Chief Researcher (教員・研究者, 1)
YOSHIMURA Chihiro (吉村 千洋)
called Yoshi
Professor (Dr, 教授)
Research field: Water Quality Management, Biogeochemistry, Aquatic Ecology
Favorite scientist: Albert Einstein, Yamanaka Shinya
Email: yoshimura.c.aa [at]
Researcher(研究員, 3)
RANADE Ajinkya Kishor
called Ajji
JSPS Research Fellow
Expert in: Nano Materials and Photocatalytic Biodegradation
Favorite scientist: Shuji Nakamura
Email: ranade.a.aa [at]
called Diego
JSPS Research Fellow
Expert in: Chemical Engineering and Photocatalytic Water Treatment
Favorite scientist: S. Ramon y Cajal
Email: rodriguez.d.aa [at]
called Dhimas
JSPS Research Fellow
Expert in: Environmental Engineering
Favorite scientist: Al-Khwarizmi
Email: dwinandha.d.aa [at]
Technical Assistant (技術支援員, 1)
MIYAMOTO Manami (宮本 真奈美)
called Miyamoto-san
Home town: Tokyo, Japan
Favorite food: Pasta
Hobby: playing badminton
Office Assistant(事務支援員, 1)
NAMBA Yumi (難波 由美)
called Namba-san
Home town: Tokyo, Japan
Favorite food: Anything edible
Hobby: Playing tennis
Student in Doctoral Course (学生-博士課程, 4)
called Guo
Home town: Xiaogan, China
Favorite food: Kebab, Sushi
Favorite scientist: Nikola Tesla
HATANO Yuta(波多野 雄大)
called Hatano
Home town: Nagoya, Japan
Favorite food: Hitsumabushi
Favorite scientist: Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch
called Emma
Home town: Zhejiang, China
Favorite food: Steamed pork belly with preserved greens
Favorite scientist: Jianxiong Wu
called Ye
Home town: Chongqing, China
Favorite food: Hot pot
Favorite scientist: Stephan William Hawking
Student in Master Course (学生-修士課程, 8)
BA Usei(馬 雨晴)
called Ba
Home town: Shenyang, China
Favorite food: Crab
Favorite scientist: Stephen Hawking
SHIBAYAMA Ririka(柴山 莉里花)
called Ririka
Home town: Kanagawa, Japan
Favorite food: Cheese
Favorite scientist: Archimedes
Laura Valentina MACHICADO Quiroga
called Laura
Home town: Bolivia
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite scientist: Marie Curie
called Vichea
Home town: Takeo, Cambodia
Favorite food: Khmer noodle
Favorite scientist: Albert Einstein
SU Rui
called Rui
Home town: Hainan, China
Favorite food: Hot pot
Favorite scientist: Johannes Kepler
HAYASHI Yuto(林 優斗)
called Yuto
Home town: Tokyo, Japan
Favorite food: Soba (noodle)
Favorite scientist: Chihiro Yoshimura
Muhammad Hassnain JAFFAR
called Hassnain
Home town: Attock, Pakistan
Favorite food: Biryani
Favorite scientist: Albert Einstein
TIAN Peizhi
called Peizhi (or Page)
Home town: Qingdao, China
Favorite food: Dumpling
Favorite scientist: Saint-Venant
Undergraduate Student (学生-学部, 2)
NOGUCHI Yuno(野口 弓乃)
called Yuno
Home town: Saitama, Japan
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite scientist: Daniel Bernoulli
MIYAMARU Osuke(宮丸 旺介)
called Ouchan (Exchange student from Imperial College London)
Home town: Tokyo, Japan
Favorite food: Udon, Dumpling, and Kebab
Favorite scientist: Alexandar Fleming
Research Student / Trainee(研究生/研修員, 0)
Member / Research topics / Publication / Consultation / Application (student, PD) / Location / Forms / Photos
メンバー / 研究テーマ / 発表論文 / 相談 / 募集(学生、研究員、共同・受託研究) / アクセス / 書類 / 活動風景
Alumni (卒業生や異動したスタッフ, 118)
1. 2009 Kazuko SATO (佐藤 かずこ, Secretary)
2. 2009-10 IKEDA Rie (池田 理恵, Secretary)
3. 2009-10 TAMURA Keita (田村 慶太, Master Degree)
4. 2009-10 MATSUO Yosuke (松尾 陽介, Master Degree)
5. 2010 FURUSAWA Hirotaka (古澤 広隆, Technical Assistant)
6. 2010-11 Panu Johannes JUNTUNEN (Exchange Student from Finland at the Level of Bachelor Program)
7. 2009-11 ITO Jun (伊藤 潤, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
8. 2009-11 OTANI Erika (大谷 絵利佳, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
9. 2010-11 OGATA Tetsuya (尾形 徹哉, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
10. 2011 IWASAKI Akito (岩崎 明希人, Bachelor Degree)
11. 2012 Amr Elsayed Abd Elhatah FLEIFLE (Exchange Student from Egypt at the Level of PhD Program)
12. 2010-12 IMAOKA Akira (今岡 亮, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
13. 2010-12 MASUYAMA Takaaki (増山 貴明, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
14. 2011-12 YAMANAKA Chikako (山中 千賀子, Master Degree)
15. 2012 Muhammad Aqeel ASHRAF (Post Doctoral Fellow)
16. 2012-13 Lauri T. Oja (Exchange Student from Finland at the Level of Master Program)
17. 2012-13 Pekka A. IKONEN (Exchange Student from Finland at the Level of Bachelor Program)
18. 2013 Hoon CHO (Exchange Student from Korea at the Level of Bachelor Program)
19. 2010-14 IWASAKI Yuichi (岩崎 雄一, Researcher)
20. 2011-14 TANUMA Kazuki (田沼 一輝, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
21. 2012-14 OKADA Shiena (岡田 紫恵奈, Master Degree)
22. 2012-14 HIRANO Kazunari (平野 一成, Master Degree)
23. 2014 FUJII Ayako (藤井 彩子, Researcher)
24. 2011-14 SUI Pengzhe (隋 鵬哲, Researcher)
25. 2011-14 TERAO Koumei (寺尾 晃明, Bachelor & Master Degree, Technical Assistant)
26. 2010-14 RYO Masahiro (梁 政寛, Bachelor, Master & PhD Degrees)
27. 2012-14 GOMAIBASHI Ryosuke (五枚橋 遼介, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
28. 2012-14 IKEDA Akira (池田 朗, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
29. 2013-14 SAKAZUME Rie (坂爪 里英, Master Degree)
30. 2013-14 TAKIDO Kentaro (瀧戸 健太郎, Bachelor Degree)
31. 2015 MATSCHNOW Swetlana (Exchange Student from Germany at the level of Master Program)
32. 2011-15 RAN Jiwei (Master Degree)
33. 2014-15 TAKEGAWA Shinya (武川 晋也, Bachelar Degree)
34. 2010-15 Oliver C. SAAVEDRA V. (Associate Professor)
35. 2012-15 SUIF Zuliziana (Doctoral Degree)
36. 2015 Ayman Khalifa Allam EL-KHELALY (Exchange Student from Egypt at the Level of PhD Program)
37. 2011-15 LE QUYNH Nga (Master and PhD Degrees, Researcher)
38. 2015 LIU Yuhe (Joy, Exchange Student from Canada at the level of Bachelor Program)
39. 2014-16 KIKUCHI Tetsuro (菊地 哲郎, Researcher)
40. 2010-16 RYO Masahiro (梁 政寛, Bachelor, Master, & PhD Degrees, Post Doctoral Fellow)
41. 2013-16 ICHIKAWA Yasuhiro (市川 靖裕, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
42. 2014-16 YAMANAKA Rieko (山中 理恵子, Secretary)
43. 2016 LAPSONGPON Teetawat (Bank, Exchange Student from Thailand at the Level of Master Program)
44. 2016 Astri Diani Nur MUFLIHAH (Exchange Student from Indonesia at the Level of Bachelor Program)
45. 2016 Mohamed Galal Awad ELTARABILY (Exchange Student from Egypt at the Level of PhD Program)
46. 2016 Ahmed Mohammed Nazem Elsayed ELREEDY (Exchange Student from Egypt at the Level of PhD Program)
47. 2016 OTANI Erika (大谷 絵利佳, Technical Assistant)
48. 2014-16 LEE Ying Ping (PhD Degree)
49. 2013-16 MATSUMAE Hiroki (松前大樹, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
50. 2014-16 LI Shuangshuang (李双双, Master Degree)
51. 2017 Bryan ONG (Exchange Student from Singapore at the Level of Bachelor Program)
52. 2016-17 YANG Heejun(梁熙俊, Researcher)
53. 2012-17 Mohamed Ateia IBRAHIM (Master & PhD Degrees)
54. 2015-17 Andi Ulya Witsqa CHAIRAN (Master Degree)
55. 2015-18 NATSUIKE Masafumi (夏池真史, Postdoc Researcher)
56. 2014-18 YAMAZAKI Masaki (山崎雅貴, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
57. 2014-18 KATAOKA Taiga (片岡大河, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
58. 2015-18 ENDO Yuta (遠藤雄大, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
59. 2015-18 ONO Keisuke (大野啓介, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
60. 2018 SHIROYA Masaki (白谷将基, Bachelor Degree)
61. 2018 Sherif ISMAIL (Exchange Student from Egypt at the Level of PhD Program)
62. 2018 Daniel CHANG (Exchange Student from USA at the Level of Bachelor Program)
63. 2018 Alaa WAZERI (Exchange Student from Egypt at the Level of PhD Program)
64. 2015-18 SIEV Sokly (PhD degree & Postdoc)
65. 2014-18 SHIROYAMA Risa (城山 理沙, PhD degree)
66. 2018-20 Mohamed M. ELSAMADONY (Researcher)
67. 2017-19 Ayman Khalifa Allam ELKHELALY (Researcher)
68. 2018 SORWISES Pawittra (Exchange Student from Thailand at the Level of Bachelor Program)
69. 2019 VA Vandith (Exchange Student from Indonesia at the Level of PhD Program)
70. 2019 Siyao CHEN (Exchange Student from Australia at the Level of Master Program)
71. 2015-19 Mark APOLEGA (Master Program)
72. 2016-19 SHIMIZU Yuta (清水悠太, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
73. 2016-19 NASUKAWA Kohei (那須川康平, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
74. 2017-19 SHODA Sayako (正田紗和子, Master Degree)
75. 2017-19 TATSUMI Miki (辰巳美紀, Technical Assistant)
76. 2018-19 Manal Abdel Mohsen Mostafa ALI (Exchange Student from Egypt at the Level of PhD Program)
77. 2013-19 Kornravee SAIPETCH (Master & PhD Degrees)
78. 2019 Salika THILAKARATHNE (Exchange Student from Sri Lanka at the Level of Master Program)
79. 2019 LEE Ying Ping (Researcher)
80. 2019 Naira MEKY (Exchange Student from Egypt at the Level of PhD Program)
81. 2016-19 Dion AWFA (PhD degree)
82. 2018-20 Ahmed Mohammed Nazem Elsayed ELREEDY (Researcher)
83. 2019-20 CHAN Rathaborey (Exchange Student from Thailand at the Level of PhD Program)
84. 2020 David Francis MENDOZA (Trainee in JICA program, Innovative Asia)
85. 2020 Saret BUM (Trainee in JICA program, Innovative Asia)
86. 2016-20 WADA Mitsuo (和田光央, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
87. 2017-20 NAKATANI Kota (中谷鴻太, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
88. 2017-20 SATO Michitaka (佐藤路鷹, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
89. 2017-20 HASHIMOTO Kana (橋本佳奈, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
90. 2010-20 FUJII Manabu (藤井学, Assistant Professor & Project Associate Professor)
91. 2018-20 Qing-Long FU (Researcher)
92. 2019-20 Mohamed Gar ALALM (Researcher)
93. 2017-20 TAKAHASHI Kaori(高橋香, Technical Assistant)
94. 2018-20 WEI Wang (PhD Student)
95. 2018-20 SHAN Qiquang (Master Student)
96. 2018-20 Dhimas DWINANDHA (Master Student)
97. 2018-20 Adachi Keigo(安達 慶悟, Bachelor Degree & Master Student)
98. 2019-20 HAMANO Shinji(浜野 慎士, Master Student)
99. 2018-20 OCHIAI Shogo(落合翔梧, Bachelor Degree)
100. 2017-20 HEU Rina (PhD Degree)
101. 2017-21 Rajendra KHANAL (Researcher)
102. 2018-21 HATAKEYAMA Takayuki(畠山 貴之, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
103. 2016-21 WANG Manna (Master & PhD degrees)
104. 2019-21 OGAWA Ryohei (小川遼平, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
105. 2020-21 Luthfia Shofi ALBI (Master Degree)
106. 2010-21 ANDO Kimiko (安藤貴美子, Secretary)
107. 2015-22 UK Sovannara (Master & PhD Degrees)
108. 2019-22 Attajaree SMATA (PhD Degree)
109. 2019-22 Vouchlay THENG (Research student & PhD Degree)
110. 2018-22 JIN XinKai (Master Degree & PhD Student)
111. 2020-22 Jorge Garcia HERNANDEZ (Master Degree)
112. 2022 Mahmoud Monir MANSOUR (Exchange Student from Egypt at the Level of PhD Program)
113. 2018-22 LI Cui (Master Degree & PhD Student)
114. 2020-22 CHIYO Shiyosen (Bachelor & Master Degrees)
115. 2020-22 NAGATA Suguru (永田英, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
116. 2023 Vinoj Chamilka LIYANAARACHCHI (Exchange Student from Sri Lanka at the Level of PhD Program)
117. 2021-23 Kirana NADHILA (Master Degree)
118. 2019-23 LY Sophanna (PhD Degree)
119. 2021-23 MIYAWAKI Yamato (宮脇大和, Bachelor & Master Degrees)
120. 2022-23 UEHARA Maika (上原麻衣花, Master Degree)
121. 2020-24 GUO Zhongyu (PhD Degree & Postdoc Researcher)
122. 2023-24 TSUCHIYA Shotaro (土屋 翔太郎, Bachelar Degree)
123. 2016-24 KODIKARA Dilini (Master Degree & PhD program)
124. 2019-24 Ahmed Adel ABDELHAMID SAAD (Master & PhD Degrees)
125. 2019-24 KAING Vinhteang (Master Degree & PhD program)
Entrance / Member / Research topics / Publication / Consultation / Application (student, PD) / Location / Forms / Photos
トップ / メンバー / 研究テーマ / 発表論文 / 相談 / 募集(学生、研究員、共同・受託研究) / アクセス / 書類 / 活動風景