Message Scent News 7-2011


by Troie Battles

at YL Wisdom

How would you like to give yourself

an amazing gift? What if this gift

could truly change your life and who

you are? You may have to do some

hard things to obtain this gift, but in

the end this gift could help you to

experience peace and joy like you

may never have felt before. The gift

is forgiveness.

Learning to forgive those in your

life who have really hurt you is truly

a gift you give to yourself. When you

choose to forgive, you choose to live

in the present and the future instead

of the past. Forgiveness does not

mean you have to forget, but it does

mean you need to release the angry

emotions and go on. Choice is a very

important aspect of the forgiving

process because forgiveness doesn’t

happen on its own, you must choose

to forgive. Living your life refusing

to forgive can lead to constant feelings

of anger, resentment, and bitterness.

However, when you choose

to forgive it is literally a release from

the burden of anger and pain.

Young Living Essential Oils have

developed an amazing oil blend

called “Forgiveness” that can act as

a companion to help you through

the forgiving process. This blend

will help you to release hurt feelings

and negative emotions. It has also

been proven to help release negative

memories allowing you to move

past your emotional barriers. The following

is a small sample of what this

oil blend is all about:

The Neuro-Auricular Technique

(NAT) by David Stewart

The so called “Neuro-Auricular Technique”

(NAT) was originated by D. Gary Young.

Contrary to the implications of its name, it

has nothing to do with the ears, as the word

“auricular” would suggest. It does employ an

“auricular” probe, a little glass rod with a tapered,

blunted tip, about the size and shape

of a ball-point pen, whose original purpose

was to place oils precisely on the reflex points

of the ear. Gary has done several variations of

Neuro-Auricular Technique. Their common

denominators include use of an auricular

probe to apply oils along the occiptal ridge

(base of the skull) and cervical vertebrae of

the spine (back of neck).

The version presented here is the one Gary

originally used for Parkinson’s Disease and is

the one that has been done regularly in the

Nova Vita Clinic in Guayaquil, Ecuador. It

can be done with an auricular probe or a glass

medicine dropper. Young Living does not sell

the glass probes since they are considered to

be medical devices. Glass medicine droppers

can be purchased at any drug store and

work just as well. They use medicine droppers,

rather than the probes, at the Nova Vita

Clinic and it was an eye dropper that Gary

used at the YLEO Seminar in Guayaquil,

Ecuador, February 23-29, 2008, when he

demonstrated NAT to a group of Young Living

distributors. However, the version Gary

demonstrated and taught at the Guayaquil

seminar is not the version presented here.

(See additional comments near the end of

this article.)

Outline of the Technique

Using the six oils in the sequence given below,

the following seven-step procedure is

done with each one. When the term “probe”

is used, it refers either to a glass medicine

dropper or an auricular probe:

Oil Sequence

1. Frankincense, 2. Valerian, 3. Vetiver, 4.

Roman Chamomile, 5. Cedarwood, 6. Sandalwood

The client needs to be lying face down, preferably

with a head cradle on a massage table.

You as the facilitator will be sitting in a chair

at the head. This technique can also be done

with a client sitting backward on a chair leaning

forward on the back of the chair while

the facilitator sits behind them or stands in front.

Sandalwood are all mostly sesquiterpenes (for

oxygenation of the brain and ganglia and for

deleting misinformation at the level of cellular

DNA). Roman Chamomile is mostly

esters (for emotional releasing). The locus

ceruleus is a mass of more than 1000 nerves

at the base of the brain, highly pigmented as

a bluish bundle of nerves. Hence, its name:

“Locus” means “location.” “Ceruleus” means

“sky blue.” The locus ceruleus is the central

switching station of the body. Every nerve

impulse controlling our voluntary muscles as

well as our organs passes through this master

control station. A principal purpose of NAT

is to make sure this vital nerve junction is fully

functioning along with the rest of the brain.

The locus ceruleus or medulla is the only part

of the brain that cannot be operated on surgically.

It is the portal through which our vital

life energy flows into the body maintaining

physical life. If this energy flow is interrupted

even for a split second by a surgeon’s knife, or

by anything else, our spirits are immediately

disconnected from the body and jump into

the next world, which is spiritual, not physical.

In other words, physical death is instant.

The vagus nerve originates from four areas

of the brain and exits through the vagal ganglion

at the center of the base of the skull in

the vicinity of the locus ceruleus (medulla).

The vagus nerve has thirteen branches that go

to all the vital organs of the body including

the esophagus, larynx, lungs, heart, stomach,

liver, large and small intestines, spleen, and

kidneys. It is through the vagus nerve that

the vital functions can still be maintained

in a person even though they be quadriplegic,

paralyzed from the neck down. The

vagus nerve is the largest of the twelve cranial

nerves. It’s name, “vagus,” means “wanderer”

because it wanders throughout the

organs of the throat, chest, and abdomen as

a direct wire to the brain in addition to the

spinal nerves that also serve these body parts.

The vagus nerve is principally involved with parasympathetic activity, which is largely involuntary

and often emotional. It regulates

heartbeat, is involved with the release of tears

in crying, controls digestion and peristalsis of

the esophagus and intestines, production of

many hormones, including insulin, control

of sphincter muscles, ovarian and uterine

function, prostate function, and sexual responsiveness.

It is the parasympathetic system

that functions during healing and is mainly

Sciatic Massage

with Essential Oils

By Tiffany Rowan

Last month a friend of mine asked

if I would give her a massage. Her

sciatic nerve caused her to fall as she

was leaning over putting a tack in

the wall. She had already been suffering

for five days and needed other

options that would get her walking

normally again. She was able to

walk when she took “heavy drugs for

pain”, as she called them, but when

they wore off, she couldn’t walk normally.

Because of the pain, she wasn’t

sleeping well either.

I gave her my advice and let her

make her decision from there. I explained

that the sciatic nerve starts

in the lower back, runs through

the buttocks and continues down

the leg where it finally branches off

into nerves with other names below

the knee. I would need to massage

where the nerve is the largest which

means from the lower back to the

knee. I used more urgency in my

voice when I advised enhancing the

effectiveness of the massage using

essential oils for inflammation and

pain. She was eager for relief so she

agreed to the massage and essential

oils. Five days is a long time to be

in pain, plus all her responsibilities

were stacking up. I couldn’t wait to

get her some relief.

Tiffany’s Sciatic Relief Essential

Oil Formula:

1 oz. Young Living V-6 Vegetable oil

15 drops of Copaiba essential oil

2 drops of Clove essential oil

She had a pain level of 5 when she

came to see me. The light in her eyes

was gone as pain is very fatiguing on

the countenance. She was walking

very slowly down the sidewalk and

used the hand rails on the deck. She

needed assistance from her sister to

Disposable coffee cups, carryout

containers filled with

cancer-causing agents

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Millions of people eat and drink

from plastic and styrofoam cups and containers

every single day, and the US government now

admits that many of these consumer products

contain known cancer-causing agents. The

formaldehyde preservatives found in many

disposable coffee cups and foam take-out containers,

as well as styrene, another chemical

additive used in such products, have both been

added to the federal government’s list of known

or suspected carcinogens.

The addition of these two chemicals, as well

as six others, to the carcinogen list this year

was reportedly a reluctant decision made by the

US Department of Health and Human Services

(HHS), which has been pressured by the chemical

industry for years to delay coming forward

with this information. Nevertheless, both formaldehyde

and a chemical known as aristolochic

acid have now been categorized as “known

human carcinogens,” while captafol, cobalttungsten

carbide, certain glass wool fibers, onitrotoluene,

riddelliine, and styrene have been

dubbed “reasonably anticipated to be human


“Reducing exposure to cancer-causing agents

is something we all want, and the Report on Carcinogens

provides important information on substances

that pose a cancer risk,” said Dr. Linda

Birnbaum, director of both the National Institute

of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and

the National Toxicology Program (NTP). “The

NTP is pleased to be able to compile this report.”

You can read the full report, entitled 12th

Report on Carcinogens, here: http://ntp.niehs.

The chemical industry was quick to denounce

the findings, of course, claiming that there is

no significant danger from exposure to these

chemicals. And some federal officials seem

to be kowtowing to this pressure by telling the

public that the main concern is the industrial use

of these chemicals, rather than consumer use.

Even the American Cancer Society (ACS) has

urged the public not to worry about continuing

to use plastic cups or foam containers, despite

the fact that many are loaded with some of the

chemicals in question.

Sources for this story include:

This newsletter was posted at:

    • Helps release feelings of anger,

promoting forgiveness.

    • Helps elevate the mind to overcome

stress and despair.

    • Promotes calming and balancing

to the emotions.

You will live a more productive and

happier life when you learn to forgive.

The very wise Mother Teresa

said, “If we really want to love, we

must learn how to forgive”. Isn’t it

time to feel more love in your life?

Experience the power of forgiveness

for yourself and get this amazing oil

blend today.

Forgiveness Essential Oil - 5 ml

Forgiveness™ contains a synergistic

blend of soothing and uplifting

essential oils that may enhance the

ability to release hurtful memories

and move beyond emotional barriers.

The process of growth can only

proceed when we have the ability

to forgive and let go of negative


EarthKosher Certified!

How to use: For topical or aromatic use.

Apply around navel or wear as a perfume.

Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or

under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Dilution not required; suitable for all

but the most sensitive skin. Generally safe

for children over 2 years of age.

Ingredients: Melissa,

geranium, frankincense,

rosewood, sandalwood,

angelica, lavender, lemon,

jasmine, Roman chamomile,

bergamot, ylang

ylang, palmarosa, helichrysum,

and rose in a

base of sesame seed oil.

#3339 $51.82 USD

1. Apply oil (starting with Frankincense) liberally

across the occipital ridge (base of the

skull) by dripping it from the bottle and rubbing

it with your finger across entire occiput,

making sure to include the oils at the center

point, which is called the “locus ceruleus” or


2. Place tip of probe on the locus ceruleus.

While keeping the tip of the probe on the

same spot, make clockwise circles a few times

with gentle pressure. Ask the receiver if the

pressure is comfortable or not. If not, then

lighten up.

3. Place tip of probe on right occipital bone

and move probe side to side (parallel with

ridge) working slowly toward the locus ceruleus.

Then repeat starting on left occipital

bone working, again, toward the center of

the base of the skull, ending both times at the

locus ceruleus with circular motions.

4. Apply same oil liberally on spine from

about T3 or T4 (upper thoracic, exact starting

point not important as long as it is in the

upper thoracic) up the cervical vertebra to the

atlas (top vertebra of spine next to skull) and

locus ceruleus. Drip the oil from the bottle

and smooth with your fingers to distribute

the oil.

5. Starting with the lowest vertebra you have

chosen in the upper thoracic place probe centered

between a pair of vertebrae. Keeping the

tip of the probe on the same spot, wave the

probe up and down parallel with the spine

a few times. Then move up the spine to the

next vertebra probing the same way, then up

to the next, and the next, until you get to the

locus ceruleus (medulla) where you make a

few clockwise circles. Make sure your pressure

is comfortable to the receiver.

6. Then return to your upper thoracic starting

point and place the tip of the probe on

one side of the starting vertebra and rock the

probe back and forth perpendicular to the

spine a few times and then repeat on the other

side of the same vertebra. The probe should

be placed adjacent to the vertebral bone itself,

not at the gap where the nerve root exits from

the spine. It does not matter which side you

start on first. Then after doing both sides at

one location, move up to the next vertebra

and do the same. Repeat this process on each

vertebra through all of the cervical vertebrae

until you get to the locus ceruleus where you

do a few clockwise circles.

7. Hooking tips of the fingers along the occipital

involved with protection, conservation, and

restoration of body resources and functions.

The purpose of NAT is to fully awaken

and restore full capacity to the locus ceruleus

and vagal ganglion at the base of the brain

and to connect all of the synapses of the

brain and upper spinal cord, thus creating an

environment that facilitates optimal health,

healing, and bodily function. NAT can also

be used for emotional release by using oils

such as Rutavala and others, as Gary did in

Ecuador at the February 2008 Seminar. In

this instance, Gary focused mainly on probing

the locus ceruleus and vagal ganglionic

areas and also on the cervical vertebrae. However,

depending on information received by

the facilitator (Gary) from these probings,

Gary would move to other areas of the spine

with different oils, including the sacrum and

lower lumbar regions, according to where he

felt led by the client’s issues. The parasympathetic

nerves of the body include, not only

those originating in the brain such as the vagus

nerve, but also the ganglionic centers of

the sacrum.

According to Gary, the version of NAT

given in these notes has been effective in correcting

Parkinson’s disease. In this application,

Gary has also added Melissa Oil after Sandalwood

as a seventh oil to apply with the probe

in the same prescribed protocol. The version

presented here with the six oils is the protocol

done routinely in the Nova Vita Clinic

in Guayaquil, Ecuador. As a client there in

February, 2008, I received NAT every other

day while there. I also observed it several

times when it was performed on others and

took notes, which is the basis from which this

article is derived. The reason this technique

could work for Parkinson’s disease is because

Parkinson’s is due to failure of the locus ceruleus

to properly process neural messages and

of the vagal ganglion to properly transmit its

electrical signals. Since NAT is designed to

restore normal vagus nerve function as well

as that of the locus ceruleus, the symptoms

of Parkinson’s could reasonably be expected

to be reduced or disappear altogether when

these two neural organs regain their healthy

normal function. At this time, medical authorities

refer to Parkinson’s as “idiopathic,”

which is the medical term for “cause unknown.”

Doctors understand why compromise

of the vagal ganglion and locus ceruleus

regions would result in the classic symptoms

get on the massage table. She was

able to lay face down so we did the

whole massage prone.

1. I first took the foot from the painful

side and laid it across the opposite

ankle. This opens the muscles

that tightly weave in the buttocks

to create more space so the sciatic

nerve isn’t as pinched.

2. Second, I applied the Sciatic Relief

blend over her lower back, buttocks

and down her leg to the knee.

3. From now on, most of the work I

did was massage. I imagined all the

layers of muscle that tightly weave

around the hip and buttocks and

concentrated my massage on isolating

each muscle, applying moderate

palm and fist effleurage where

the muscle begins and ends (insertion

points and attachment points)

For the average person reading this,

that just means where the muscle

attaches from one bone and ends at

a different bone. So all the bones affected

by sciatica are the spine vertebrae,

top rim of hip bone which

is the lower back, the sacrum of the

hip bone, as well as the greater trochanter

knob of the leg. (If you place

your hands on your hips and run

them down the side of your body,

you will feel a knob where your hip

ends and your leg begins.) The last

bone affected is at the knee.

When visualizing and isolating

each muscle, I work my strokes the

direction the muscle goes. Imagine

the muscle like grain of wood, work

“with” the grain like you are sanding

wood, but with slow strokes

with your palm and later with top of

your fist. I may start my strokes going

from the top of the muscle to the

bottom of the muscle, then I’ll switch

and work from bottom to top. Later,

I work across the grain of the muscle

instead of “with” the grain.

In This Issue


by Troie Battles

The Neuro-Auricular Technique

by David Stewart, PhD, DNM

Sciatic Massage

with Essential Oils

by Tiffany Rowan

Young Living Now Has

Kosher Certification

How Are Essential Oils

Different From Herbs and

Food Supplements?

by Joanne Schwarm

Disposable coffee cups, carryout

containers filled with

cancer-causing agents

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

AromaSilk Bar Soap

Cleansing Your Brain

Health Fairs – Hands On

Education of Young Living Oils

in our Communities

by Linda Penkala, LMT

All information contained in Message

Scent is intended for educational

purposes only. It is not provided in order

to diagnose, prescribe or treat any

disease, illness or injured condition of

the body, and the authors, publisher,

printer and distributors accept no responsibility

for such use. Anyone suffering

from any disease, illness or injury

should consult with their physician.

Published by Carl Janicek

Produced by Ruby Gibson

Contact: 303-670-7300

© 2011 Medicine Wheel Consultants, Inc.

ridge, pull headward gently several

times. If the client is sitting backwards on a

chair, you will have to stand behind the chair,

at the head, and pull upwards.

Upon completion of Step 7 above, go

back to Step One with the next oil and repeat

everything. Continue repeating the 7

steps above with each oil until all six oils have

been applied, ending with Sandalwood. (Valerian

comes after Frankincense, etc.) When

you get to Vetiver (the third oil) it is too thick

to readily drop from the bottle. Remove the

dropper cap and administer by pouring from

the bottle. There is no specific number of

drops or amount of oil to be applied in this

technique. None of these are hot oils. Just be

sure there is enough to cover the portions of

the spine involved and the base of the skull,

including the locus ceruleus. When you have

completed the above seven-step procedure

with each of the six oils in the order given,

from Frankincense to Sandalwood, you are

through. That is all there is to NAT.

Theory and Purpose of NAT

The purpose of the Neuro-Auricular Technique

(NAT) is to jump-start and reconnect

all of the synapses of the brain and upper

spine, particularly in the locus ceruleus

and vagal ganglia. The technique is applied

along the occipital ridge, particularly focusing

on the medullar area (center depression

at base of skull) and along each vertebra of

the cervical spine (the 7 vertebrae between

the skull and shoulders that comprise the

neck). There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves.

These are nerves that emanate directly from

the brain and not from the spinal chord. The

first 8 pairs go to the eyes and tear ducts, ears,

nose, tongue, facial and chewing muscles,

lips, mouth, teeth, and salivary glands. There

are 4 pairs that extend from the brain to the

throat, larynx, lungs, heart, liver, stomach,

large intestine, small intestine, and shoulders

that extend down and out between the top

four cervical vertebrae which comprises the

vagal complex. The fact that there is a pair of

cranial nerves directly from the brain to the

muscles of the shoulders explains why tense

shoulders can lead to headaches while stress

in the brain (worry, anxiety, fear, etc.) can

cause tense shoulders.

Notice the chemistry of the oils Gary

has chosen for NAT. Frankincense is mostly

monoterpenes (for balancing and reprogramming).

Valerian, Vetiver, Cedarwood, and

of Parkinson’s: viz. uncontrollable tremors,

stiffness of limbs, spinal rigidity, emotional

instability, drooling, and the stooped postures

of a typical Parkinson’s victim, but don’t

know the root causes of why these nerve centers,

themselves, stop functioning properly.

As for proximal causes, Parkinson’s disease

can follow bouts of acute encephalitis, carbon

monoxide exposure, or metallic poisoning,

as well as a consequence of some prescriptions,

especially Reserpine and phenothiazine

drugs. However, while knowing a proximal

cause can lead to measures of prevention,

such knowledge becomes less important if

you know a cure. In fact, knowing a cure

can reveal, not only a proximal cause, but a

deeper root of the problem. In addition to

possible benefits for Parkinson’s suffers, the

nature of NAT also suggests that there may

be benefits for any condition or malady due

to malfunctions in the nerve centers of the

locus ceruleus and vagal ganglion. Many

neurological disorders originating from these

centers could potentially benefit from NAT.

NAT is currently under development by

Gary Young, its creator. He may ultimately

refine and modify it considerably from what

we have presented here. Gary taught NAT to

a group of 340 Young Living distributors in

Guayaquil, Ecuador, the last week of February

2008. I was there and assisted him in the

training. What he did there was significantly

different, using different oils and with a different

purpose, mainly for emotional release.

The only similarity in what is presented here

and what he did there was in the use of the

auricular probe or medicine dropper along

the occipital ridge and upper spine. However,

in that version he used completely different

oils and probed other areas of the spine from

the sacrum up by which he was able to effect

some emotional releasing.

The protocol given here is what they have

been doing in Gary’s clinic in Ecuador (Nova

Vita) since its founding in 2007 and apparently

is Gary’s original version. I personally

received this technique, as given in these

notes, more than a dozen times administered

by clinic staff. It was from them that I learned

it. It was Gary Young that told us that this

version is the one, in his experience, that had

been effective with Parkinson’s disease.

Check out Dr. Stewart’s website at:

for articles like this one.

5. Action plan. There always has to

be an action plan. The body goes

awry for a reason. So we need to stop

doing the things that cause the body

to go awry. Since her sciatic pain

was not caused by an injury, tumor,

spinal problems or something like a

disease, then she caused her body

to go awry. Her action plan was to

take it easy for a week to allow the

inflammation in the body to recede.

She was to continue her stretches

three times a day to keep the muscles

open allowing enough space for the

sciatic nerve so it didn’t get pinched

again. Lastly, she was to avoid foods

and beverages that cause inflammation

and pain. She made it a goal to

quit sodas (diet or regular).

Sodas are known for robbing the

muscles and bones of precious calcium

and magnesium. Without these

two precious minerals, muscles cannot

flex and extend properly. Soda

also causes the body to become

acidic, disrupting the healthy pH

of the body. So the body pulls even

more calcium from the bones to

neutralize the acid in order to restore

healthy pH. This causes achy bones

and joints. Foods containing aspartame

such as jello and other items

that require no sugar are harmful to

muscles and bones. Water is a great

source of calcium and magnesium.

It keeps muscles staying fluid so they

move easier.


She hopped off the massage table

without her sister’s help. She immediately

lifted her knee to her chest

showing us her improved range of

motion. She walked normally back

to her car. She didn’t even need the

hand rail when going down the steps

of the deck. Needless to say, she was

a very happy client!



Have you ever considered cleaning out

your brain? Think about it. We spend

so much time keeping the exterior of

our bodies in great condition. What

do we do to keep our brains functioning

at top level? Many of us complain

about not being able to think clearly

and having a hard time remembering

things. So, why not clean the brain?

Consider a few suggestions that would

be helpful for your brain to be able to

function at a higher capacity.

SUGAR: Although we love it, sugar can

be detrimental to brain activity. Every

Mother knows that Halloween and the

days following are some of the hardest

as a parent. The result of oodles

of candy usually leads to children that

are bouncing off the walls. Researchers

have found that parents who clean

up their children’s diets and limit

sweets, have seen a drastic decline in

hyperactivity. Work on changing your

diet and the diet of your family. As

you eat healthier foods, you will enjoy

a brain that is calmer and able to perform


CAFFEINE: Caffeine has been shown

to decrease blood circulation in the

brain. A study conducted by Wake

Forest University School of Medicine

showed that the average U.S. citizen’s

daily consumption of caffeine was the

equivalent of just over 2 cups of coffee

per day. Consuming just 2 cups of

coffee per day constricted blood vessels

in the brain and caused a reduction

in cerebral blood flow. Obviously,

maintaining adequate blood flow by

avoiding caffeine would be one good

way to keep your brain clear.

ESSENTIAL OILS: Essential Oils are excellent

for brain function because they

are able to go through the blood-brain

barrier and carry oxygen to the brain.

Try taking Purification oil by mouth

and see how much clearer your thinking

becomes. Also, Clarity blend, Brain

Power blend, and Present Time blend

have proven to be very effective in

improving mental alertness. Another

great source of brain food is Essential

Omegas. Omega 3-rich fatty acids,

such as fish oil and flax seed oil are

essential to nourish the brain. Your

brain works hard for you everyday.

Take the time to learn what you can

do to keep your brain functioning at

its highest potential.