Product Ownership in Practice

First published in The Agile Zone, 11 April 2013

Scrum has simple rules about team composition. There is the Development Team plus exactly one Scrum Master and exactly one Product Owner. Due to potential conflicts of interest, the Scrum Master cannot be the same person as the Product Owner, although either can be members of the Development Team. The Development Team should have at least 3 people but not so many that it becomes ungainly and unresponsive (7 or 9 being the usually accepted maxima). As far as the rules of composition go that’s pretty much it.

Even so, applying these rules has proven to be a real headache for many organizations, especially those seeking to apply agile practice at an enterprise scale. Scrum Masters are often recycled out of Project Managers...a natural fit for some perhaps, but a poor one for those with little comprehension of “servant leadership”. In my experience though, it’s the Product Owner role which is the least well understood, and with which the greatest liberties are taken.Before we look into this, let’s review a Product Owner’s ideal job description, and remind ourselves again of what this role is meant to involve.

Wanted: Product Owner, Topnotch & Best Ltd.

So how does this idealized view match with the reality of Product Ownership? Let’s look at some of the product ownership “antipatterns” that have been known to surface, and which will be chillingly familiar to many.

Product Ownership Antipatterns, or a character description of the PO from Hell

Transparency is the first step in any agile transition. If you can at least recognize problems such as these you’ll be in a position to start dealing with them. After all, an issue that has been acknowledged is somewhere on the way to being solved. But getting effective product ownership often has to be seen as a medium to long-term doesn’t usually happen overnight. Compromises may have to be made in the shorter term while more appropriate qualities of product ownership are gradually encouraged.

One compromise that is often made is product ownership by proxy. This happens when the person best suited to be the Product Owner is unavailable due to other commitments, and one or more stand-ins have to be resorted to. I make special note of proxying here, because it can involve the horse-trading of critical and/or senior personnel. Also, the politics involved can make it a long-term (if less than entirely satisfactory) arrangement for a project.

Product Ownership by Proxy

It can therefore be seen that Product Ownership is a potentially complex phenomenon, although it can be reduced to either a single proxy or multiple proxies facing the team (see illustration). Of course, a very strong argument can be made against such complexity. It can be argued that unless a simple, direct, and effective model of Product Ownership is negotiated for a project, then the risks are too high for that project to be authorized. A direct line of control from a single team-facing proxy to a single or shared absentee Product Owner might just about be acceptable, but that would be the limit of any compromise on product ownership. Adopting a risk-driven position such as this is quite defensible in terms of agile practice, and also within the context of industry frameworks such as PRINCE2.

Unfortunately, this hard-line tack is often unsupportable in practice. Organizations, especially public sector and enterprise-level ones, always have new projects to do, existing political and business constraints in place, dysfunctional practices and cultural norms, and a misty-eyed goal of transitioning towards a more genuinely risk-driven and agile way of working. They just aren’t there yet. Although it may sound like a platitude, the fact is they are where they are, and every agile transition has to start somewhere.

This is where compromises are made, and why. In my experience these compromises are especially common around product ownership...even more so than the old chestnut of “who should be the Scrum Master”. The reason why product ownership is so abused should be clear from the above. Product Owners often hold the purse strings of projects, or represent the customers who do. Just follow the money, and you will soon find these competing interests and agendas, office politics and empire-building, and the sometimes quite bizarre priorities that managers set for themselves and others.