
September 13th 2014

08:27 UTC

Bungendore NSW

11000 X L images @ 0.014s exp

3400 X B images @ 0.017s exp

6900 X G images @ 0.010s exp

8700 X R images @ 0.007s exp

Best 1% of frames stacked, 1 mins total per channel.

Takahashi TOA-130NS @F40 Eyepiece Projection

ASI120MM camera + L,B,G,R filters

NEQ6 pro mount

Mercury close to half phase, it came out a brownish colour. Mercury was tiny and close to the Sun, the best 1% of frames used. There is a bright path in the centre as well as on the sunward limb. Simulated images have these same surface markings visible.