Yi-Ting Chen
Assistant Professor at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
ychen [at] cs.nycu.edu.tw
CV | Google Scholar | DBLP
I am an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. I received my Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University under the guidance of Prof. Jan Allebach in 2015. From 2015 to 2020, I worked as a senior research scientist at Honda Research Institute USA. In Spring 2015, I was a visiting researcher at Google ATAP. I was a visiting computer vision researcher in Prof. Ming-Hsuan Yang's group at UC Merced in 2014. I also interned at HP working on an imaging science project. I earned my B.S. in Electronics Engineering from National Chiao Tung University in 2009, during which I was a visiting student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, working with Prof. Thomas Huang in 2009.
He is a recipient of the NSTC 2030 International Outstanding Scholar Program (國科會2030跨世代 - 國際年輕傑出學者) in 2024, NYCU CS Outstanding Young Scholar Award (資訊年輕學者卓越貢獻獎) in 2024, the Yushan Fellow Program Administrative Support Grant (玉山學者計畫) from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, in 2021, the Junior Faculty Award (青年講座教授) from NYCU in 2021, and the Government Scholarship to Study Abroad from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan. He also received Fellowship of the HEA (國際高教會士) from Advance HE in 2023, the Excellent Teaching Award (校級優良教學獎) from NYCU in 2023, and the Award for Excellent Teaching in English (資訊學院英語教學獎) from NYCU CS in 2024.
To Prospective Students
[誠徵對人本智慧系統開發與研究充滿熱忱的博士班、研究助理、碩士班、專題生加入團隊]: I am currently looking for highly motivated students (in Ph.D., Research Assistant, M.S., and Undergrad) who are interested in developing Human-Centered Physical AI Systems. Please send me an email with your curriculum vitae (with representative works, research experience, and coursework) and a statement indicating why you are interested in our research. Please find our recent works on this page and the slide.
01/2025: [NEW] A paper on Learning Scene Affordance for Visual-ROI is accepted at ICRA'25!
01/2025: [NEW] A paper on Learning Reward Models from Vision and Language is accepted at ICLR'25!
09/2024: [NEW] A paper on Adaptable Error Detection for Few-shot Imitation is accepted at NeurIPS'24!olicy
09/2024: [NEW] I will serve as Area Chair for CVPR'25.
06/2024: [NEW] Our proposal to NSTC 2030 International Outstanding Young Scholars program (國際年輕傑出學者) is granted!
06/2024: [NEW] Two NSTC Research Grants for University Students of 2024 (沈昱宏&廖奕瑋)!
05/2024: [NEW] Our work SKT-Hang is featured on NVIDIA blog post! [Link]
04/2024: [NEW] We will co-organize ECCV'24 Workshop on "The Event Detection for Situation Awareness in Autonomous Driving." [Link]
02/2024: [NEW] One paper on Action-centric Representation Learning is accepted at CVPR'24!
01/2024: [NEW] Two papers on Risk Object Identification and Task-oriented Representation learning for Robotics are accepted at ICRA'24!
12/2023: [NEW] Gave a talk on "Can Generative AI enhance driving safety?" at U.S.–Taiwan Sustainability and Innovation Forum. [Link]
11/2023: [NEW] I will serve as Area Chair for ICDL'24.
09/2023: [NEW] 2023 Excellence in Teaching Award, NYCU! [Link]
08/2023: [NEW] A paper on food Item Property Understanding via Action Perception is accepted at CoRL'23 [paper][Project Page]!
07/2023: [NEW] A paper on Fine-grained Interactive Traffic Scenario Understanding is accepted at ICCV'23 [paper][Project Page]!
07/2023: [NEW] DROID: Driver-centric Risk Object Identification is accepted at TPAMI [paper]!
07/2023: [NEW] Certify as a Fellow of the HEA (FHEA) [Link].
06/2023: [NEW] I will serve as Area Chair for CVPR'24.
06/2023: [NEW] A paper on Content Estimation via Tactile Interactions is accepted at IROS'23 [paper]!
06/2023: [NEW] Two NSTC Research Grants for University Students of 2023!
05/2023: [NEW] Gave a talk at AI Forum 2023 [link].
05/2023: [NEW] Gave a talk at NTHU ISA [Link].
01/2023 [NEW] A paper on Real-time Monocular Visual SLAM is accepted at ICRA'23 [paper][code]!
12/2022 [NEW] Gave a talk at NTHU CS [Link]
10/2022 [NEW] A paper on Driver's Risk Perception is accepted at the NeurIPS'22 ML4AD workshop!
09/2022 [NEW] A paper on Road Scene Representation Learning is accepted at CoRL'22!
07/2022: [NEW] Serve as Guest Editor for Trel-TAAD: Special Section on Trustworthy AI for Autonomous Driving [link].
01/2022: [NEW] Hosting CVPR'22 workshop "Human-centered Intelligent Services: Safe and Trustworthy" [Website].
12/2021: [NEW] A great collaborative experience with doctors on intelligent medical image analysis! [link]
11/2021: [NEW] Receive BMVC'21 Outstanding Reviewer! [link].
12/2021: [NEW] A paper on few-shot imitation is accepted at AAAI'22 (15% acceptance rate)! [link]
10/2021: [NEW] A journal paper on Explainable and Advisable Model accepted by Applied AI Letters! [link]
10/2021: [NEW] A paper on Birds-Eye-View Segmentation is accepted at BMVC'21! [link]
10/2021: [NEW] Receive The Yushan Fellow Program Administrative Support Grant from the Ministry of Education [Link]!
10/2021: [NEW] A paper on semi-supervised 3D object detection is accepted at 3DV'21 [link]
08/2021: [NEW] I will serve as Senior Program Committee for AAAI'22.
05/2021: [NEW] Receive CVPR 2021 Outstanding Reviewer! [link].
05/2021: [NEW] Gave a talk at NYCU CS [link] and NTHU ISA [link].
03/2021: [NEW] Gave a talk at NTU CSIE [Link].
02/2021: [NEW] Join NYCU CS as an assistant professor [webpage]!
01/2021: [NEW] Gave a talk at Microsoft AI R&D center and Academia Sinica [Link].
Professional Activities
Guest Editor of Journal Special Issue
IEEE Transaction on Reliability: Special Section on Trustworthy AI for Autonomous Driving [link]
ECCV'24 Workshop on ROAD++: The Event Detection for Situation Awareness in Autonomous Driving.
CVPR'22 workshop "Human-centered Intelligent Services: Safe and Trustworthy (2022) [link]
Area Chair/Senior Program Committee
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2024/2025)
IEEE Conference on Development and Learning (2024)
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2022)
Journal Reviewer
ACM Computing Surveys
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Pattern Recognition
Conference Reviewer
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2019–2023)
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (2019, 2021, 2023)
European Conference on Computer Vision (2020, 2022, 2024)
International Conference on Learning Representation (2022-2024)
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (2022-2024)
International Conference on Machine Learning (2024)
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (2021-2024)
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (2020, 2022)
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2020-2021)
British Machine Vision Conference (2020-2023)
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2020)
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (2017–2022)
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (2018–2020)
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2018)
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (2016, 2020)
ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (2021)
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (2022)