D-Star QuadNet

Quadnet Intro

Who/What is Quadnet?

We are a routing network that doesn't require a CLUB CALL signs and have no registrations. Just point your gateway

to one of the QuadNet servers listed on this website or the link page in the drop down box in the

ircddbgateway software design by Johnathan Naylor G4KLX of the UK.

Quadnet's philosophy:

We contend that your FCC license or the country you are from that requires Amateur Radio licenses are enough to

operate on the QuadNet2 USA IRC Network. We do not require a special club or repeater callsign for use on the network.

As long as the callsign is valid and being legally used we fully support the use of dongles, hotspots, repeaters (both homebrew and ICOM)

on the quadnet network.

Routing with ircDDB:

Routing is another part of your powerful gateway that is not used but can be a great asset to your gateway communications.

There are several ways to route. Call Sign route is a one to one route, Zone route or repeater route is when one route to

a specific repeater and talk to those on that repeater, and Group Routing is where one of many can route into a routing

sever to talk to that group. This maybe understood for those who link to reflectors, Instead of linking you can route to

log into a group where all can talk and listen like is done on a reflector. You can call this a routing reflector. With

group routing you have what's called the follow me feature. No DNS or Host files is needed. In other words you can route

into module C repeater and pick up communication on module B repeater in that area or other areas that has the QuadNet

Servers. The group routing server that is now in use is called QNET20 C. To use this group routing sever you must have

your gateway logged into the QuadNet IRC Open Network. Next you need to place "QNET20 C" in your UR field in your d-star

radio. Press the PTT once and watch the display on your radio for the login text. If you can't watch for the login text

listen for the transmission end beep. Once logged in you can now talk to the QNET20 GROUP SERVER. Once you are finish with

your transmissions you can log off by replacing "QNET20 C" with "QNET20 Z", the "Z" is use for LOG OFF. Also, QNET20 has a

total of 3 channels. B, C and D. There log off codes are T, Z and O on those corresponding channels.

Supported devices:

ICOM D-STAR Repeater stacks

Homebrew D-STAR Repeaters



dvrptr v1-3

DV Mega: http://www.dvmega.auria.nl/

Raspberry PI / BBB / Banna PI images from:

Adrian VK4TUX vk4tux@bigpond.com

Western D-STAR http://www.westerndstar.co.uk/

DL5DI's prebuilt repeater/gateway packages for ARMHF or I386 https://github.com/dl5di/OpenDV

Jonathan's software G4KLX via the yahoo groups:



QuadNet Help:

The QuadNet2 USA IRC Network Group also offer help with your gateway setup or help with troubleshooting when problems occur.

If you like, you can join in on our Teamspeak server or talk to us directly in the irc channel for support.

Teamspeak server (No password, just use your callsign - Name to log in):


Teamspeak's client version 3 can be downloaded here: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads

IRC Server:

rr.openquadnet port 9007

join the #support channel to talk to an admin.

We prefer the Hexchat opensource IRC client which can be downloaded here: http://hexchat.github.io/downloads.html

Support Email:


QuadNet website admin is Don W9DRR (w9drr at arrl.net)

73 and have fun with D-STAR!

StarNet Bridges STN757 A and STN738 A Notice :

Hello to the group,

The StarNet Bridges STN757 A and STN738 A are now in full operational mode. You can now log in by using your UR field in your radio, place STN757 A to log in and/or place STN757 T to log out.. The same with STN738 A.

The inactivity timer is set for 30minutes on Group 1 & 2 ircDDB side. For those on the group 1&2 side please let me know if I need to increase the inactivity timer for longer listening periods.

You can use the XRF757 dash board page to see who's coming across the StarNet Bridges. The url is http://irc-1.openquad.net/status.html.

Also, welcome XRF420 which is linked into XRF757 C and makes up the completion of the QuadNet HuB. You can connect to XRF707 C, XRF757 C, XRF420 C and/or WAQNET C, or QNET20 C. The QuadNet Hub is where we can meet and greet new comers or anyone who needs help or just group talk information we can provide to our self or anyone.

In all hoping to start nets or just chatter talk on the StarNet Bridge A, StarNet Bridge B can be use for anything .

Anyway, The main thing know the QuadNet TEAM is ready and practicing for public welfare with emergency communications. 73

Will / W4WWM

QuadNet USA TEAM Jan 1, 2015

Christmas Net from the QuadNet Notice :

Hello to the group,

There will be a after Christmas Net from the QuadNet. We will be hosting the communications to talk from QuadNet to ircDDB Group 1&2 by using what we call a StarNet Bridge. This will be the first test Bridge the QuadNet team has built and already knows of it's workings. We would like to introduce to all Dstar Hams who may have ham buddies on the other network that there are now additional ways to talk across the networks. This is not new technology, it's just something that the amateur community should know is out there for use.

For those on either of the networks, QuadNet2 or ircDDB Group 1&2, check in on the After Christmas Net by setting your UR field to "STN757 A", click the PTT once or maybe twice to log you into the StarNet Bridge World Talk Group. To log out, place in the UR field "STN757 T" and click the PTT as described above.

We are looking for check ins to the net control station and let it be known of what network you are communicating from. Provide your call sign, location and name. Once you make check in you will be acknowledged for a short comment. We will try and get as many as we can to check in and talk about the StarNet Bridge or any other comments you may have, but please keep it short. We are hoping to run the After Christmas Net as long as check in continue. We will start another Net for After the New Year. Remember, this is a test net and we are checking and making improvement as we go.

Start time for the After Christmas test Net is right now! UTC 8:40pm. Check in at will, Net Control standing by.

If you have any question or suggestion after ther net you can e-mail the admins of the QuadNet at admins@...


Will / W4WWM, Dec 26, 2014

Server List

posted by qn-admin on Sun, 11/09/2014 - 05:16

Please use our round robbin name for your server.


Username is your repeater callsign, and password is left blank.

Example /etc/ircddbgateway:


ircddbUsername= your-call


If your callsign starts with a number put the letter r in front so it would look like this for the call 2e0zzz

Example /etc/ircddbgateway:


ircddbUsername= r2e0zzz


Main Quadnet Server is in Atlanta Hosted by Will - W4WWM

Miami Server is Hosted by Will - W4WWM

Dallas Server is Hosted by Gary - K7EK

Chicago Server is Hosted by Don - W9DRR

Seattle Server is Hosted by Don - W9DRR

QuadNet Atlanta Dashboard

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QuadNet Live

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