
Principles of Sociology

Hana E. Brown

General introduction to the field; social organization and disorganization, socialization, culture, social change, and other aspects. Required for all sociology majors and minors.

    • Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life - Annette Lareau (2003) [Kindle Edition] ISBN-13 978-0520271425

    • Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets by Sudhir Venkatesh (Jan 10, 2008) [Kindle Edition] ISBN13 978-0143114932

    • Mills, C. Wright. 2000. The Sociological Imagination.Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Chapter 1, “The Promise”)

    • Belkin, Lisa. 2008. “The Baby Name Game - Motherlode Blog.” New York Times, December 12.

    • Lieberson, Stanley, and Eleanor O. Bell. 1992. “Children's First Names: An Empirical Study of Social Taste.” American Journal of Sociology 98:511-554.

    • Schwitzgebel, Eric. 2009. “The Gender Migration of Names.” The Splintered Mind. January 2.

    • Bellah, Robert N., Richard Madsen, William M. Sullivan, Ann Swidler and Steven M. Tipton. 1985. “Individualism” from Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. Berkeley: University of California Press.

    • Postrel, Virginia. 2002. “How Can the Marketplace Gauge Fashions?” New York Times, May 23.

    • Mintz, Steven. 2004. “The Social and Cultural Construction of American Childhood.” Pp. 36-56 in Handbook of Contemporary Families: Considering the Past, Contemplating the Future, edited by Marilyn Coleman and Lawrence H. Ganong. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

    • Cohen, Philip. 2009. “On Naming Diversity, or Why We Never Asked if Mary Had Jumped the Shark” The Huffington Post, May 12.

    • Gaines, Donna. 1990. Selections from “Teenage Wasteland: Suburbia’s Dead-End Kids”

    • Schwalbe, Michael. 1998. “Finding Out How the Social World Works” from The Sociologically Examined Life: Pieces of the Conversation.

    • Lovaglia, Michael. 2003. “From Summer Camps to Glass Ceilings: The Power of Experiments” in Contexts.

    • Schuman, Howard. 2002. “Sense and Nonsense about Surveys” in Contexts.

    • Adler, Patricia and Peter Adler. 2003. “The Promise (and Pitfalls) of Going into the Field” in Contexts.

    • Lorber, Judith. 1993. “Night to His Day”: The Social Construction of Gender” from Paradoxes of Gender.

    • Leidner, Robin. 1991. “Serving Hamburgers and Selling Insurance: Gender, Work, and Identity in Interactive Service Jobs,” Gender and Society 5:2, pp. 154-177.

    • Kelman, Herbert C. and V. Lee Hamilton. 1990. “The My Lai Massacre: A Crime of Obedience?” from Crimes of Obedience: Toward a Social Psychology of Authority and Responsibility.

    • Goffman, Erving. 1961. Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates. Anchor Press. Pp. 3-25, 28-29, 35-38, 41-43, 54-55, 188-189, 207-213, 227-231, 248-253, 304-308, 318-320.

    • Rosenham, David L. 1973. “On Being Sane in Insane Places” in Science.

    • Mclorg, Penelope A. and Diane E. Taub. 1987. “Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia: The Development of Deviant Identities” in Deviant Behavior.

    • Davis, Kingsley and Wilbert Moore. 1945. "Some Principles of Stratification,” American Sociological Review.

    • Tumin, Melvin M. 1953. “Some Principles of Stratification: A Critical Analysis,” American Sociological Review.

    • Domhoff, William G. 2011. Selections from Who Rules America? The Corporate Community and the Upper Class.

    • Ehrenreich, Barbara. 2002. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. (Ch. 1)

    • Fischer, Claude S. et al. 1996. Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve Myth. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Chapter 8)

    • Pager, Devah. 2003. “The Mark of a Criminal Record.” American Journal of Sociology 108(5):937–75.