Bees and Woodware
BeeCheck is a voluntary communication tool that enables beekeepers and pesticide applicators to work together to protect apiaries through use of the BeeCheck mapping program.
Flowers and Plants:
Here are some more potentially helpful Links:
General Information:
Hero's To Hives From Michigan State University
Beekeeping Research and Information:
Organic Beekeeping Links:
Bush Farms (Micheal Bush) - Great resource for all things bees and beekeeping. Most of the information contained in his books happens to also be on his website.
Beekeeping Classes:
Colorado Mesa University (via Western Colorado Community College) Beekeeping classes offered are Intro to Beekeeping, Beekeeping 1, and Beekeeping 2.
University of Montana's accredited Master Beekeeping course.
CSBA Classes Classes offered by clubs in Colorado
Varroa Mite Information