Hardware Overview

Marine BlackBox Hardware Overview

Arduino - Based Inertial Measurement Units

The Arduino based IMU was housed in a small lock-and-lock container. It consisted of an Arduino microcontroller, a bluetooth shield from communication, and an IMU shield for accelerometer and gyroscope data. This was then powered by a small 5v Energizer battery pack. These were then placed inside a larger lock-and-lock container.

Android Master Unit

The Android Master was composed of an Android program installed in a Samsung S3 smartphone.

Buoy Model Hardware Overview

Similar to the Marine BlackBox Model described above, the buoy model contains an Arduino microcontroller, a bluetooth shield, and an IMU shield. Additional shields were also added: a microSD shield and a Xbee communication shield. This unit is also powered by a small 5v Energizer battery pack. The buoy model also includes an Android phone inside the lock-and-lock container for direct data gathering and processing.

The lock-and-lock container was then placed in a larger lock-and-lock container with a balancing weight centered on the bottom for stable floating.

The Demo Unit

A demo unit was also built for the demonstration of the Android program. It consists of the same Arduino microcontroller, an IMU shield and a bluetooth shield for communication. These were all powered by the same 5v Energizer battery pack.

Battery Power

All small hardware were powered by 5v Energizer battery packs. However, there is an option to use a 12V motorcycle battery with 5V USB inverters. This will be more practical for long term use of the Marine BlackBox system. It will be able to power the Arduino based systems as well as charge the Android phone.


All devices where securely placed in properly sized Lock-and-Lock containers. They were then placed in larger Lock-and-Lock type plastic containers and further wrapped with plastic food wrap to secure a waterproof container.