. In fact, if you ever wished you could have a Raindrop (on your back), and don't have anyone nearby trained and available - give yourself a Raindrop on your own feet! The oils go up and throughout the whole body and you'll feel wonderful.

