
Hung Gar Kuen “Hong Family Fist“

The Hung Gar Fist 洪家拳 (cantonese pronunciation) or Hong Jia Fist in Mandarin was created by Abbot Zhi Shan 至善禅师 of the Southern Shaolin Temple 南少林寺in Fujian 福建, China, during the reign of Yong Zheng (1723-1736 a.d.)of the Qing Dynasty 清朝. Zhi Shan, a disciple of Northern Shaolin Temple Abbot Zhao Yuan 朝元禅師 designed a boxing system that he taught to several disciples they were Hong Xi Guan 洪熙官, Lu A Cai 陸阿采,Fang Shi Yu 方世玉, Fang Xiao Yu 方孝玉, and others.After the destruction of the Southern Shaolin Temple by the the Qing soldiers, Zhi Shan and several of his student including Hong Xi Guan and Lu A Cai was able to escaped. Because they were fugitive and being hunted by the soldiers, they have agreed to disguise their martial arts style and hide it under the name Hung Gar (there are two version from which the name Hung Gar was derived, one is that Hong Xi Guan created the boxing system and taught it to his fellow Kung Fu brothers ,so his surname was used, the other is that they adapted the name "Hong Men" 洪門 an underground anti -Qing organization) .Hong Xi Guan and Lu A Cai while in hiding joined the Hong Chuan 紅船 or Red Boat, a Chinese opera company that traveled on a boat to perform all over China. Later Hong married Fang Yong Chun 方永春, a crane stylist boxer who have studied with buddhist nun Wu Mei, eventually Hong included the crane technique of Wing Chun to the Hung Gar system make it more effective ,Hong Xi Guan have a son named Hong Wen Ding 洪文亭. Hong have a few known student like Luo Xiao Juan 駱小娟, Wu E Lou 伍萼楼 , Chen Dong Fa 陳東發, Zhou Ren Jie 周人傑, Hong Tian 洪添 and Li Zu Kuan 李祖寬, the founder of Hong Fo (Hong Fut) Boxing 洪佛.

Lu A Cai continued to developed his Hung Gar skills with Hong Xi Guan, Lu A Cai taught Huang Tai 黄泰, Huang Tai then passed it to Huang Qi Ying 黄麒英, Huang Qi Ying to his son Huang Fei Hong ( Wong Fei Hung) 黄飞鸿 (1847-1924).Fei Hong completed his Hung Gar training with his father at age twelve, he later studied with Lin Fu Cheng 林福成, a student of Hung Gar master Tie Qiao San (Tit Kiu Sam)鐵橋三 whose real name is Liang Kun 梁坤 whose teacher is monk Jiao Yin 覺因. Huang Qi Ying expertise in martial arts was well known, he was considered to be among the top ten boxer in Guangdong they were known as the Ten Tigers of Guangdong ( others on the list were Tie Qiao San 鐵橋三, Wang Yin Lin 王隐林 , Su Hei Hu 蘇黑虎, Huang Deng Ke 黃澄可, Li Ren Chao 黎仁超 , Su Qi Er 蘇乞兒, Tie Zhi Chen 鐵指陳, Tan Ji Yun 譚濟鶴, and Zhou Tai周泰 ). Huang Fei Hong married four times, his first wife surname Law, died three months after they were married due to illness, the second wife surname Ma 馬 bored him two sons Han Sen (Hawn Sun) 漢森, Han Lin (Hawn Lum) 漢林. She died soon after. Huang 's third wife Cen 岑 bore him two sons Han Xi (Hawn Hei) 漢熙 and Han Shu (Hawn Hsu)漢樞, but she did not live long too. His fourth wife Mo Gui Lan 莫桂兰 is a Mo Jia (Mok Gar) 莫家拳 expert and became one of Huang Fei Hong's student.. After his son Hawn Sum was killed by gangsters, Fei Hong vowed never to teach martial arts to his remaining sons to prevent them getting into trouble. Huang have many student namely Lin Shi Rong (Lam Sai Wing) 林世榮, Deng Fang (Tang Fong) 鄧芳, Liang Kuan 梁寬,Shuai Lao Yan 帥老彦, Shuai Lao Yu, Su Nan 蘇南, Mai Zhan Qing麦展晴 , Ling Yun Jie 凌雲阶 , Wu Quan Cui 伍銓萃, Feng Rong Biao馮榮標荣标 , Lu Zheng Gang 陸正剛, Chen Jin Quan 陳錦泉, Cheng Hua 程华, Chen Tai Jun 陳太君, Wu Ren Hu 吴仁湖, Liu Dun He 劉敦和 and others.

Lin Shi Rong (Lam Sai Wing)  林世榮(1860-1943), is a butcher by profession, he later moved to Hong Kong from Guangzhou 廣州, where he established his own school. With the help of his student Zhu Yu Zhai朱愚斋 , he was able to published three books on Hung Gar forms. Some of his other students and grandstudents are Lin Zu (Lam Cho)林祖 ---- [ Lin Zhen Hui (Lam Chun Fai) 林春辉, Lin Zhen Cheng (Lam Chun Sing)林春真,Huang Yao Zhen (Y. C. Wong) 黄耀桢, Jiang Bei Shan (Bucksam Kong)江北山] , Zhao Jiao (Chui Kao) 趙教---[ Zhao Zhi Ling (Chui Chi Ling) 趙志凌 , Zhao Wei 趙威] , Liu Zhan 劉湛----[Liu Jia Liang 劉家良, Liu Jia Rong 劉家榮, 林錫劍 Lin Xi Jian ] , Wang Li 王利---[Liang Chong 梁崇(John Leung) ],Song Shao Po (Sung Siu Boh)宋少波 , Chen Han Zong (Chan Hon Chung ) 陳漢宗,Liang Yong Heng 梁永亨and Lu Jing Rong 陆镜荣.

Shuai Lao Yan 帥老彦, a senior student of Huang Fei Hong opened a school in Guangzhou 廣州,his disciple Li Zhong Rong taught the system to Yang Shun De(Yong Soon Teik) 楊順德 ,Yang Shun De presently  operates several Hung gar school in Penang, Malaysia 马来西亚槟城. Deng Fang 鄧芳 ,the junior classmate of Lin Shi Rong 林世榮, worked in Singapore and later went back to Hong Kong to operate a school, among his student were He Li Tian (Hop Lap Tin) 何立天 and Liu Qi Dong (Lau Kai Tung) 劉启东, one of Liu Qi Dong's student was Xu Wei Peng (Shakespeare Chan) 許衛鵬 who taught at Ling Nam Athletic Association and at Chin Wu.