Faculty Mentoring Workshops

Strong History of Mentorship. The 32 CBI faculty have a strong record of graduate student mentorship. The 32 faculty in the program have graduated 138 Ph.D. students in the last 10 years, with 133 currently working in research-related careers. Currently, the CBI faculty are mentoring 144 Ph.D. students. In addition, CBI faculty mentor postdoctoral associates, which further enhances the training environment for CBI students. A number of faculty have successfully trained students who obtained fellowships (e.g., NIH F30 and F31). The mentors bring specialized research skill sets and unique opportunities for co-mentoring CBI trainees.

Enhancing Mentor Capacity. The CBI program holds annual workshops that focus on various mentoring topics, such as preparing mentoring statements, aligning mentor/mentee expectations, maintaining effective communication, and bi-directional mentoring. These workshops emphasize critical issues for effective mentorship, such as timely graduation, skills development, and advising for careers consistent with the students' interest. The CBI program organizes mock grant review panels for faculty coming up for grant renewal or seeking new funding; sustained grant support is essential for successful student training.

Here are some examples of mentoring statements that were developed during our workshop:


