3. Process

Phase I

Read the articles below on BYOD. Take notes on information provided in business/administrative/technical/social aspects of this trend.

National Education Association NEA Today - Should Schools Embrace “Bring Your Own Device”? - 2012/07/19 - http://neatoday.org/2012/07/19/should-schools-embrace-bring-your-own-device/

Education Week - Florida to Become Statewide BYOD Model? - 2012/10/16 - http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/DigitalEducation/2012/10/florida_to_become_statewide_by.html

Campus Technology - Preparing for Back-to-School BYOD - 2012/08/08 http://campustechnology.com/articles/2012/08/08/preparing-for-back-to-school-byod.aspx

KQED - MindShift - How to Launch a Successful BYOD Program - 2012/09/15 - http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/2012/09/how-to-launch-a-successful-byod-program/

1 to 1 Schools - BYOD Questions to Consider - 2012/04/08 - http://1to1schools.net/2012/04/byod-questions-to-consider/

University of Phoenix - Are BYOD programs a good way to bring technology to budget-crunched schools? 2012/05/08 - http://www.phoenix.edu/forward/perspectives/2012/05/are-byod-programs-a-good-way-to-bring-technology-to-budget-crunched-schools.html

CIO - Monash University CIO defragments IT, takes on BYOD - 2012/08/13 http://www.cio.com.au/article/433374/monash_university_cio_defragments_it_takes_byod/

IT World - BYOD in school not as easy as ABC - 2012/09/11 - http://www.itworld.com/it-consumerization/294563/byod-school-not-easy-abc

Forbes - BYOD: It's a Question of Lust (and Trust) 2012/10/17 http://www.forbes.com/sites/netapp/2012/10/17/byod-its-a-question-of-lust-and-trust/

U.S. Department of Education National Education Technology Plan - 2010/11 - http://www.ed.gov/technology/netp-2010/executive-summary

Phase II

Discuss among your group what you have learned so far will apply if your school is going to adopt a BYOD plan. What would you recommend to fellow students, parents, administrators.

Draw up a plan to persuade the stake holders how to proceed

Phase III

Present a 5-page written report and a 10 minute presentation to report your findings.