
June 15th 2016

10:58 UTC

Bungendore NSW

1800 X B images @ 0.098s exp

1800 X G images @ 0.098s exp

1800 X R images @ 0.098s exp

Best 20% of frames stacked, 3 mins total per channel.

Takahashi TOA-130NS @F13 Prime Focus

ASI120MM camera + B,G,R filters

NEQ6 pro mount

Seeing excellent, used eyepiece projection to get a larger image. Note the crepe ring and bright EZ. The colour difference between the A and B ring is clear. Saturn's north pole is very dark and the south pole can just be seen poking through the Cassini Division. Notice how the shadow cast by the planet onto the ring has shifted a little since the previous images.

May 20th 2016

10:35 UTC

Bungendore NSW

2300 X B images @ 0.077s exp

2300 X G images @ 0.077s exp

3500 X R images @ 0.051s exp

Best 20% of frames stacked, 3 mins total per channel.

Takahashi TOA-130NS @F13 Prime Focus

ASI120MM camera + B,G,R filters

NEQ6 pro mount

Seeing excellent, tried shorter exposure this time. Overall as per before, the shadow of the planet on the ring has moved across slightly as Saturn moves to opposition soon. Is there a tiny dark spot just to the left of the meridian in the north tropical region?

May 6th 2016

11:58 UTC

Bungendore NSW

3100 X B images @ 0.077s exp

3400 X G images @ 0.070s exp

4800 X R images @ 0.050s exp

Best 20% of frames stacked, 4 mins total per channel.

Takahashi TOA-130NS @F13 Prime Focus

ASI120MM camera + B,G,R filters

NEQ6 pro mount

Seeing good to excellent. Multiple subtle bands visible. The Cassini Division goes all the way around, Saturn itself can be seen through the Division where it passes in front. the Shadow of Saturn cast onto its rings is very close to the northern edge of the planet and intersects the Cassini Division.