2. Wheaton Zotero Style

Several in the Wheaton PhD community are maintaining a Wheaton-specific Zotero style based on the Chicago Manual of Style style. This page introduces this and keeps a record of changes made to the style.

Installation Instructions

To install it, navigate in Firefox to http://www.zotero.org/styles and scroll down to Wheaton College PhD BITH and click on [Install].

How To Apply the Wheaton Style to Your Document

If you are using Word you need to create a new Word document, choose the Wheaton style for your citation style, and then paste content from an older paper/chapter into the new file and save it.

OpenOffice users can just change the style by clicking on the Set Document Preferences button on the Zotero toolbar.

The name of the style is Wheaton College PhD BITH.

Does the Zotero Style Conform to the Style Guide?

Check out the attachment below for a detailed test of the Wheaton Zotero style against the 2010 style guide.

Features (Newer Features Appear First)

    • Books with volume numbers now show the volume number correctly. See the Paul Tillich example in the style guide. (D. Owens, 8/24/2011)
    • Encyclopedia articles are now supported, though edition information does not yet appear. (D. Owens, 5/23/2011)
    • Dictionary entries are now supported, so articles from TDOT, TDNT, and NIDOTTE should be correct except in the case of date ranges. (D. Owens, 5/19/2011)
    • Fixed first references to a book with a volume number and a page reference so that the volume number appears just before a colon and the page number, not before the publisher information. If the whole book is cited the volume number still appears before the publisher information. Let me know if you have any problems as a result of this change. (D. Owens, 3/25/2011)
    • Changed the style to use journal abbreviations in notes and full journal titles in bibliography. (D. Owens, 1/26/2011)
    • Conference Papers are now supported. (D. Owens, 7/16/2010)
    • The name of the style has been changed to Wheaton College PhD BITH. The id has also been changed, so if you install this you will need to delete the old style and then in the Document Preferences dialog in Word or OpenOffice select the new style the next time you refresh the bibliography. I did this in advance of uploading it to the Zotero styles respository. (D. Owens, 5/7/2010)
    • Volume and issue numbers are now separated by a colon rather than a period. (D. Owens, 5/7/2010)
    • Most source types (especially books, articles, book sections) do not automatically include the URL, which is nice if you get citations from EBSCOHost or Google Scholar. (D. Owens, 3/22/2010).
    • The final period is disabled for automatic citations. This makes life easier when creating content citations. Insert a footnote in your document and then insert the citation inside the footnote. (M. Patton, 3/11/2010)

Future Plans

Anyone willing to work out how to modify Zotero style definitions is welcome to contribute to this. If you are interested in changing the style or think there is something that needs to be changed, send an email to this group.