eTutor Training

These training documents will provide you with all the necessary information to be a successful online tutor. Take your time and read through the documents carefully.  If you have questions, please contact Sarah Bergfeld at for help. 

The type of tutor you want to be is up to you and your comfort level, so please choose the type that works best for you!

Writing Lab tutors work in the Writing Lab and they respond to eQuestions.  There is no live/synchronous component to a Writing Lab Tutor's job.

Live eTutors work in mathematics, the sciences, and all of the other subjects we cover.  Live eTutors work with students in Zoom and respond to eQuestions. Please see the subject list below.  Currently, these are the ONLY subjects offered by the WeTC.  If your subject isn't on this list, please contact your coordinator immediately and let them know.

Subjects for Live eTutors: Accounting, American Sign Language, Algebra, Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry (Intro), Chemistry (General) Chemistry (Organic), Chemistry (advanced levels), Communications, Computer Information Systems, Computer Network Administration, Computer Science, Differential Equations, Economics, Engineering Mechanics, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Intro to Engineering, Intro to Psychology, Japanese, Linear Algebra, Math in Society, Microsoft Office, Physics, Spanish, Statistics, Trigonometry, Web Development

Live Writing Tutors work primarily in Zoom, but they also respond to eQuestions and papers in the Writing Lab when their Zoom rooms are empty. 

Graduate Writing Tutors respond to eQuestions and graduate-level papers in the Writing Lab.  Graduate Writing Tutors must have a bachelor's degree and they need to have completed some graduate-level coursework (master's-level/Course number 500 and up in most states, 5000 and up in CA).