20 Unagile Things to Avoid Saying and Some Better Alternatives

First published on Scrum.org, 13 December 2017 (syndicated).

"See it all. See it fairly. Be truthful, be sensible and be careful with language" - Henry GrunwaldIn Scrum we care about the precise and considered use of language, since any obfuscation reduces transparency. When we try to implement Scrum, we can sometimes find that the pressure is on to change Scrum terms and their meaning, so that change may be "configured" or "customized" to fit the organization. Scrum terms of reference can become bent and twisted around those existing contours, and the way we even think about agile change can be tugged at and constrained by organizational gravity. The result of acquiescing to such pressure is that little change may actually happen, and there is surprise and disappointment amongst stakeholders when the expected benefits do not materialize.

We are nevertheless subject to those forces of organizational gravity, and no matter how rigorous or careful we try to be, we cannot entirely insulate ourselves from its effects. An important discipline we must therefore learn is to exert small corrections, early and often, before they build up and we face a crash. Here are twenty small things which you might be tempted to say or to silently agree with, and which are perhaps rather better to avoid.