Yi Zhu
Quantitative Analytics and Model Development Group Manager
PNC Bank
Email: math.zhu "at" gmail.com
About me: The field of my research is algebraic geometry. I study rational curves and algebraic cycles on algebraic varieties.
Publications: List from arXiv Google scholar
[1]. Very free curves on Fano complete intersections, with Q. Chen,
Algebraic Geometry 1 (2014), no.5, 558-572
[2]. A^1-connected varieties of rank one over non-closed fields, with Q. Chen,
Mathematische Annalen 364, (2016), no.3, 1505-1515
[3]. On the irreducibility of the space of genus zero stable log maps to wonderful compactifications, with Q. Chen,
International Mathematical Research Notices 2016, no.10, 3029-3050
[4]. Log rationally connected surfaces,
Mathematical Research Letters 23, (2016), no. 5, 1527-1536
[5]. A^1-curves on log K3 surfaces, with X. Chen,
Advances in Mathematics 313, (2017), 718-745
[6]. Homogeneous Space Fibrations over Surfaces,
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, (2017), (Link)
[7]. A^1-curves on log smooth varieties, with Q. Chen,
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal), (2017), (Link)
[8]. A^1-equivalence of zero cycles on surfaces,
Transactions of the AMS, 370 (2018), no. 9, 6735–6749
[9]. Strong Approximation over function fields, with Q. Chen,
Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 27 (2018) 703–725
[10]. A^1-equivalence of zero cycles on surfaces II, with Q. Yin,
Annals of K-Theory 3-3 (2018), 379--393
[11]. A^1-curves on affine complete intersections, with X. Chen,
Selecta Mathematica, 24(4), 3823-3834, (2018)
[12]. Fano Hypersurfaces in Positive Characteristic,
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Volume 362 (2024), pp. 107-115.
Fibration method with multiple fibers and strong approximation, with D. Wei and J. Xu, (arXiv:2412.01144)
The arithmetic puncturing problem and integral points, with D. McKinnon, (arXiv 1806.03180)
University of Waterloo
Fall 2016 Calculus for Sciences
Fall 2015 Linear Algebra for Science
University of Utah
Spring 2015 Introduction to Quantatative Reasoning
Fall 2014 Quantitative Analysis
Spring 2014 Calculus II
Fall 2013 Calculus III
Fall 2013 Introduction to Modern algebra I
Spring 2013 Calculus I