Below are the slides for 2 August 2016

The tile is: MBA Redone MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS NQF 9 etc.

Here are the slides used in the class held on 12 January 2013 - click on the files below.

The one is on how prices are formed in an unfettered market - click here

The other set is on inflation that we have not really dealt with yet, it is titled "Economics"

At the first MBA tutorial we looked at the following sets:

Economics - overview

Here is another introductory set - Introduction 22 Jan (also below)

The next set - which is key to the understanding of Microeconomics - the quantity level at which a firm should produce under perfectly competitive market conditions at various price levels. Take particular note of "normal profit points", "economic profit areas" and the "shut-down points" and why in the long term only normal profits will be possible, also be clear about the "equilibrium point". 4x Presentation Market structures - perfect competition

Then we also looked at some other areas relating to the assignment. Here they are - Economic Policy Framework Not all the slides were discussed in class, so I will be developing some notes that will help you identifying some of the issues that you need to address in the assignment.

Also visit the handout sites on the left of this widow. They all cover topics related to the MANCOSA economics curriculum.

Also look at - particularly in relation to completing the assignment.

For the slides on 16 February - go here