Human-centered Intelligent Services Safety and Trustworthiness

In Conjunction with CVPR 2022

June 20, 2022

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA



The recent success of machine learning and deep learning enables a wide range of artificial intelligence (AI) applications embedded in our daily lives.  In particular,  intelligent services (e.g.,  self-driving cars, intelligent personal assistants, smart homes and domestic robots, and intelligent healthcare monitoring systems) that require making sequential decisions based on what they perceive  (e.g., using cameras or LiDAR to sense their surroundings) has brought much attention. While significant advances have been made, it comes with unprecedented challenges, i.e., how to design human-centered intelligent services that assure safety and trustworthiness? Human-centered intelligent services should be beneficial for end-users and developers to understand and trust recommendations or decisions made by systems.  Moreover,  the systems should guarantee safety in human-machine collaborative environments.  Otherwise, the value of these intelligent services will be significantly reduced.

Towards the goal, human-centered intelligent systems should have the following properties:

Our workshop aims to gather a broad community of researchers and practitioners from academia and industry working in the field of human-centered intelligent services with a focus on safety and trustworthiness.  We hope that the workshop serves as a platform to foster collective efforts towards next-generation human-centered intelligent services. 

Call for Paper

We invite submissions for CVPR'22 Workshop for Human-centered Intelligent Services: Safety and Trustworthy (HCIS2022). Each submitted paper will be double-blind peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. All accepted papers will be presented as either oral or poster presentations and appear in the CVF open access archive. Papers submission is through HCIS2022 CMT and must follow the same policies and submission guidelines described in CVPR'22 Author Guidelines. In submitting a manuscript to this workshop, the authors acknowledge that no paper substantially similar content has been submitted to another workshop or conference during the review period.

We welcome papers on a wide variety of topics including:

We invite submissions of two types:

Paper submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed and in the CVPR template.

Submission Website:

Invited Speakers

Juneteenth Holiday

This year, June 19 and 20 marks Juneteenth, a US holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the US, and a holiday of special significance in the US South. We encourage attendees to learn more about Juneteenth and its historical context, and to join the city of New Orleans in celebrating the Juneteenth holiday. You can find out more information about Juneteenth here: