
Mass Culture in Modern China

Begins with an inquiry into the critical concept of mass and popular culture by looking at newspapers, posters, literature, film, and music, and tracing their sociopolitical, aesthetic, and affective impact on modern China. http://college.wfu.edu/ealc/courses

Andrew Justin Rodekohr http://college.wfu.edu/ealc/about-us/faculty-and-staff/andrew-justin-rodekohr

    • 简艺 超级女生 Super, Girls! (dir. Jian Yi, 2007)

    • 點石齋畫報 Dianshizhai

      • Vignettes from the Chinese_Lithographs from Shanghai in the Late Nineteenth Century - Edited and Translated by Don J. Cohn

      • YE Xiaoqing The Dianshizhai Pictorial Shanghai Urban Life 1884-1898

      • 崔健 一無所有 Cui Jian 1986

    • 鸳鸯蝴蝶派 Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies

      • 梁啟超 論小說與群治之關係 1902 LIANG Qichao On the Relationship Between Fiction and the Government of the People

      • 程小青 一只鞋 CHENG Xiaoqing The Shoe

      • 禮拜六 雜誌 Timothy C. Wong (Translator) Stories for Saturday: Twentieth Century Chinese Popular Fiction. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003

        • 朱瘦菊 Zhu Shouju The Confidence in the Game 1922 - not sure what chinese name of article is

        • 何海鸣 腳之愛情 He Haiming For the Love of Her Feet 1923

        • 施蟄存 巴黎大戏院 At the Paris Cinema

        • 穆時英 夜總會裏的五個人 Five in a Nightclub

      • 花樣的年華 2000

      • 上海老歌(1931-1949)

      • 毛毛雨 黎明晖 1929

      • 馬路天使 1937 袁牧之 周璇

    • Eileen Chang 張愛玲

      • 傾城之戀 Love in a Fallen City

      • 封鎖 Sealed Off

      • 色·戒 Lust, Caution

    • 義勇軍進行曲 March of the Volunteers

    • 霓虹灯下的哨兵 Sentinel under the neon lights 1964 (clip)

    • 毛澤東:在延安文藝座談會上的講話(一九四二年五月)Mao Zedong: Talks at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art

    • 八九点钟的太阳 Morning Sun

    • 陽光燦爛的日子 姜文 In the Heat of the Sun (dir. Jiang Wen, 1994)

    • 千万别把我当人 - 王朔 Wang Shuo, Please Don’t Call Me Human, (No Exit Press, 2005)

    • 精武門 Fist of Fury (dir. Lok Wai, 1972)

    • 鄧麗君 Teresa Teng

      • 甜蜜蜜 Comrades, Almost a Love Story (dir. Peter Chan, 1996)

      • 月亮代表我的心 The Moon Represents My Heart

    • 韩寒

      • 2007-06-15 应该废除学生作文 Let's do away with student essays http://ihanhan.net/?p=1115

      • 2007-08-11 辱华 Insults to China http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_513fb99d0100971p.html

      • 2008-12-10 必须抵制法国货 We must boycott French products http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_4701280b0100bidz.html

      • 2009-04-21 像成龙一样学会揣摩圣意 Like Jackie Chan, guessing the majesties' wishes http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_4701280b0100cupe.html

      • 2010-04-17 而你们在怕什么 What is it you're so afraid of 被和谐文章 http://hi.baidu.com/80age/item/1b3847189a16950ce65c365a

      • 2010-09-12 保住非法字符 protect the - [unacceptable input] 釣魚台事件 http://iamhanhan.pixnet.net/blog/post/17809691-%E4%BF%9D%E4%BD%8F%E9%9D%9E%E6%B3%95%E5%AD%97%E7%AC%A6%E2%94%80%E9%9F%93%E5%AF%92%E8%AB%87%E9%87%A3%E9%AD%9A%E5%8F%B0%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6

      • 2010-09-19 游行的意义 should we or shouldn't we 被删博文 http://www.isweetriver.com/2010/parade

      • 2011-01-02 (2011-01-03?) 需要真相,还是需要符合需要的真相 Do we need the truth, or just the truth that fits our needs? http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_4701280b010176yw.html

      • 2011-07-26 脱节的国度 The disconnected nation http://3g.renren.com/share.do?id=7797166617&suid=112234922

      • http://han-han.info/2011/07/26/脱节的国度/

      • http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4701280b0102drhj.html

      • 2011-11-02 格调不高怎么办 What do you do if it's too downbeat? http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_4701280b0102dwvy.html http://luo.bo/16271/

      • 2011-11-16 这事儿都过气了 We already had our say on that http://3g.renren.com/share.do?id=10138953898&suid=258424142

      • 2011-12-23 谈革命 Speaking of revolution http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_4701280b0102dz5s.html

      • 2011-12-24 说民主 Talking about democracy http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_4701280b0102dz84.html

      • 2011-12-26 要自由 Pressing for freedom

    • 非誠勿擾 馮小剛 If You Are the One (dir. Feng Xiaogang, 2010)