Digital Art, Video Mgmt & Graphics

Need an image/graphic for a presentation? For your website? Or to add to a student handout? Before deciding on an image be sure it's one you can "legally borrow". Basically there are three types of images you will find on the Internet -

  1. Public domain & open source images - these images are free to use, but may require citation or permission to modify or edit in any way.

  2. Copyrighted images - Depending on the license, some images are not open for public use. One example of this is an image of Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse. To use copyrighted, restricted images, you must have written permission from the copyright holder.

  3. Royalty-free & stock images - you may purchase royalty-free & stock images to use without restriction both commercially and privately, but you cannot sell or lease these images.

Need help locating images that you can use legally? Check out the resources below!

Digital Art, Video Mgmt & Graphics — List page from Classic Sites