Eleanor & Park discussion questions

Park is a minority in his community and high school. Why do you feel he is so accepted by the popular kids at school?

What makes Park start to notice Eleanor on the bus?

How did Park and Eleanor eventually fall in love? What do you find unusual about this teenage romance?

Who was your favorite character and why?

Did you have an “Eleanor” or “Park” in your school growing up? Were you friends with them or did you observe them from afar?

Park’s family was not very convinced that the relationship he had with Eleanor was a good one, why? When did they accept Eleanor?

Why do you feel that no parent or teacher questioned Eleanor’s living conditions? Do you think that realistic?

The novel abruptly ends. What do you think was on the postcard?

Rainbow Rowell fan’s have asked for her to write a sequel to Eleanor and Park. If you could help her what would you like to see happen to their lives?

1. Eleanor says she and Park are too young for true love. Do you believe that? Do you think Eleanor believes that?

2. How do Eleanor and Park's parents shape their outlook on relationships and the future?

3. Is Eleanor's mother a good mother? Why does she stay with Richie?

4. Why does Park's mother change her mind about Eleanor?

5. How is Park's relationship with his mother different from his relationship with his father? Who sees Park more clearly, his father or his mother?

6. Why is Park embarrassed by Eleanor? Is his embarrassment a betrayal?

7. Steve says that he's Park's friend—is he a true friend? Are Steve and Tina good guys or bad guys in the story? Do you think Eleanor and Tina could ever be friends?

8. How would Eleanor and Park's relationship be different in 2013? How would cell phones, digital music, and Internet access change their situation?

9. What is the importance of music in Park's life? And how is it different for Eleanor?

10. Was Eleanor right to run away? Should she have left her brothers and sister behind? Was there more she could have done to help them?

Who is Eleanor? How are we introduced to Eleanor? What are the first things we learn about her? What does this establish about the book, as well as about Eleanor herself? How does she see herself?

Who is Park? How are we introduced to Park? What do we learn about him? How is Park similar to Eleanor? How is he different?

Who is the narrator in this story? Whose perspective does the story follow? How does the semi-omniscient narrator jump between Eleanor's and Park's perspectives? How does this jumping in perspectives help us to connect with each character, as well as their relationship?

What brings Eleanor and Park together? How do they compliment each other? How do they challenge each other? What challenges do they face, collectively?

Who are the other major characters in this novel? Who is Richie? What is Eleanor's family like? What is Park's family like? What other kids do we meet at Eleanor's school? Do any of these characters change by the end of the novel? How so?

In your own words, how would you describe the plot of Eleanor & Park? What is this novel about? How does the novel end? Why does it end this way? What conflict is resolved? What is left unresolved? What do you think were the three words in Eleanor's postcard? Why do you think that? Why doesn't the author tell us?

In your opinion, what are the major themes in Eleanor & Park? How are those themes established? What impact do they have on the plot? Where do we see them throughout the story?

If this book had a thesis, what would it be? Why do you think that? Where is that thesis most evident in the story? Where is the point of the novel most clearly established?

The theme of escape is central to the story. Who is this book is trying to escape from something? Why are they trying to escape? Are they successful? Why or why not? How does the theme of escape create conflict or tension? How does it create resolution?

What is the role of abuse in this story? Where do we see abuse? What kinds of abuse do we see? How does this connect to the themes of bullying? How does this connect to the themes of escape? How do people in this story deal with various forms of abuse? Do they deal with it? What does this book say about the importance of relationships in dealing with situations like this? What role do healthy relationships play in this book? What role do they play in our own lives?