Scrum Master: Servant Leadership in Practice

First published in The Agile Zone, 26 April 2013

There are a number of agile methods in existence today. Originally dominated by Scrum and XP, the suite of processes has expanded to include a host of enterprise-level frameworks such as SAFe, DSDM, Disciplined Agile Delivery, and many others including Lean-Kanban variants. Each represents a particular way of working that conforms to the principles laid out in the Agile Manifesto, and most prescribe roles and responsibilities to go with them. These roles and responsibilities differ between these methods, because the very practices themselves differ, even though all comply with over-arching agile principles. But have you noticed that there always seems to be one particular role that is assumed to exist across the whole gamut of them, and a corresponding question for which every agile team is expected to have an answer:

Who is your Scrum Master?

If you think about it, that's really odd. Why should XP or DSDM teams - to say nothing of Lean Kanban ones - be assumed to have a "Scrum Master"? It's as though this particular Scrum role is woven into the very fabric of agile practice, and a team lacking a "Scrum Master" can't really be agile at all. What's going on?

Well, I'd argue that there are three forces at work here:

So what does a Servant Leader actually do?

Regardless of whether you call it a Scrum Master or not, this role brings with it the responsibilities of stewardship mentioned above. I've heard the role referred to as a Team Sherpa - appropriate, one would suppose, if the team uses BaseCamp. Anyhow, here is a checklist of key practices which the person fulfilling the role will need to demonstrate.

Antipatterns of stewardship: What a Servant Leader doesn’t do

What to do next

Use the above lists to decide whether or not your team actually has a Scrum Master in the first place...and if so, ask if they are a good fit. The answer may surprise you. The best person isn't always the one who may have been assigned to the job. Nor is a project manager necessarily well suited for "servant leadership". A Scrum Master might be a lowly developer who takes care of things other team members don't like doing...the best are often the "gofers" that hold the team together. On the other hand it might be a business analyst who is outward-facing enough to advocate a team position and remove impediments. BA's aren't called "boundary spanners" for nothing! 

If you don't have a clear fit for a Scrum Master, the chances are you still need one anyway. After all, if a team is to both deliver and improve, there will surely be a need for someone who can guide it, protect it, remove its impediments, and be its "Servant Leader".