
Yau Yuk Gang

白鶴派拳師邱煜剛 師叔

     邱煜剛大師自幼對武術已有濃厚興趣,早期學白鶴派拳術,後來拜白鶴派宗師鄧澤明為師, 跟鄧宗師學術,兵器,醫術。二零零六年認識到俠家李傑大師,在鄧澤明宗師允許下,拜李師父門下。現在他創立香港白鶴派邱煜剛國術總會。他收徒弟來自義大利,馬來西亞,香港,美國等等

Pak Hok Pai Master Yau Yuk Kong shi shu

Shifu Yau Yuk Kong was very fond of martial arts as a child, he started to learn Pak Hok Pai  at a young age, later he because a ceremonial disciple of Pak Hok Pai grandmaster Tang Chek Ming, where he study Pak Hok Pai weapon and Chinese medicine. In 2006 he became a disciple of Hop style master Li Jie. He presently establish his own school the Pak Hok Pai Pai Yau Yuk Kong martial arts association. He have many studentscoming from Italy, Malaysia, Hong Kong, United States of America and many others.