
Mo Shao Neng

中國武術教練莫少能 老師

莫少能老師著名的武術家,一九四七年十月出生,畢業於北京體育學院本科。一九六四年八月入選廣西武術隊,在歷屆全國武術錦標賽中獲多項冠軍,擅長南拳、大刀、雙頭雙槍,在武林界被譽為“雙槍王”,一九七四年入選中國武術代表團,與李連杰、於海等一道出訪美國,在白宮為美國總統尼克松表演。在隨後的幾年中,先後入選中國武術代表團出訪墨西哥、英國、莫桑比克、坦桑尼亞、埃塞俄比亞、埃及、土耳其、突尼斯、阿爾及利亞、摩洛哥、毛里塔尼亞、羅馬尼亞、馬耳他等二十多個國家。 一九九五年調入廣東省武術隊任領隊兼教練,帶隊取得優異成績,獲八十多個全國冠軍及9個世界冠軍。受國家體育總局委派,其先後到馬來西亞、菲律賓、台灣等國家和地區任教。多次擔任全國武術新規則培訓班和全國教練員、裁判員學習班教員,並多次擔任國內外武術錦標賽、大賽的裁判員、裁判長、副總裁、總裁、仲裁等職務。自2003年第一屆香港國際武術節至今,莫少能老師多次擔任武術節的裁判及仲裁委員會成員,在全國乃至國際武術界具有較高的威望。榮獲中國武術高段位七段。

China Wushu Coach Mo Shao Neng  laoshi

Coach Mo Shao Neng, a well-known martial artist, was born in 1947 and graduated from the Beijing Institute of Physical Education with a bachelor's degree. 1964 he was selected for the Guangxi Wushu Team. He has won many championships in the previous National Wushu Championships. He excelled in Nanquan, Broadsword and Double Head Double Spear, known as the "Double Spear King" in the martial arts circle, was selected to the Chinese martial arts delegation in 1974, with Jet Li, Yu Hai, etc.Visited the United States together and performed for US President Nixon at the White House. In the following years, he was successively selected as the representative of Chinese martial arts.The delegation visited Mexico, Britain, Mozambique, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Romania, and Malta. Transferred to Guangzhou in 1995. As the leader and coach of the Eastern Wushu Team, he led the team to achieve outstanding results and won more than 80 national championships and 9 world championships. ReceiveAppointed by the State Sports General Administration, he has successively taught in Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and other countries and regions. Served as a nationalInstructors of the new martial arts rules training class and the national coaches and referees training class, and have served many times in domestic and foreign martial arts championships, Referees, chief referees, vice presidents, presidents, arbitrators and other positions of the competition. From the first Hong Kong International Martial Arts Festival in 2003 till today, coach Mo Shao Neng has served as the referee and arbitration committee member of the Wushu Festival for many times. He attained 7th Duan of Chinese Wushu.