Event Calendar

Monthly Meetings are held at:

Department of Wildlife

Hunter Education Classroom

711 Independent Ave (near REI)

Grand Junction, CO

We also broadcast on Zoom

Please check our Facebook page for the latest information. Members will also receive an email.

All Members and the Public are invited and encouraged to attend.

List of Preliminary Topics for  Meetings 

(subject to change):


Ordering Package Bees, Nucs and buying existing colonies. Get woodenware on order. 


Upcoming events and festivals.

Hive and frame assembly.  

Getting the yard ready. 

Late winter feeding.

Mite treatment discussion.

What to do about wax moth damaged frames.


Dead-out AutopsySpring Splits - Avoid swarms, Expand your apiary or sell beesApps and resources to help you manage your bees


Spring hive inspection, what to do and what to look for. Looking for queen cells / swarm cells?Spring hive splits, we'll talk why to do them, when to do them and about different types of splits. Install package bees and re-queening. 


How to handle a swarm and the Swarm List. Swarm control, honey-bound hives, and when to add a second brood box or supers. 


How are your hives doing? Share stories of success and failure with members so we gain knowledge and experience through other members. General question and answer.


Don't forget to monitor your hives and add supers when needed. 


Preparing for your honey harvest.Getting the nest ready for winter.


Fall Inspections.Dealing with reducing bee populations, increasing mite count ratios and drift. Selling honey/Cottage food act                                           


Cottage Food Act Presentation with a Guest SpeakerHoney Show & Tell


Membership survey review

The winter nest

Diagnosing and treating fungal and virus issues

Events and coordination for 2024

Planning for the December meeting


Year in ReviewQ&ADessert Potluck