Popular Media

The woolliest words in business

The Economist, 2022

Employees should be open to criticism in order to keep their creative juices flowing

QS Study, 2022

Le lourd bagage des nouveaux leaders

Harvard Business Review – France, 2021


Institute for Public Relations, 2021

Peran Feedback bagi Kreativitas

Pemimpin.id, 2020

Etre critiqué par un subordonné stimule la créativité

Harvard Businesss Review-France. 2020

Four New Ideas for Giving Feedback That Gets Positive Results.

Forbes. 2019

To keep the creative juices flowing, employees should be receptive to criticism

Science Daily. 2019

Study: Employees can handle criticism if it comes from someone lower on the totem pole.

Ladders. 2019

Bosses' reactions could impact if workers speak up

Consumer Affairs. 2019

Being open to criticism at work can be beneficial to creativity.

Consumer Affairs. 2019

3 Ways to Use Criticism to Boost Your Creativity.

Thrive Global. 2019

Negative feedback does more good than harm, may help you become creative.

The Economic Times. 2019

Ethical leadership in the workplace can create a positive work environment.

Consumer Affairs. 2019

Employees should be receptive to criticism to stay creative.

Hindustan Times. 2019

How to ensure your company is not stuck in the past

Irish Times. 2019

Stuck in the past? New CEOs often try to transfer previous company's culture

Economic Times. 2019

Don’t Get Along with Your New Boss? Here’s the Most Likely Reason Why

Inverse. 2019

Wir brauchen eine kuscheligere Kultur für Kritik bei der Arbeit.

Ze.tt. 2019

Past Victories Don’t Always Translate to Success in New Environments. Here’s Why.

Big Think. 2018

리더자신의 과거 경험이 현재 그룹문화의 토대로

Dong-A Business Review. 2018

Too much structured knowledge hurts creativity, shows study.

Science Daily. 2017

The nine habits of unhealthy managers.

The Globe and Mail. 2017

Chaos Can Help Creativity.

IEDP. 2017

How Lego can get employees thinking outside the blocks.

The Globe and Mail. 2017