Kat Out of the Bag

Kat Out of the Bag - Mystery by Wendy Kendall

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First of the In Purse-Suit Mystery Series

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Katherine Watson - amateur sleuth and international purse designer

The Prequel: Purse-Stachio Makes A Splash Now available! - Ebooks sale 99 cents!!!!

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Prequel also available in paperback anthology - A Taste Of Danger

Coming Soon! In Purse-Suit Mysteries Novella Mystery/Romance - Snow Kiss Cookies To Die For

Praise for Kat Out Of The Bag . . .

“Captivating characters, and a tight, tricky plot, KAT

OUT OF THE BAG is a curl up under a blanket, grab a

cup of tea cozy mystery that you’ll be reading—and

enjoying—into the wee hours of the morning.”

~Laura Childs, Author of Tea Shop Mysteries,

Scrapbooking Mysteries, Crackleberry Club Mysteries

“Inside every handbag are artifacts—pieces of

personality, glimpses of the past and often the deepest

secrets. Vintage purses have a story to tell and for

Kendall’s mystery, these stories unveil more than just

purse-sonal history; they’re the clues to catch a killer.”

~Esse Purse Museum, Little Rock, Arkansas

“Spellbinding, stylish, and completely engaging.

Wendy Kendall fashions a charming setting and

delightful cast of characters. The perfect weekend

escape reading. I’m feeling a need to buy a new purse.

Something sparkly. A clutch perhaps.”

~Keenan Powell, Agatha-Nominated Author of the

Maeve Malloy Mysteries

“A sophisticated page-turner in the tradition of Laura

Child’s novels and the small-town charm of Louise

Penney’s novels. A gutsy protagonist with a handbag

for every occasion, a murder, and a love interest. When

Katherine lays aside her voluminous handbag collection

to find the murderer, she puts her life in danger. Will

she regret coming back to her old home of Bayside?”

~Valerie J. Brooks, Author of Revenge in 3 Parts

and Tainted Times

“There’s an officer nearby. We’ll alert him. Hold the line.”

Katherine was worried by the operator’s monotone. Did she understand the urgency? Katherine watched in

disbelief as the shadow figure moved toward the shed attached to the waterwheel. Too late, she thought to get

a picture after the person disappeared inside the shed.

“Oh no,” Katherine muttered. She spoke into the phone, “Hurry. I think it’s the killer, maybe looking for

something left behind? Hello?” Had the operator hung up?

“Yes, the officer is on the way. Please stay on the line.” The operator’s voice now sounded bored.

A sharp ray of light from inside the shed cut through the darkness. The light jumped around. Sweat

collected on Katherine’s upper lip as she imagined the killer looking through her things for something, maybe

critical evidence. Fear gave way to irritation at the invasion. Irritation gave way to anger. Someone had to

stop that killer from removing whatever incriminating thing was so critical it had driven a return to the scene

of the crime. Katherine wanted to scream. Where were the police? Maybe MJ was right about them. She pressed

against the French doors. The light in the shed went out. Her breath caught in her throat. The silhouette

walked out of the shed toward the alley leading to the maze that burrowed throughout Bayside and beyond.

Katherine spoke gruffly and fast, “Hello. Where’s your officer? The suspect is getting away.”

“Ma’am, please stay calm and hang on the line. They’re on the way.”

Katherine unlocked the door to the yard and whispered to the 911 operator, “I’m in pursuit.”