
Arnold  Buenviaje


蔡明仁生於菲律賓馬尼拉市, 祖藉福建晉江泉峰. 自幼好動, 更喜習武術, 在一九七七年加入菲律賓嶺南國術研究社, 跟随師丁有勳,洪龍聲,薛伍強,蔡成都,陳雙敏等兄門學習七星螳螂拳,洪家拳,白鶴派拳,蔡家拳,北少林拳派 等拳術.

一九八九年至一九九一年,蔡明仁到菲律賓武術協會參加菲律賓國家武術隊訓練班,跟隨韓明男,戈春燕,李俊峰,陳國榮,莫少能,米金蓓等中國著名武術教練學習長拳,南拳與其它武器, 後來參加了菲律賓國家武術隊。在一九九零年跟香港北佛派潘偉英師父學習傳統南獅舞藝。一九九三年拜山東煙台七星螳螂拳第代傳人鍾連寶師父為師。一九九四年於香港參加國際龍獅總會主辦之國際獅藝裁判訓練班,休業期滿并經考試合格。一九九五年拜入香港白鶴派第三代傳人陸松茂師父門下。 同年也跟新加坡龍藝名師新加坡五枚派掌門人陳源基師父學習福州舞龍. 後跟得到香白鶴派師叔邱煜剛的指點。二零一六拜新加坡福建少林龍掌門劉浩順師父為師。二零一九年四月,拜新加坡沙坪呂派獅藝第三代掌門陳紹箕師父為師。




二零一一年蔡明仁擔任教練參加香港第九屆武德盃擔任國家武術代表明勝武術會當教練,同時榮獲大會的優秀教練獎。同年蔡明仁擔任明勝武術會教練參加馬來西亞詩巫主辦第四屆婆羅洲杯國際武術邀請賽 。九月蔡明仁在第一屆菲律賓舞獅之王錦標賽擔任總裁判。十二月蔡師父擔任菲律賓龍獅聯合會舞獅隊代表菲律賓龍獅聯合協會教練參加新加坡第四屆牛車水新春國際獅王爭霸邀請賽 。



二零一四年蔡明仁帶領菲律賓武術協會舞獅隊擔任教練參加第四屆美高梅澳門國際舞獅爭霸邀請賽,榮獲女子傳統舞獅金牌 。



二零一七年五月蔡明仁在第三屆菲律濱舞獅之王錦標賽擔任總裁判 。八月蔡明仁領帶菲律賓武術協會參加第四屆亞洲龍獅錦標賽。 十月本會參加“醒獅文淵”國際獅王爭霸,蔡明仁擔任裁判。

二零一八年正月蔡明仁領帶菲律賓武術協會龍獅隊參加二零一八香港鱷魚恤世界香港夜光龍·醒獅錦標賽。 同時蔡明仁擔任大會裁判。










Arnold Buenviaje                   

     Arnold Buenviaje was born in Manila, Philippines, of Filipino- Chinese ancestry. In 1984 he earned a college degree in Bachelor of Science in Architecture . As a young boy, he was very interested in martial arts, in 1977 he joined Philippine Ling Nam Athletic Association and was trained by co-member instructors like Raymond Ting, Luis Ang, William Soon, Romeo Ong, Tony Tan etc. in the different style of Chinese martial arts like Qixing Tanglang Quan (Seven Star Praying Mantis), Hung Gar, Pak Hok Pai (White Crane), Choy Gar and Northern style boxing as well as fighting and traditional lion dance.

    From 1988-1991, he was sent by Ling Nam to Wushu Federation of the Philippines to trained under Wushu coaches from China, among the coaches he have trained under were Han Ming Nan, Ge Chun Yan, Li Jun Feng, Chen Guo Rung, Mo Shao Neng and Ms. Mi Jin Bei. With his perseverance in training he later became a member of the Philippine National Wushu Team.

   In 1990 he was able to improve his traditional lion dance skill under Poon Wai Ying shifu of Hong Kong, and by 1993 he became Qixing Tanglang Quan (Seven Star Praying Mantis fist) 5th generation master Zhong Lianbao’s disciple in Yantai, China. In 1995 he was accepted as disciple of Pak Hok Pai master Luk Chung Mow. He received his international lion dance judge license and certificate from the International Dragon and Lion Dance Association and was invited to judge in the 1995 International Lion Dance Invitation Tournament in Hong Kong. A year after, he studied Fuzhou Dragon Dance from Wu Mei Pai leader Ting Wan Kee shifu of Singapore. Later he was fortunate to received important pointers from Pak Hok Pai shifu Yau Yuk Kong. In 2016, he became the disciple of Fujian Shaolin Dragon Grandmaster How Soon Low. In April of 2019, he bowed to Sar Ping Lion Dance Grandmaster Chan Siew Kee to become his 4th generation disciple.

   In the past Arnold Buenviaje have been invited and have competed or performed, among them were the 1982 he competed in the 2nd Asian Chinese Kuoshu Tournament in Taichung, Taiwan; 1983 he performed in the 4th World Chinese Kuoshu Tournament in Tainan, Taiwan ; 1990 he competed in International Wushu Championship Lion Dance Event, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 1991 he competed in the 1st World Wushu Championship, Beijing, China as a member of the Philippine National Wushu team; 1991 he performed in the Southeast Asian Games Wushu Night, Manila Philippines; 1993 he competed International Tanglang Wushu Competition, Yantai China, where he won 3 gold medals;. 1998 he performed in the Southeast Asian Wushu and Qigong Exhibition Show, Penang, Malaysia.

  In 1995 he was one of the instructor to the newly organized Chi Ching Wushu Association, by 1999 he was given position of Chief Instructor of the Chi Ching Wushu Association.  In 1989, Su Kuang Institute invited him to assumed the position of Wushu instructor.  In 2000 he left the organization of Ling Nam Athletic Association. In 2004, Su Kuang have to stopped its Wushu classes. In 2006 he and his student established the Ming Sheng Wushu Association。

   In 2007 he performed at the First Hong Kong International Praying Mantis Competition Championship and he was invited by Penang's Tang Lang Martial Arts Association to perform during their founding anniversary. In 2010 he lead his Chi Ching Wushu team at the National Wushu Championship, they won the Champion and the second place of the Group event.

   In 2011 he coach the Philippine National Traditional Wushu Team that saw action at the 9th Hong Kong Wushu International Championship. Later that year his coached the Mingsheng Wenyang team that saw action in the 4th Borneo Cup Martial Art Competition at Sibu, Malaysia. September that same year he assumed the position of head judge during the First Philippine King of Lion Dance Championship held in Manila. In December 2011, he was the head coach of the Mingsheng Wenyang team representing the Philippine Dragon and Lion Union who competed in the Singapore International Lion Dance Competition.

     November of 2012, he was the head judge of the 2nd Philippine King of Lion Dance Championship.

    January 2013 he was invited to be one of the Wushu judge during the Wushu Discovery Friendship Games at the SM North Edsa. August, due to the gratitude of teaching the right Dragon and Lion Dance technique to Ming Sheng Wushu Association, it was passed that the name of the association changed to Philippine Mingsheng Wenyang Sports Association.

   In November of 2014 he was the coach of the lion dance team representing Wushu Federation Philippines Lion Dance team that competed in the 4th MGM Macau International Lion Dance Championship where they capture the gold medal for the Women’s Traditional Lion Dance Event.

  November 2015 he again led the Philippine Wushu Federation Lion Dance team and representing Wushu Federation Philippines to the 5th MGM Macau International Lion Dance Championship, where they capture the silver medal for the Women’s Traditional Lion Dance Event.

   In January 2016 he led the Philippine Dragon and Lion Dance team in the Crocodile World Hong Kong Luminous Dragon and Lion Dance Championship and he was invited as a judge during the competition. July of the same year, he led the Mingsheng Wenyang lion dance team to Fo Guang Shan Kaoshiung upon the invitation of Mabuhay Temple for the International BLIAYAD Conference.  

  By November, he was the coach of the Philippine Wushu Federation Lion Dance Team during the 6th MGM Macau International Lion Dance Championship, which they won the championship (1st place) for the women’s traditional lion dance.

   In May 2017, he was the head judge for the 3rd Philippine King of Lion Dance Champioship. August 2017, he was the team leader and coach for Wushu Federation Philippines to the 4th Asian Dragon and Lion Dance Championship in Macau and in October that year he was the coach of Mingsheng Wenyang lion dance team and assumed as judge at the “2017 Awakening Lion City” International Lion Dance Championship in Qiandaohu, Hangzhou, China. Where the team won 5th place for the Southern Lion Traditional Lion event.

 In January 2018, He was the coach of the Philippine Dragon and Lion Dance Team in the Crocodile World Hong Kong Luminous Dragon and Lion Dance Championship and was assigned as a scoring judge during the competition.

  June of the same year, Iloilo Hua Siong College Lion Dance Team competed in the 2018 Shishi Dragon and Lion Open Championship. He was invited to be designated as the coach Hua Siong Team, the team eventually won the 3rd place for the Southern Lion Traditional Event.

   In August, the Mingsheng Wenyang Sports Association was finally dissolved. Arnold Buenviaje and Mr. Mario Tan organized the Philippine Wenyang Sports Association.

   In November the Philippine Wenyang represents the Wushu Federation Philippines in the 7th MGM Macau International Lion Dance Championship. He was assigned as a scoring judge during the competition. Same month Philippine Wenyang competed in the Haikou International Dragon and Lion Dance Championship. He was the judge during the said competition.

 In December he lead the Wenyang Wushu team to the 50th Anniversary Malaysia Pak Hock Pai Association in Johor Bahru. In mid December he was the coach of the Philippine Wenyang Lion Dance team that performed in the 8th Anniversary of Malaysia Wenyang Sports Association and 4th Anniversary of International Wenyang Federation.  

   In April 2019, he became Sar Ping Lu Pai Lion Dance Art grandmaster Chan  Siew Kee's disciple, after undergoing a baishi ceremony in Singapore. He also attended the Sar Ping Ancestral Prayer.

  In 2020, he led the Philippine Dragon Dance team (Wenyang Dragon Dance team) to compete in the Crocodile World Hong Kong Luminous Dragon and Lion Dance Championship and was assigned as a scoring judge during the competition.  

In October of 2023, he led the National Lion Dance to compete in the 10th International Lion Dance Championship, where the team won the 2nd Place for the female traditional lion dance event.

In later part of October, he led the team to compete  the 2nd Asian Dragon and Lion Dance Championship in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

  He have held different position in many organization in the past, like Philippine Ling Nam Athletic Association as assistant chief instructor (1977-2005), coaching staff of Wushu Federation of the Philippines, member of Filipino Chinese Amateur Athletic Federation Wushu Committee, Wushu instructor of Su Kuang Institute,  Wushu instructor of Ballet Philippines, co-founder and chief instructor of Philippine Mingsheng Wenyang Sports Association and vice president of International Qixing Tanglang Kung Fu Federation,.

    He presently holds the position of chief instructor of Philippine Wenyang Sports Association, chief instructor of Philippine Chi Ching Wushu Association, , chief instructor of Sukuang Wushu Center, Wushu instructor of Manila Downtown YMCA, chairman of the Wushu Federation Philippines Dragon and Lion Dance Committee, committee member of the International Wenyang Federation, member of Asian Dragon and Lion Dance Federation, St. Jude Catholic School dragon and lion dance instructor and the president of Philippine Dragon and Lion Dance Union.