Question 1 : What if a student needs medication during the school day?
WOCSD policy states that students needing prescription or over the counter medications during the school day have a signed permission from their parent/guardian and health care provider.
the school nurses have a standing order from our school physician to administer acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin) with parent permission. NO ASPIRIN PRODUCTS WILL BE ADMINISTERED AT SCHOOL WITHOUT A MEDICAL ORDER DUE TO THE RISK OF REYE'S SYNDROME. Students should not be carrying any medications on their person at school with the exceptions of.......
1. ASTHMA INHALERS: students needing to carry an asthma inhaler during school hours should have an asthma action plan on file with the school nurse. This plan needs to be updated each year.
2. EPI-PENS: students carrying EPI-PENS at school should have an updated Maine Allergy Action plan on file with the school nurse. This plan needs to be updated each year.
Please go to the FORMS PAGE to access these documents. The WOCSD medication policy is on the medication permission form.
Question 2: What is the policy if a student is ill
If a student is ill the parent /guardian should contact the school (may leave a message) first thing in the morning so the attendance secretary (Mrs. Webster) is aware. Here are some guidelines.
1. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea: The student should stay home until no symptoms for 24 hours. GOOD HANDWASHING!
2. Strep throat: The student may return to school when feeling better AND have been on their prescribed antibiotic for 24 hours. GOOD HANDAWASHING and don't forget to change the tooth brush.
3. Mono: The student may return to school when feeling better . Some students need to come in for half days for a while. The health care provider should give you a note. Students need a medical clearance to return to Phys-ed class or sports after diagnosed with mono.
Influenza: (usually fever, sore throat, cough, body aches) Time out of school may vary with severity of illness. The student should have no fever (under 100) for 24 hours (without the use of tylenol or other fever reducers) before returning to school).
If a student is ill during the school day, he/she should report to the nurse for assessment and parent guardian contact. Students should not be calling or texting during class.
Question 3:When does my student need a physical?
Student athletes in organized Wells High School athletics need an updated physical each year. This is a "rolling year" which means if a student had a physical on April 1, 2010, then the physical is good until April 1, 2011. Sports Physicals are offered each June at Wells High School free of charge and cover the next school year. Students choosing to have their sport s clearance with their own provider should turn in a note from the provider with the following information...
*Student name
*date of exam
* any physical restrictions listed if necessary
*health care provider signature
QUESTION 4: What is the procedure if my student has a concussion?
If your student sustains a concussion whether from school sport, recreation or just goofing around at home please call the school nurse to discuss his/her status. The Nurse and or Guidance Counselor can help by notifying teachers so an academic plan can be made when the student is ready to return to school. If your student is evaluated over the weekend or in the evening at an Urgent Care facility, please call your child's primary care provider for a follow up appointment. In most cases the primary medical care provider is the one who will determine return to academics. The "ACE" and "AAP Return to Learn" forms are posted on the forms page. Either of these forms should be filled out by the health care provider at each concussion evaluation visit.