Secret life of trees discussion questions

Book Club-The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate by Peter Wohlleben

1. Did you find the author’s anthropomorphic description of trees helpful, memorable, irritating or otherwise?

2. Were you convinced by his credentials and the research he cited?

3. Do trees talk?

4. Do they look after one another - even competitors? If so, why?

5. What were the bits of the book that informed and delighted you?

6. Is the author’s viewpoint unique or did he simply confirm information you knew already?

7. Why do trees often look sickly before they reproduce? Are they sick?

8. How does it benefit young trees to be held back from growing quickly? Or to face dry shady conditions?

9. How is the sap used to make maple syrup pumped up the tree so quickly?

10. Why do beech trees have smooth bark and pines rough bark?

11. What happens to trees before and after they die?

12. Were you convinced that the roots of a tree are it’s brain?

13. Do you have a favourite tree or species of tree?

14. The author’s examples come from Germany. Did you have any difficulty relating his theories to Australian trees?