1 - Money Management


1. Exercise 2-A Chart Data.pdf (attached)

Exercise 2-A Online Chart Maker

2. Exercise 2-B.doc (attached)

3. Family Budget Forensics.doc (attached)

Online Budgeting Tools

Kiplinger's Household Budget Worksheet

Theme Rationale

When people learn budgeting vocabulary and skills early, they are likely to be successful money managers. Good financial management skills require the abilities to establish a budget and understand the trade-offs required to adhere to a budget. Students must learn to apply budgeting skills as they enter the working world if we they are to be successful in managing their income.

Essential Question

How does budgeting help consumers balance income, spending and savings goals?

Key Vocabulary

Budget (Deficit, Surplus)

Financial plan

Fixed expense

Gross/Net Income


Net worth

Periodic Expense

Purchasing power


Variable expense

Instructional Objectives

A: Explain how personal values affect economic decisions.

B: Prioritize personal and financial goals.

C: Construct a plan to achieve those goals.

D: Examine current saving and spending behaviors and patterns.

H: Identify key terms such as disposable income, variable, fixed and period expenses.

I: Develop a budget.

Jackson's Budget MB