
Yoshifumi Fukada (Ed.D., University of San Francisco & Ph.D., University of Tokyo) is a Professor at Toyo University in Tokyo, Japan. His research interests involve L2 learners’ situated learning, dynamic identities, and agency and motivation in language learning and TL-mediated socialization (both in and out of class). His recent publications include ‘An ethnographic case study of one Korean international student’s TL-mediated socializing in affinity space of the host country,’ (Internationalisation and Transnationalisation in Higher Education, Peter Lang, 2018) , ‘Whole language approach.’ (The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018), and L2 learning during study abroad: The creation of affinity spaces (Springer, 2019). He received his second doctoral degree from the University of Tokyo in 2023 with his dissertation entitled International Students' Co-construction of TL-mediated Socializing Opportunities in Their Affinity Spaces: A Longitudinal Situated Qualitative Study.