Preparing for our Second Century

Preparing for our Second Century

Sunken Lake Scout Camp will be celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2020. The camp is undertaking a major fundraising campaign for important upgrades to the camp. We have received $30,000 from an anonymous donor, with the condition that it be matched within 2 years. The total, $60,000, will be used for upgrades to the main lodge (structural and wastewater system), other improvements and ongoing operations.

The camp is used by Scouts and other youth groups (including Girl Guides) from the Valley, as well as Scouts and Guides from around the province. This fundraising campaign will provide the camp with the means to serve the surrounding area for a second century.

To make a donation, contact our treasurer, Ian MacDonald ( Income tax receipts can be issued for donations. We are also selling our new crest for $5 to raise funds for the camp.

Another way to contribute is to drop off your refundable cans and bottles at the Recycling Depot in Greenwich (beside McConnell's Sod) or at New Minas Recycling. Just tell them you'd like the refund to go to the Sunken Lake Scout Camp.