Updated 8/29/21

Your school nurses welcome any questions! Please contact us anytime.

Wells Elementary School: Catherine Finch RN cfinch@wocsd.org phone:

Wells Junior High School: Erin DeMauro RN edemauro@wocsd.org phone:

Wells High School: Pat Endsley RN pendsley@wocsd.org phone: 641-6967

Students (parents/caregivers) and staff members must conduct self-checks for symptoms prior to boarding buses or entering school buildings each day. Any person showing symptoms must report their symptoms to their school main office and/or the school nurse and must not be present at school.

2021 Pre-Screening Tool for School Attendance


COVID Testing Sites

COVID-19 Quarantine vs Isolation

COVID-19 Vaccination Information

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Responding to a Positive Case in Schools

COVID Community Care Support Service Information

Return to School After Illness/Fever

      • On return to school following absence due to an illness or isolation, students must be checked at the Health Office for a post-illness evaluation immediately upon arrival to school, before

going to the classroom.

      • Students who arrive with Temperature 100.4℉ or higher or have taken fever reducing dication should not be given access to the classroom and parents should be notified to pick up their child immediately.

      • When the child returns to school, he/she must be well enough to participate in all activities. Exception to the rule: If there is a restriction from some activity there must be a note from the child’s health care provider explaining for how long.

Wash Your Hands!!!

Maine COVID Testing sites

Isolation and Quarantine: What to do if You are Sick