I Am Malala discussion questions

1) Malala is known for her passion for education and women's rights. How does her passion for education shape her life? How has her story impacted your life and changed how you look at things? Do you have a particular cause that you care about deeply? Discuss.

2) Malala witnesses her immediate surroundings change dramatically within a short time period. Describe the changes to both Pakistan and Swat throughout I AM MALALA. How does Malala experience and respond to these changes? How is Malala's character influenced and shaped by her surroundings?

3) Malala says that her father "believed that lack of education was the root of all of Pakistan's problems". Does education cure all problems? How does it make life different/better? What doesn't education do? How do you relate these ideas to your own education?

4) Do you agree with Malala's assertion that "the pen and the words that come from it can be much more powerful than machine guns, tanks, and helicopters"? If yes, what examples or situations can you think of in your own life or in American culture, where this is true? If no, why and/or when is military force a better option than subversive activism?

5) How does Malala's family see possibility when others see danger? Discuss how Malala becomes "immune to fear."

6) Malala became an activist when she was very young. Discuss how you felt while reading about her experience.

7) Where did Malala find her courage and inspiration?

8) Malala and her father have a very unique and close relationship. Think of someone in your life who has been a mentor. How did they inspire you?

9) Discuss Malala’s relationship with her mother. What influence does she have on Malala? In what ways does Malala’s relationship with her mother compare/contrast with her relationship with her father?

10) Have you dealt with a traumatic or life changing experience? How did you react in the aftermath of that incident?

11) Malala witnesses her immediate surroundings change dramatically within a short time period. Describe the changes to both Pakistan and Swat throughout I AM MALALA. How does Malala experience and respond to these changes? How is Malala’s character influenced and shaped by her surroundings?

12) Throughout the book, Malala describes her desire to return home to Swat valley. Discuss how Malala’s relationship with Swat is complicated even further by her role as an activist. Do you think Malala will return to Pakistan and Swat? Discuss.

13) Malala demonstrates an overwhelming sense of courage in the face of adversity. Discuss how Malala reacts to the challenges she faces, as well as the challenges to Swat and Pakistan. How do her peers react? What gives them strength?

14) Malala’s family now lives in Birmingham, England. Have you ever been uprooted in your life? What happened and how did you adapt? How did that experience shape your worldview?