
Ting Wan Kee

福州龍藝掌門人陳源基 師傅

     陳源基師傅于1957年5月9日生于新加坡. 他9歲就學武,11歲學舞龍,22歲考獲武

術教練。他的武術是家學淵源,啟蒙師父是他家父五枚派掌門人陳少坤師父。1975年他首次參加擂台賽,在新加坡武術總會舉辦的第四屆全國武術擂台賽,取得中甲級优秀獎。他第二次參加擂台賽是1978年,在新加坡武術總會舉辦的第五屆全國武術擂台賽中,奪得中甲級冠軍,而成為國際華人武術賽國家代表隊選手。他開始學習舞龍,指導他是新加坡武術總會第一屆舞龍組主任黃有泉,後來他在跟父親學習,同時,又從陳孔華前輩學習福州龍制作。陳源基師父擔任新加坡龍獅體育會龍隊教練,帶領新加坡龍獅體育會龍隊于1984年,榮獲第七屆全國武術表演賽舞龍甲等獎. 1986,1988,1991,榮獲三屆全國舞龍舞獅錦標賽金龍獎。1996年菲律賓嶺南邀請陳源基來菲教福州龍藝,那時蔡明仁師父跟陳師傅學龍藝。

Fuzhou Dragon Dance Grandmaster Ting Wan Kee shifu

Master Ting Wan Kee of Singapore was born in 1957. At age 9, he began training in martial arts under his father Grandmaster of Wu Mei Style martial art, Ting Siew Khoon. At twelve years old, he studied dragon dance and at age 22 passed the martial arts instructor level examination. In 1975, he competed in the 4th National Chinese Pugilistic Competition where he won an award, he tried again during the 5th National Chinese Pugilistic Competition and this time won the championship in the middleweight A category weight division. Master Ting learned dragon dance from his father and Huang You Quan. He also learned the art of dragon making from Chen Kong Hua. As a dragon instructors of the Singapore Dragon and Lion Athletic Association, he has lead his team in several competition, the "A" level dragon dance award in 1984, during the 7th National Wushu Exhibition Competition and three consecutive Golden Dragon Award Championship at the National Dragon and Lion Dance Competition in 1986, 1988, and 1991. 

In 1996, Philippine Ling Nam invited Ting Wan Kee shifu to the Philippines to  teach Fuzhou Dragon Dance, during that time, Arnold Buenviaje shifu studied Dragon Dance with Ting Wan Kee shifu.