Savvas enVision Mathematics

WDHS use the Savvas (formerly Pearson) enVision curriculum resource for our Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry classes.

Teachers will help student access these materials the first days of the school year. The process will be similar to what was used in WDMS.

In addition to an online interactive textbook, this resource offers lesson practice with immediate feedback and remediation as well as online assessments. Each student will be issued a paper copy of the student companion, a workbook for the class, to be used throughout the school year. A workbook/student companion will be assigned to each student for the duration of the school year. If one of these is lost or needs to be replaced before the end of the year, there will be a $27 fee that must be paid before a replacement can be given.

Thank you for your attention to this matter as we begin using this exciting new resource!