Session 08/23/2005
20th of Lastmoon 3042
- Visit House of Clan Enfer Head. Valois will not be available until tomorrow.
- Find painting rearranging in the (now locked) dining room. A spot is be prepared for something.
- Make the acquaintance of Sir Foowadu Dul, Assistant Guildmaster, Guild of Arms
- Nisik visits a Sorcerer's Lodge in the Noble District, and is rebuffed.
- Attend Dr. Thoad's Lecture. Get covered in gore.
- Find that a prominent artist, Jezeheb has disappeared on the eve of his gallery display.
- Ambushed by hired thugs in a pub. Ransom two back, take a life boon from the third: Diniiv. (The ransom and life boon actually occurred at the start of the 9/13/05 Session)